Inkbird IBT-26S 5G - any luck?

Yes mosquitto installed… but no info there… (mqtt explorer).

some logging now with `home/`

Using 'COM8' as serial port.
Showing logs:
[22:11:29]************* WELCOME TO OpenMQTTGateway **************
[22:11:29]N: OpenMQTTGateway Version: v1.6.0
[22:11:30]  "mqtt_server": "",
[22:11:30]  "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:11:30]  "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:11:30]  "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:11:30]  "mqtt_topic": "home",
[22:11:30]  "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:11:30]  "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:11:30]  "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:11:30]  "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:11:30]  "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:11:30]  "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:11:30]}*wm:[2] Added Parameter: server
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: port
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: user
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: pass
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: secure
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: cert
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: name
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: topic
[22:11:30]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: ota
[22:11:30]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
[22:11:31][  1351][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:11:31]N: No WebUI config to load
[22:11:31]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:
[22:11:31]N: ZwebUI setup done
[22:11:32][  2857][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:11:32]N: BT config not found
[22:11:32]N: BLE scans interval: 0
[22:11:32]N: BLE connects interval: 3600000
[22:11:32]N: BLE scan duration: 3000
[22:11:32]N: Publishing only BLE sensors: false
[22:11:32]N: Publishing random MAC devices: false
[22:11:32]N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
[22:11:32]N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
[22:11:32]N: minrssi: -100
[22:11:32]N: Low Power Mode: -1
[22:11:32]N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
[22:11:32]N: Moving Timer: 60000
[22:11:32]N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
[22:11:32]N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
[22:11:32]W: MQTT connection...
[22:11:35]W: failure_number_mqtt: 1
[22:11:35]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:11:43]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:11:45]W: MQTT connection...
[22:11:48]W: failure_number_mqtt: 2
[22:11:48]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:11:54]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:11:59]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:02]W: failure_number_mqtt: 3
[22:12:02]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:05]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:12]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:15]W: failure_number_mqtt: 4
[22:12:15]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:16]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:25]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:27]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:28]W: failure_number_mqtt: 5
[22:12:28]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:38]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:38]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:41]W: failure_number_mqtt: 6
[22:12:41]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:41]F: [WebUI] Log level changed to: 6
[22:12:49]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:12:51]W: MQTT connection...
[22:12:54]W: failure_number_mqtt: 7
[22:12:54]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:12:54]N: Send on /SYStoMQTT msg {"uptime":84,"version":"v1.6.0","discovery":true,"ohdiscovery":false,"env":"esp32dev-ble-datatest","freemem":93484,"mqttport":"1883","mqttsecure":false,"minfreemem":82424,"tempc":57.22222,"freestack":4712,"rssi":-74,"SSID":"IOTDOM","BSSID":"90:6C:AC:F4:C8:13","ip":"","mac":"3C:61:05:31:23:70","lowpowermode":-1,"interval":0,"intervalcnct":3600000,"scnct":0,"modules":["WebUI","BT"]}
[22:12:54]T: jsonPubl - ON
[22:12:54]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:12:54]N: Send on /BTtoMQTT msg {"bleconnect":false,"interval":0,"adaptivescan":true,"intervalacts":55555,"intervalcnct":3600000,"scanduration":3000,"onlysensors":false,"randommacs":false,"hasspresence":false,"presenceTopic":"presence/","presenceUseBeaconUuid":false,"minrssi":-100,"extDecoderEnable":false,"extDecoderTopic":"undecoded","filterConnectable":false,"pubadvdata":true,"pubBeaconUuidForTopic":false,"ignoreWBlist":false,"presenceawaytimer":120000,"movingtimer":60000,"btqblck":0,"btqsum":0,"btqsnd":0,"btqavg":0,"bletaskstack":4492,"blecoretaskstack":3264,"blestarts":1}
[22:12:54]T: jsonPubl - ON
[22:12:54]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:12:54]N: Send on /WebUItoMQTT msg {"displayMetric":true,"webUISecure":true,"displayQueue":1}
[22:12:54]T: jsonPubl - ON
[22:12:54]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:12:54]V: [ WebUI ] unhandled topic WebUItoMQTT
[22:13:00]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:05]W: MQTT connection...
[22:13:08]W: failure_number_mqtt: 8
[22:13:08]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:13:11]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:18]W: MQTT connection...
[22:13:21]W: failure_number_mqtt: 9
[22:13:21]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:13:22]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:31]W: MQTT connection...
[22:13:33]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:34]W: failure_number_mqtt: 10
