Yes mosquitto installed… but no info there… (mqtt explorer).
some logging now with `home/`
Using 'COM8' as serial port.
Showing logs:
[22:11:29]************* WELCOME TO OpenMQTTGateway **************
[22:11:29]N: OpenMQTTGateway Version: v1.6.0
[22:11:30] "mqtt_server": "",
[22:11:30] "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:11:30] "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:11:30] "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:11:30] "mqtt_topic": "home",
[22:11:30] "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:11:30] "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:11:30] "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:11:30] "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:11:30] "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:11:30] "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:11:30]}*wm:[2] Added Parameter: server
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: port
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: user
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: pass
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: secure
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: cert
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: name
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: topic
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: ota
[22:11:30]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
[22:11:31][ 1351][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:11:31]N: No WebUI config to load
[22:11:31]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:
[22:11:31]N: ZwebUI setup done
[22:11:32][ 2857][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:11:32]N: BT config not found
[22:11:32]N: BLE scans interval: 0
[22:11:32]N: BLE connects interval: 3600000
[22:11:32]N: BLE scan duration: 3000
[22:11:32]N: Publishing only BLE sensors: false
[22:11:32]N: Publishing random MAC devices: false
[22:11:32]N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
[22:11:32]N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
[22:11:32]N: minrssi: -100
[22:11:32]N: Low Power Mode: -1
[22:11:32]N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
[22:11:32]N: Moving Timer: 60000
[22:11:32]N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
[22:11:32]N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
[22:11:32]W: MQTT connection...
[22:11:35]W: failure_number_mqtt: 1
[22:11:35]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:11:43]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:11:45]W: MQTT connection...
[22:11:48]W: failure_number_mqtt: 2
[22:11:48]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:11:54]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:11:59]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:02]W: failure_number_mqtt: 3
[22:12:02]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:05]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:12]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:15]W: failure_number_mqtt: 4
[22:12:15]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:16]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:25]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:27]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:28]W: failure_number_mqtt: 5
[22:12:28]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:38]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:38]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:41]W: failure_number_mqtt: 6
[22:12:41]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:41]F: [WebUI] Log level changed to: 6
[22:12:49]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:51]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:54]W: failure_number_mqtt: 7
[22:12:54]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:54]N: Send on /SYStoMQTT msg {"uptime":84,"version":"v1.6.0","discovery":true,"ohdiscovery":false,"env":"esp32dev-ble-datatest","freemem":93484,"mqttport":"1883","mqttsecure":false,"minfreemem":82424,"tempc":57.22222,"freestack":4712,"rssi":-74,"SSID":"IOTDOM","BSSID":"90:6C:AC:F4:C8:13","ip":"","mac":"3C:61:05:31:23:70","lowpowermode":-1,"interval":0,"intervalcnct":3600000,"scnct":0,"modules":["WebUI","BT"]}
[22:12:54]T: jsonPubl - ON
[22:12:54]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:12:54]N: Send on /BTtoMQTT msg {"bleconnect":false,"interval":0,"adaptivescan":true,"intervalacts":55555,"intervalcnct":3600000,"scanduration":3000,"onlysensors":false,"randommacs":false,"hasspresence":false,"presenceTopic":"presence/","presenceUseBeaconUuid":false,"minrssi":-100,"extDecoderEnable":false,"extDecoderTopic":"undecoded","filterConnectable":false,"pubadvdata":true,"pubBeaconUuidForTopic":false,"ignoreWBlist":false,"presenceawaytimer":120000,"movingtimer":60000,"btqblck":0,"btqsum":0,"btqsnd":0,"btqavg":0,"bletaskstack":4492,"blecoretaskstack":3264,"blestarts":1}
[22:12:54]T: jsonPubl - ON
[22:12:54]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:12:54]N: Send on /WebUItoMQTT msg {"displayMetric":true,"webUISecure":true,"displayQueue":1}
[22:12:54]T: jsonPubl - ON
[22:12:54]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:12:54]V: [ WebUI ] unhandled topic WebUItoMQTT
[22:13:00]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:05]W: MQTT connection...
