Thanks both. Yes I am aware of making input booleans manual via yaml. I did so before migrating to “helpers”. Because manually created entities I could not edit in helpers.
My question was about how te set initial for a helper created boolean… but reading @Hellis81 's lin I see I am not alone asking that. I opvoted the request… so simpe to have a tickbox in the UI I think
Agree. And perhaps a good idea.
A box you tick saying “initial value. I have read and understood the docs what this means”
That kind of makes it obvious it’s not something you just tick.
I agree, having tons of helpers make it very difficult to maintain the code whereas organizing it in packages in various code units makes it much easier to maintain. Same with automations where when things get repetitive yet is more efficient to factorize the code
Are we still unable to set an input_boolean’s initial value? I couldn’t find it in the GUI. Anyone know any workarounds? Should I delete the helper and recreate it in my config.yaml?
update 04.12.24: I was wrong.
If the option “initial” is not defined → the last state is recovered if it exists; otherwise - “False” value is set.
If the option is defined as True - the “True” value is set.
If the option is defined as False - the “False” value is set.