[22:13:34]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:13:44]W: MQTT connection...
[22:13:44]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:47]W: failure_number_mqtt: 11
[22:13:47]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:13:55]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:13:57]W: MQTT connection...
[22:14:00]W: failure_number_mqtt: 12
[22:14:00]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:14:06]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:14:11]W: Rebooting for reason code 1
[22:14:16]ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57
[22:14:16]rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[22:14:16]configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
[22:14:16]mode:DIO, clock div:2
[22:14:16]entry 0x400805e4
[22:14:16]************* WELCOME TO OpenMQTTGateway **************
[22:14:16]N: OpenMQTTGateway Version: v1.6.0
[22:14:16]  "mqtt_server": "",
[22:14:16]  "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:14:16]  "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:14:16]  "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:14:16]  "mqtt_topic": "home",
[22:14:16]  "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:14:16]  "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:14:16]  "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:14:16]  "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:14:16]  "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:14:16]  "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:14:16]}*wm:[2] Added Parameter: server
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: port
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: user
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: pass
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: secure
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: cert
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: name
[22:14:16]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: topic
[22:14:17]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: ota
[22:14:17]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
[22:14:18]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 1
[22:14:19]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 2
[22:14:19]E (5145) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:14:19][  2365][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:14:20]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 3
[22:14:20]E (6156) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:14:20][  3376][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:14:21][  4384][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:14:21]N: No WebUI config to load
[22:14:21]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:
[22:14:21]N: ZwebUI setup done
[22:14:22][  5890][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:14:22]N: BT config not found
[22:14:22]N: BLE scans interval: 0
[22:14:22]N: BLE connects interval: 3600000
[22:14:22]N: BLE scan duration: 3000
[22:14:22]N: Publishing only BLE sensors: false
[22:14:22]N: Publishing random MAC devices: false
[22:14:22]N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
[22:14:22]N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
[22:14:22]N: minrssi: -100
[22:14:22]N: Low Power Mode: -1
[22:14:22]N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
[22:14:22]N: Moving Timer: 60000
[22:14:22]N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
[22:14:22]N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
[22:14:22]W: MQTT connection...
[22:14:25]W: failure_number_mqtt: 1
[22:14:25]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:14:33]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:14:35]W: MQTT connection...
[22:14:38]W: failure_number_mqtt: 2
[22:14:38]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:14:44]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:14:49]W: MQTT connection...
[22:14:52]W: failure_number_mqtt: 3
[22:14:52]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:14:55]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:02]W: MQTT connection...
[22:15:05]W: failure_number_mqtt: 4
[22:15:05]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:15:06]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:15]W: MQTT connection...
[22:15:17]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:18]W: failure_number_mqtt: 5
[22:15:18]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:15:28]W: MQTT connection...
[22:15:28]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:31]W: failure_number_mqtt: 6
[22:15:31]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:15:39]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:39]W: [WebUI] Save MQTT and Restart
[22:15:41]N: [WebUI] MQTTtoSYS {"mqtt_server":"","mqtt_port":"1883","mqtt_user":"","mqtt_pass":"","mqtt_secure":false,"gateway_name":"HA","mqtt_topic":"home"}
[22:15:41]  "mqtt_server": "",
[22:15:41]  "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:15:41]  "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:15:41]  "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:15:41]  "mqtt_topic": "home",
[22:15:41]  "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:15:41]  "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:15:41]  "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:15:41]  "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:15:41]  "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:15:41]  "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:15:42]}W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:15:43]N: BLE gateway stopped, free heap: 134412
[22:15:43]W: MQTT connection...
[22:15:46]W: failure_number_mqtt: 7
[22:15:46]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:15:57]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:00]W: failure_number_mqtt: 8