[22:13:08]W: failure_number_mqtt: 8
[22:13:08]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:13:11]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:18]W: MQTT connection...
[22:13:21]W: failure_number_mqtt: 9
[22:13:21]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:13:22]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:31]W: MQTT connection...
[22:13:33]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:34]W: failure_number_mqtt: 10
[22:13:34]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:13:44]W: MQTT connection...
[22:13:44]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:47]W: failure_number_mqtt: 11
[22:13:47]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:13:55]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:57]W: MQTT connection...
[22:14:00]W: failure_number_mqtt: 12
[22:14:00]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:14:06]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:14:11]W: Rebooting for reason code 1
[22:14:16]ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
[22:14:16]rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[22:14:16]configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
[22:14:16]mode:DIO, clock div:2
[22:14:16]entry 0x400805e4
[22:14:16]************* WELCOME TO OpenMQTTGateway **************
[22:14:16]N: OpenMQTTGateway Version: v1.6.0
[22:14:16] "mqtt_server": "",
[22:14:16] "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:14:16] "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:14:16] "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:14:16] "mqtt_topic": "home",
[22:14:16] "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:14:16] "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:14:16] "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:14:16] "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:14:16] "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:14:16] "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:14:16]}*wm:[2] Added Parameter: server
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: port
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: user
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: pass
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: secure
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: cert
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: name
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: topic
[22:14:17]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: ota
[22:14:17]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
[22:14:18]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 1
[22:14:19]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 2
[22:14:19]E (5145) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:14:19][ 2365][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:14:20]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 3
[22:14:20]E (6156) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:14:20][ 3376][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:14:21][ 4384][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:14:21]N: No WebUI config to load
[22:14:21]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:
[22:14:21]N: ZwebUI setup done
[22:14:22][ 5890][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:14:22]N: BT config not found
[22:14:22]N: BLE scans interval: 0
[22:14:22]N: BLE connects interval: 3600000
[22:14:22]N: BLE scan duration: 3000
[22:14:22]N: Publishing only BLE sensors: false
[22:14:22]N: Publishing random MAC devices: false
[22:14:22]N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
[22:14:22]N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
[22:14:22]N: minrssi: -100
[22:14:22]N: Low Power Mode: -1
[22:14:22]N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
[22:14:22]N: Moving Timer: 60000
[22:14:22]N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
[22:14:22]N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
[22:14:22]W: MQTT connection...
[22:14:25]W: failure_number_mqtt: 1
[22:14:25]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:14:33]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:14:35]W: MQTT connection...
[22:14:38]W: failure_number_mqtt: 2
[22:14:38]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:14:44]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:14:49]W: MQTT connection...
[22:14:52]W: failure_number_mqtt: 3
[22:14:52]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:14:55]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:02]W: MQTT connection...
[22:15:05]W: failure_number_mqtt: 4
[22:15:05]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:15:06]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:15]W: MQTT connection...
[22:15:17]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:18]W: failure_number_mqtt: 5
[22:15:18]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:15:28]W: MQTT connection...
[22:15:28]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:31]W: failure_number_mqtt: 6
[22:15:31]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:15:39]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:39]W: [WebUI] Save MQTT and Restart
[22:15:41]N: [WebUI] MQTTtoSYS {"mqtt_server":"","mqtt_port":"1883","mqtt_user":"","mqtt_pass":"","mqtt_secure":false,"gateway_name":"HA","mqtt_topic":"home"}
[22:15:41] "mqtt_server": "",
[22:15:41] "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:15:41] "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:15:41] "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:15:41] "mqtt_topic": "home",
[22:15:41] "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:15:41] "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:15:41] "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:15:41] "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:15:41] "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:15:41] "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:15:42]}W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:43]N: BLE gateway stopped, free heap: 134412
[22:15:43]W: MQTT connection...
