INKBIRD -- Help Integrate!

I’m curious if anyone has been able to control their ITC-308 with HA? I’ve got everything working, correct units, etc. But I can’t change the setpoint or see the status (heating/cooling/off). Thanks!

Anyone else notice that since .118 and the fix for the Tuya integration that the ITC-308 only displays to the nearest degree? e.g. 3.5C = 3C in the template sensor and 3.6C = 4C.

You also used to have to /10 to get the correct temp in a template but now you have to *10.

I’m with Jay here…i’ve managed to integrate it via tuya and can view the temperature in HA however it is out by a factor of 10 for me too.

Yeah, I have noticed this too. At least it is now some what working. Needs a bit of polishing

Is it also just displaying to the nearest degree for everyone else or is it just me?

You can fix the temperature being off by x10 by going into the Tuya integration options, choosing your inkbird from the bottom drop-down and clicking “submit”. Then set “Temperature values divider” and “Current Temperature value divider” both to “10”.

My problem is that i can’t actually set the temperature. It seems to go offline as soon as I try. But at least i can get high temperature warnings through HA now.

Thanks you sir! That also fixed it only displaying to the nearest degree! I didn’t know those options were there. No more need for a template sensor.

There’s a bug already:
Inkbird ITC-308 and Tuya Integration - temperature only displays to the nearest degree · Issue #45340 · home-assistant/core (

Yes, I filed it…but using the options to set the divider solves that.

You sure? As per AlBrough i can’t actually set the climate to anything without causing it to go offline. I assume because its not applying the x10 in the other direction and its getting an out of range value or something.

If fixed the display so it shows to one decimal point now…as for the other problems they should probably have a separate issue raised.

its another side of the same issue, so i wish you hadn’t closed it. Whatever, opened a new one: InkBird ITC-308 via Tuya integration cannot set the temperature · Issue #45841 · home-assistant/core (



I got exactly that same issue and when I try to use the thermostat his lost connect

Could You be so nice and explore where or how I need to add this code that You made to my Inkbird start work? Just start my journey witch home assistant and I’m on max on a rooky level :rofl:

When registering with Tuya, does that cancel the Inkbird registration?

I register only in one system Tuya or smart life or inkbird

Were you able to add through the Auto Scan or the Add Manually (if this, which category of device?)? I cannot seem to connect with Wifi scan.

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I’m in the same spot as you are.

I’ve made a little progress. You don’t need to cancel or remove device from inkbird App, but pairing to any new app will not allow changes to sync to the thermostat from previous anymore.

To add, in either Tuya or Smart Life app
Add device > Add Manually > scroll to bottom to ‘Others’, choose ‘Other (Wi-Fi)’, follow directions in app.
On the ITC-308 thermostat I basically just held down the WiFi setup button until it found it in app. The blinking light should blink rapidly and would stop if I let go of the button.

Also note: Tuya Homeassistant app does not authenticate if you signed up via apple or google. I had to provide a secondary email because I couldn’t delete my Google connected account and re-signing up with email said user already existed.

While I’ve been able to add the device to Smart Life, add Tuya integration into my Homeassistant, at this point it doesn’t seem useful as the readings are wrong. I’m going play around with it to see if it is pulling C or F or if that matters, but maybe this can be fixed with the integration being improved.

I’m not really concerned with managing or adjusting with Homeassistant, I really just want to monitor. This PID controller will basically forever be set at 78 degrees F for my Kombucha brew setup, but I would like to keep historical trend and monitor from my full Brewer dashboard. To do this, I’ve just setup a sensor template, so if I can figure out calibration temperature or if integration improves I hope it will work.

      friendly_name: Catalyst Temperature
      unit_of_measurement: 'degrees'
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.catalyst_fermenter', 'current_temperature') }}"

I’d love to provide logs to improve integration if anyone can advise what would be needed.


So uh, how do you get the inkbird itc308 wifi temperature controller to work with home assistant and be accurate? I changed the settings so the current temperature is somewhat accurate, by hitting “options” in the home assistant integration and changing the divider to 10 for current temperature. If I set the set temperature divider value to 10 it is still innaccurate and if I set it to 35 it works at exactly 64 degrees but not at anything else. Honestly I tried adding some stuff in the configuration based on what someone said but I’m getting an error in the logs saying that using the logs for configuring tuya is “depreciated” so idk what to do to make it work.

Still having issues with this. I’m able to integrate in SmartLife app into both Alexa & Google Home and it correctly states temperature & target, but cannot seem to get anything close in Homeassistant. Is there anyway to have google home report a sensor to Home assistant?

I use this as a dashboard for my brew setup and it likely won’t ever reach too warm (maybe in summer), so control isn’t necessary, but would like monitor to function.