[22:16:00]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:16:10]W: Rebooting for reason code 7
[22:16:10]ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57
[22:16:10]rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[22:16:10]configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
[22:16:10]mode:DIO, clock div:2
[22:16:10]entry 0x400805e4
[22:16:10]************* WELCOME TO OpenMQTTGateway **************
[22:16:11]N: OpenMQTTGateway Version: v1.6.0
[22:16:11]  "mqtt_server": "",
[22:16:11]  "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:16:11]  "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:16:11]  "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:16:11]  "mqtt_topic": "home",
[22:16:11]  "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:16:11]  "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:16:11]  "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:16:11]  "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:16:11]  "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:16:11]  "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:16:11]}*wm:[2] Added Parameter: server
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: port
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: user
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: pass
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: secure
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: cert
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: name
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: topic
[22:16:11]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: ota
[22:16:11]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
[22:16:12]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 1
[22:16:13]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 2
[22:16:13]E (5133) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:16:13][  2359][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:16:14]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 3
[22:16:14]E (6144) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:16:14][  3370][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:16:15][  4378][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:16:15]N: No WebUI config to load
[22:16:15]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:
[22:16:15]N: ZwebUI setup done
[22:16:16][  5884][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:16:16]N: BT config not found
[22:16:16]N: BLE scans interval: 0
[22:16:16]N: BLE connects interval: 3600000
[22:16:16]N: BLE scan duration: 3000
[22:16:16]N: Publishing only BLE sensors: false
[22:16:16]N: Publishing random MAC devices: false
[22:16:16]N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
[22:16:16]N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
[22:16:16]N: minrssi: -100
[22:16:16]N: Low Power Mode: -1
[22:16:16]N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
[22:16:16]N: Moving Timer: 60000
[22:16:17]N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
[22:16:17]N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
[22:16:17]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:20]W: failure_number_mqtt: 1
[22:16:20]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:16:28]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:16:30]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:33]W: failure_number_mqtt: 2
[22:16:33]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:16:39]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:16:43]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:46]W: failure_number_mqtt: 3
[22:16:46]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:16:50]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:16:56]W: MQTT connection...
[22:16:59]W: failure_number_mqtt: 4
[22:16:59]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:01]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:09]W: MQTT connection...
[22:17:12]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:12]W: failure_number_mqtt: 5
[22:17:12]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:22]W: MQTT connection...
[22:17:23]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:25]W: failure_number_mqtt: 6
[22:17:25]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:34]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:35]W: MQTT connection...
[22:17:38]W: failure_number_mqtt: 7
[22:17:38]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:45]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:17:48]W: MQTT connection...
[22:17:51]W: failure_number_mqtt: 8
[22:17:51]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:17:56]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:01]W: MQTT connection...
[22:18:04]W: failure_number_mqtt: 9
[22:18:04]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:18:07]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:15]W: MQTT connection...
[22:18:18]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:18]W: failure_number_mqtt: 10
[22:18:18]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:18:28]W: MQTT connection...
[22:18:29]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:31]W: failure_number_mqtt: 11
[22:18:31]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:18:40]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:41]W: MQTT connection...
[22:18:44]W: failure_number_mqtt: 12
[22:18:44]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:18:44]W: [WebUI] clearing
[22:18:44]W: [WebUI] Save MQTT and Restart
[22:18:46]N: [WebUI] MQTTtoSYS {"gateway_name":"HA","mqtt_topic":"home/"}
[22:18:46]  "mqtt_server": "",
[22:18:46]  "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:18:46]  "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:18:46]  "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:18:46]  "mqtt_topic": "home/",