[22:15:46]W: failure_number_mqtt: 7
[22:15:46]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:15:57]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:00]W: failure_number_mqtt: 8
[22:16:00]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:16:10]W: Rebooting for reason code 7
[22:16:10]ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
[22:16:10]rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[22:16:10]configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
[22:16:10]mode:DIO, clock div:2
[22:16:10]entry 0x400805e4
[22:16:10]************* WELCOME TO OpenMQTTGateway **************
[22:16:11]N: OpenMQTTGateway Version: v1.6.0
[22:16:11] "mqtt_server": "",
[22:16:11] "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:16:11] "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:16:11] "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:16:11] "mqtt_topic": "home",
[22:16:11] "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:16:11] "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:16:11] "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:16:11] "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:16:11] "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:16:11] "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:16:11]}*wm:[2] Added Parameter: server
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: port
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: user
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: pass
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: secure
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: cert
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: name
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: topic
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: ota
[22:16:11]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
[22:16:12]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 1
[22:16:13]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 2
[22:16:13]E (5133) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:16:13][ 2359][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:16:14]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 3
[22:16:14]E (6144) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:16:14][ 3370][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:16:15][ 4378][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:16:15]N: No WebUI config to load
[22:16:15]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:
[22:16:15]N: ZwebUI setup done
[22:16:16][ 5884][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:16:16]N: BT config not found
[22:16:16]N: BLE scans interval: 0
[22:16:16]N: BLE connects interval: 3600000
[22:16:16]N: BLE scan duration: 3000
[22:16:16]N: Publishing only BLE sensors: false
[22:16:16]N: Publishing random MAC devices: false
[22:16:16]N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
[22:16:16]N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
[22:16:16]N: minrssi: -100
[22:16:16]N: Low Power Mode: -1
[22:16:16]N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
[22:16:16]N: Moving Timer: 60000
[22:16:17]N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
[22:16:17]N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
[22:16:17]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:20]W: failure_number_mqtt: 1
[22:16:20]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:16:28]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:16:30]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:33]W: failure_number_mqtt: 2
[22:16:33]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:16:39]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:16:43]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:46]W: failure_number_mqtt: 3
[22:16:46]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:16:50]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:16:56]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:59]W: failure_number_mqtt: 4
[22:16:59]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:01]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:09]W: MQTT connection...
[22:17:12]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:12]W: failure_number_mqtt: 5
[22:17:12]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:22]W: MQTT connection...
[22:17:23]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:25]W: failure_number_mqtt: 6
[22:17:25]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:34]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:35]W: MQTT connection...
[22:17:38]W: failure_number_mqtt: 7
[22:17:38]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:45]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:48]W: MQTT connection...
[22:17:51]W: failure_number_mqtt: 8
[22:17:51]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:56]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:01]W: MQTT connection...
[22:18:04]W: failure_number_mqtt: 9
[22:18:04]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:18:07]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:15]W: MQTT connection...
[22:18:18]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:18]W: failure_number_mqtt: 10
[22:18:18]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:18:28]W: MQTT connection...
[22:18:29]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:31]W: failure_number_mqtt: 11
[22:18:31]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:18:40]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:41]W: MQTT connection...
