Inim Alarm

I can finally stop manually updating the tokens :smile:
For the concerns on the rate of the refresh I can say that have been calling the api every 5 seconds for the last 2 years with no problems!

I’m working on a bridge.
At the moment works for the sensors only, I need to clean a lot of things and lacks the alarm component in mqtt (working on it).

Not the best integration out there, but if someone is willing to help maybe it could become something.

Question for @Jan_Willem_Maas and who resets its Smartlan/G regularly: after many months did you have some issue by using this method or everything works fine? Usually the Smartlan/g is stacked on the main board’s alarm, how did you do the connection and wiring to interrupt the power supply?

I have used it like this since 2014, so I think safe to conclude that there are no issues.
In the instructions it says to supply power to the LAN/G board by connecting a jumper between the two pins on the LAN/G board in location C. Rather than installing a jumper I have installed two wires on the two terminals which connect to two relays in series in Normally Closed and Common positions. One relay is operated by sending an SMS to the alarm system (it is an internal relay on the INIM board). The other relay is external and operated by IP by Home Assistant and disconnects the card every 24 hours.

If your set up is different, just find and interrupt the powersupply to the card and route it to a relay. The external relay is powered by the Inim power supply.

Thanks for your scheme and information.
Mine smartlan/g, anyway, is different. I don’t have any external connection to trigger to switch off the board

I think the only way would be to directly disconnect the power line from the rs232 interface in some way (through an interface board I.e.)

I have another question for @Jan_Willem_Maas, @Stewie3112 and in general who use local communication with SmartLan/G.
I can communicate with SmartLiving Program and with AlienMobile App, but in both cases I don’t see any HTTP POST communication, only TCP. If I access with a browser the web server at <IP_ADDRESS:80> I see the standard webpage but when I press the button “Login” nothing happens. Have you ever faced something like this?

And another question: what port do you use for HTTP request? The Server port (80) or the communication port (5004 in my case, 5050 in Jan_Willem_Maas’s case ?)

Hi Andrea, try using another browser like Chrome or Safari. Sometimes this fixes the problem.
I have written up all my knowledge, so cannot help you with the port issue. My approach is usually developing some logic and then trial and error.

Thanks anyway Jan Willem, I solved my issues, I let here a couple of notes if someone else with face the same:

  1. The web interface is visible only with the old browser, the easiest is to run edge in explorer mode.
  2. My password contain a “!” and all my trials failed for that.

Hello guys, nobody tried to sniff the RS485 bus?

Perhaps this could be a profitable technique. I’ve just finished to setup my Samsung ac in this way GitHub - lanwin/esphome_samsung_ac: Provides an ESPHome component for Samsung air conditioners. It allows you to watch and control your devices via a home automation system. And is designed to be attached to the F1,F2 communication bus between the devices.

@jan_willem_maas ik heb viertal Inim brandcentrales van MKB-units 200m2 groot die allen op VLAN zitten. ik had graag in geval van een brandalarm een melding gekregen van welke unit (en eventueel welke detector). Is dit volgens jou mogelijk als ik in elk smartlap G kaart installeer en is dit behapbaar of zeer complex?

Ik weet niets van de brandcentrales van INIM. Deze zullen ongetwijfeld niet veel verschillen van de alarmcentrales. Het concept is hetzelfde. Alleen andere sensoren.
Maar ik heb er geen ervaring mee, dus ik kan je geen comfort bieden.

Also a PrimeLAN user.
Got the API working fine through the browser and got some rather simple calls visible in HA too.

Like this magnetic door sensor:

I don’t get any more sophisticated items listed in HA, but working on it.
I just need to get those value_templates configured correctly which is something completely new to me

Hi guys, this is a long thread. I’ve just bought an inim alarm. Are there any working integrations with home assistant today?