[22:18:46]  "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:18:46]  "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:18:46]  "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:18:46]  "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:18:46]  "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:18:46]  "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:18:51]}W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:18:56]W: Rebooting for reason code 1
[22:19:01]ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57
[22:19:01]rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[22:19:01]configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
[22:19:01]mode:DIO, clock div:2
[22:19:01]entry 0x400805e4
[22:19:02]************* WELCOME TO OpenMQTTGateway **************
[22:19:02]N: OpenMQTTGateway Version: v1.6.0
[22:19:02]  "mqtt_server": "",
[22:19:02]  "mqtt_port": "1883",
[22:19:02]  "mqtt_user": "12345",
[22:19:02]  "mqtt_pass": "12345",
[22:19:02]  "mqtt_topic": "home/",
[22:19:02]  "gateway_name": "HA",
[22:19:02]  "mqtt_broker_secure": false,
[22:19:02]  "mqtt_broker_cert": "",
[22:19:02]  "mqtt_ss_index": 0,
[22:19:02]  "ota_server_cert": "",
[22:19:02]  "ota_pass": "ota"
[22:19:02]}*wm:[2] Added Parameter: server
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: port
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: user
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: pass
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: secure
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: cert
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: name
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: topic
[22:19:02]*wm:[2] Added Parameter: ota
[22:19:02]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 0
[22:19:03]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 1
[22:19:04]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 2
[22:19:04]E (5150) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:19:04][  2368][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:19:05]N: Attempting Wifi connection with saved AP: 3
[22:19:05]E (6160) wifi:sta is connecting, return error
[22:19:05][  3378][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:317] begin(): connect failed! 0x3007
[22:19:06][  4385][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:19:06]N: No WebUI config to load
[22:19:06]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:
[22:19:06]N: ZwebUI setup done
[22:19:07][  5891][E][Preferences.cpp:50] begin(): nvs_open failed: NOT_FOUND
[22:19:07]N: BT config not found
[22:19:07]N: BLE scans interval: 0
[22:19:07]N: BLE connects interval: 3600000
[22:19:07]N: BLE scan duration: 3000
[22:19:08]N: Publishing only BLE sensors: false
[22:19:08]N: Publishing random MAC devices: false
[22:19:08]N: Adaptive BLE scan: true
[22:19:08]N: Active BLE scan interval: 55555
[22:19:08]N: minrssi: -100
[22:19:08]N: Low Power Mode: -1
[22:19:08]N: Presence Away Timer: 120000
[22:19:08]N: Moving Timer: 60000
[22:19:08]N: OpenMQTTGateway modules: ["WebUI","BT"]
[22:19:08]N: ************** Setup OpenMQTTGateway end **************
[22:19:08]W: MQTT connection...
[22:19:11]W: failure_number_mqtt: 1
[22:19:11]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:19:19]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:19:21]W: MQTT connection...
[22:19:24]W: failure_number_mqtt: 2
[22:19:24]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:19:24]N: Send on /SYStoMQTT msg {"uptime":22,"version":"v1.6.0","discovery":true,"ohdiscovery":false,"env":"esp32dev-ble-datatest","freemem":97004,"mqttport":"1883","mqttsecure":false,"minfreemem":81772,"tempc":60,"freestack":4712,"rssi":-74,"SSID":"IOTDOM","BSSID":"90:6C:AC:F4:C8:13","ip":"","mac":"3C:61:05:31:23:70","lowpowermode":-1,"interval":0,"intervalcnct":3600000,"scnct":0,"modules":["WebUI","BT"]}
[22:19:24]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:19:24]N: Send on /BTtoMQTT msg {"bleconnect":false,"interval":0,"adaptivescan":true,"intervalacts":55555,"intervalcnct":3600000,"scanduration":3000,"onlysensors":false,"randommacs":false,"hasspresence":false,"presenceTopic":"presence/","presenceUseBeaconUuid":false,"minrssi":-100,"extDecoderEnable":false,"extDecoderTopic":"undecoded","filterConnectable":false,"pubadvdata":true,"pubBeaconUuidForTopic":false,"ignoreWBlist":false,"presenceawaytimer":120000,"movingtimer":60000,"btqblck":0,"btqsum":0,"btqsnd":0,"btqavg":0,"bletaskstack":4496,"blecoretaskstack":3420,"blestarts":1}
[22:19:24]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:19:24]N: Send on /WebUItoMQTT msg {"displayMetric":true,"webUISecure":true,"displayQueue":1}
[22:19:24]W: Client not connected, aborting the publication
[22:19:30]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:19:34]W: MQTT connection...
[22:19:37]W: failure_number_mqtt: 3
[22:19:37]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:19:41]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:19:47]W: MQTT connection...
[22:19:50]W: failure_number_mqtt: 4
[22:19:50]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:19:52]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:00]W: MQTT connection...
[22:20:03]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:03]W: failure_number_mqtt: 5
[22:20:03]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:20:14]W: MQTT connection...
[22:20:14]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:17]W: failure_number_mqtt: 6
[22:20:17]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:20:25]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:27]W: MQTT connection...
[22:20:30]W: failure_number_mqtt: 7
[22:20:30]W: failed, rc=-2
[22:20:36]W: MQTT client disconnected no BLE scan
[22:20:40]W: MQTT connection...
[22:20:43]W: failure_number_mqtt: 8
[22:20:43]W: failed, rc=-2