[22:18:44]W: failure_number_mqtt: 12
[22:18:44]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:18:44]W: [WebUI] clearing
[22:18:44]W: [WebUI] Save MQTT and Restart
[22:18:46]N: [WebUI] MQTTtoSYS {"gateway_name":"HA","mqtt_topic":"home/"}
[22:18:46] "mqtt_server": "",
[22:18:46] "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:18:46] "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:18:46] "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:18:46] "mqtt_topic": "home/",
[22:18:46] "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:18:46] "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:18:46] "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:18:46] "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:18:46] "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:18:46] "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:18:51]}W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:56]W: Rebooting for reason code 1
[22:19:01]ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
[22:19:01]rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[22:19:01]configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
[22:19:01]mode:DIO, clock div:2
[22:19:01]entry 0x400805e4
[22:19:02]************* WELCOME TO OpenMQTTGateway **************
[22:19:02]N: OpenMQTTGateway Version: v1.6.0
[22:19:02] "mqtt_server": "",
[22:19:02] "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:19:02] "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:19:02] "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:19:02] "mqtt_topic": "home/",
[22:19:02] "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:19:02] "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:19:02] "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:19:02] "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:19:02] "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:19:02] "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:19:02]}*wm:[2] Added Parameter: server
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: port
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: user
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: pass
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: secure
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: cert
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: name
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: topic
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: ota
[22:19:02]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
[22:19:03]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 1
[22:19:04]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 2
[22:19:04]E (5150) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:19:04][ 2368][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:19:05]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 3
[22:19:05]E (6160) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:19:05][ 3378][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:19:06][ 4385][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:19:06]N: No WebUI config to load
[22:19:06]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:
[22:19:06]N: ZwebUI setup done
[22:19:07][ 5891][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:19:07]N: BT config not found
[22:19:07]N: BLE scans interval: 0
[22:19:07]N: BLE connects interval: 3600000
[22:19:07]N: BLE scan duration: 3000
[22:19:08]N: Publishing only BLE sensors: false
[22:19:08]N: Publishing random MAC devices: false
[22:19:08]N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
[22:19:08]N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
[22:19:08]N: minrssi: -100
[22:19:08]N: Low Power Mode: -1
[22:19:08]N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
[22:19:08]N: Moving Timer: 60000
[22:19:08]N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
[22:19:08]N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
[22:19:08]W: MQTT connection...
[22:19:11]W: failure_number_mqtt: 1
[22:19:11]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:19:19]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:19:21]W: MQTT connection...
[22:19:24]W: failure_number_mqtt: 2
[22:19:24]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:19:24]N: Send on /SYStoMQTT msg {"uptime":22,"version":"v1.6.0","discovery":true,"ohdiscovery":false,"env":"esp32dev-ble-datatest","freemem":97004,"mqttport":"1883","mqttsecure":false,"minfreemem":81772,"tempc":60,"freestack":4712,"rssi":-74,"SSID":"IOTDOM","BSSID":"90:6C:AC:F4:C8:13","ip":"","mac":"3C:61:05:31:23:70","lowpowermode":-1,"interval":0,"intervalcnct":3600000,"scnct":0,"modules":["WebUI","BT"]}
[22:19:24]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:19:24]N: Send on /BTtoMQTT msg {"bleconnect":false,"interval":0,"adaptivescan":true,"intervalacts":55555,"intervalcnct":3600000,"scanduration":3000,"onlysensors":false,"randommacs":false,"hasspresence":false,"presenceTopic":"presence/","presenceUseBeaconUuid":false,"minrssi":-100,"extDecoderEnable":false,"extDecoderTopic":"undecoded","filterConnectable":false,"pubadvdata":true,"pubBeaconUuidForTopic":false,"ignoreWBlist":false,"presenceawaytimer":120000,"movingtimer":60000,"btqblck":0,"btqsum":0,"btqsnd":0,"btqavg":0,"bletaskstack":4496,"blecoretaskstack":3420,"blestarts":1}
[22:19:24]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:19:24]N: Send on /WebUItoMQTT msg {"displayMetric":true,"webUISecure":true,"displayQueue":1}
[22:19:24]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:19:30]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:19:34]W: MQTT connection...
[22:19:37]W: failure_number_mqtt: 3
[22:19:37]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:19:41]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:19:47]W: MQTT connection...
[22:19:50]W: failure_number_mqtt: 4
[22:19:50]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:19:52]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:00]W: MQTT connection...
[22:20:03]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:03]W: failure_number_mqtt: 5
[22:20:03]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:20:14]W: MQTT connection...
[22:20:14]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:17]W: failure_number_mqtt: 6
[22:20:17]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:20:25]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:27]W: MQTT connection...
[22:20:30]W: failure_number_mqtt: 7
[22:20:30]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:20:36]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:40]W: MQTT connection...
[22:20:43]W: failure_number_mqtt: 8
[22:20:43]W: failed, rc=-2