Initial Setup Home Assistant Green - Troubleshoot PLEASE HELP!

Hello All - I just purchased a brand new Home Assistant Green. Everything I have read about HA is what I have been looking for. An all in one solution for all of my smart home devices.

I unboxed and connected my HA Green to my COX Panoramic Modem and Router. After multiple reboots of both my HA and Cox Modem, I am still unable to even connect via the HA app. The HA app is unable to locate any servers. I am novice when it comes to setting up home networks and connecting a server such as HA. I tried port forwarding as a bypass but still no luck. I am unsure of what else to try to get HA Green to connect. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Try specifying this server address: in the app or visiting it in a web browser on your local network.

If it works you need to reserve that address (or another one if you prefer) in your router’s DHCP server so it never changes.

Hi Tom - thanks for the quick reply. When I enter the specific server address, I get a NSURLErrorDomain - 1004. Failed to connect. Any ideas as to what else to try? I’ve searched solutions with no luck.

What do you get with homeassistant.local:8123? when in the phone’s browser?

I tried a couple times and it says the server stopped responding.

Are you getting positive results from a PC?

Still doesn’t work entering a URL on my PC.

Open CMD on your PC and enter ping homeassistant.local and post what you get.

It doesn’t really do anything. Snippet below.

Your gateway addresses are different


Indeed, seems like 2 different networks.

That’s strange. I just tried pinging home assistant again and got the below.

Forget about pinging homeassistant.local for now and focus on LiQuid_cOOled’s post above.

Your HA is telling you that it’s sitting on, but somehow your router (or something) is trying to reach it on

Let’s start from the basics:
What’s the IP address of your router? Is is or
Do you have another router in the house which might be handing out IP addresses?

I had another deco wifi router but I have now disconnected it.

Below is a screenshot of my COX wifi network.

Ok, now we’re getting somewhere. Your deco was handing out IPs on a separate subnet, so needs to be set to bridge mode if you ever want to use it again.

Try accessing now. It should go through the cox router and connect.
If not, check that number of clients connected page on the router and see if HA shows up there

Ok I entered that address but it says it can’t be reached. When I go to manage my COX devices connected, it lists the HA as connected. Below are the details on the connection.

And what is the IP of the device you are trying this on ?

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Below is the computer IP


The address showing in your screen shot is your IPv6 address so when you ping you can eliminate that by using:

ping homeassistant.local -4 in CMD

I should have been more specific.

169.254 is an indication the device is not connected to the network.

If for some reason you lose the connection to the network, then of course your system will not be able to find a DHCP server to get an IP address automatically. So, in this situation, Windows will automatically assign an IP address to itself starting with 169.254. This procedure is called Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing (APIPA).

To be clear you have a Cox modem/router and had another router connected, is that correct?

Are you running a VPN?