Yes, the MQTT connection keeps getting reset, then rebooting the ESP32 after several failed attempts.

I really don’t know why from the info above, can you see anything when monitoring the Mosquitto log?

Which other MQTT clients have you got connecting to Mosquitto on that system?

You wouldn’t really need a whole HA test environment, a simple Rasperbby Pi OS installation with a simple Mosquitto install should definitely do the trick - no user, no password, just to get some sample raw data of the IBT-26S.


I get that, but I have an HA system with mosquitto already running, that’s most easy (if it works).

room-assistant, zigbee2mqttt

sorry, but that OpenMQTTGateway is not really a stable pieco of software… setting the MQTT Base Topic an pressing save, saves it… but setting the mqtt creds does nothing.

reflashed, started over, same sh#t…

  - username: m12345
    password: m12345
require_certificate: false
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
  active: false
  folder: mosquitto
  anonymous: true

Also very strange that you cannot see anything in the Mosquitto log.

Both local on the HA machine I assume?


[22:19:06]N: OpenMQTTGateway URL:


[22:19:02]  "mqtt_server": "",

Are they on the same subnet/network? 192.168.6… or 192.168.30…? With one trying to connect to the other…

I just tried only connecting MQTT Explorer from a different mcahine on the network to the Mosquitto Add-On as a test installation, and it failed as well, coming up with

2023-11-10 22:57:41: New connection from on port 1883.
error: received null username or password for unpwd check
2023-11-10 22:57:41: Client mqtt-explorer-465992f2 disconnected, not authorised.

Only after I used my HA user name and password did the connection work immediately.

Searching the forum there seems to be a few issues with the Mosquitto Add-on in that respect, like


seems to have been taken out quite a while back

I know why I am using a dedicated MQTT broker setup :wink: but it also means I cannot help with the Mosquitto Add-On failures you are experiencing, so likely best to wait for a different more point and click solution for the IBT-26S.

I got it working. do not ask me what was wrong, then I need to make a fool of myself :sweat_smile:

I got it in MQTT explorer… whats next?? what do you need and how do I know it is form the thermometer?

Wasn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but always blame the software first.

Have a look at the messages coming in, and also look at their history in MQTT Explorer.
One might have a name included like “xBBQ” or “iBBQ” and a long string for manufacturerdata …

Copy and past a two or three of these messages here, along with the info of which probes are connected and which not.

If there are such messages at a later stage also some actual temperatures showing on the device for verification.

BTW - which binary have you got installed and working now? Important to know if it will actually show the undecoded manufacturerdata.

In the WebUI, under Information, have a look what it says for


true or false?


Good, and I assume the IBT-26S is turned on and in reasonable Bluetooth receiving distance from the ESP32?

Can you see any possible relevant messages in MQTT Explorer?

Sorry so much, I cant find a distinguisher

and still cant paste picture due to forum upgrade…

Could this be some:



also its currently connected to 5G wifi but according to app and display the bluetooth is on.

It could be, but I doubt it, as this manfufacturerdata also has the Samsung company identifier, so likely some Samsung device you have - but not all comopanies actually stick to that convention :wink:

You could try warming a few of the probes in your hand, and letting them cool again, so then you could possibly distinguish the manufacturerdata by it’s changing values.

The Bluetooth MAC address/id might also be shown in the Inkbird app somewhere.

Or as a worst case scenario, Inkbird doesn’t advertise the temperatures any longer over Bluetooth, and the IBT-26S will only be accessible for HA through a WiFi integration or by BT connections, which Theengs Decoder isn’t capable of either.




this maybe?

Does manufacturerdata change when you warm the probes in your hand?

should it change?

Got it!




  "id": "F4:60:77:A5:F3:BB",
  "mac_type": 0,
  "adv_type": 0,
  "name": "INKBIRD@IBT-26S+",
  "manufacturerdata": "000004f46077a5f3bb",
  "rssi": -42
  "rssi": -44

Yes, that is the one!

But unfortunately it only seems to broadcast a generic beacon, likely for pairing with the app, but with the manufacturerdata not really long enough to contain the temperature for all six possible probes in this advertising data, only containing its MAC address really :frowning:

Just to make sure, I suppose the manufacturerdata does NOT change when you warm up the probes, does it?

Some devices require pairing or unpairing from the app, or a certain setting in the app to braodcast their dat via BT advertising. So if you find any setting or when unpaired that the MQTT messages for “id”: “F4:60:77:A5:F3:BB” changes and becomes longer, let us know.

So in this case Theengs Decoder, which is being used by OpenMQTTGateway and Theengs Gateway will not be able to decode any valuable information form the advertisement data, nor will HA’s ble-monitor.

A different dedicated integration will be required, likely by BT connection or possibly through WiFi on the IBT-26S

I got news. I reconnected the inkbird in the app to my wifi. I see it hass MAC
a8:80:55:21:80:9b in my router.

If I look at that MAC in MQTT explorer I got some messages during it was unpaired. it seems it is not sending BLE during wifi connection?

Now I disconnected it from wifi again and I get:




A bit strange, as generally the WiFi MAC and BT MAC are different, but the new messages might l;ook more promising.

Important question again, does the now servicedata change at all when you warm up the probes?