Input_number Broken. Doesn´t change state!

Hi, after a few day I have noticed, that i cannot update the input_number helpers on my Dashboard.
If I slide them the number doesn´t change, but if I click on them and change it from their menu it works.

It is supposeed to be 10 in the picture

No update to state

If I change them from the Menu it doesn´t update either…

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Can you screenshot the input_number from the states page (Developer Tools > States) including all the attributes?

Yes here it is I actually don´t know if it has something to do with “editable” or not…

Strange. All looks correct. Editable just means you can edit the input slider in the Helpers section of the UI.
Are there any errors in the logs when you try and change the value?

I have just looked trough the logs (without changing the values) and found this.
All the input_number entitys dont work for me

Did you create these input_numbers in the front end UI or manually using YAML?

Both. The Fan speed one is from yaml and brightness is from the UI

Hmmm :thinking:
And I am assuming you have tried a restart of HA?

A LOT of times already. Everytime its the same. I don´t even know how and wehn it really happened. I think it was like 5 or 6 days ago…

My suggestion would be to create new ones with a modified name and see if you get the same result. If it is then there must be something wrong with the input_number component.

Will try it now. But if it is broken, how can I fix it?
I have created a new one. Same issue

Can you share the tank config if your input number?

What is tank config (I am new to Home Assistant)

“tank” is probably auto-corrected ‘YAML’.

    name: Speed
    initial: 0
    min: 0
    max: 10
    step: 1
    icon: mdi:fan

Yep, nothing wrong with that.

I suspect that your ‘helpers’ .storage registry is corrupt and it’s messing with your manually defined ones as well. But that’s only a guess.

You think deleting it like the HomeAssiatnt.db file would fix it after a restart?

Nope, that only stores your events and history data. And you don’t see any error about the db in the logs do you?

Nope, don´t see anything about Databases in the Logs. :slightly_frowning_face:

you keep focusing on the input_number, but input numbers don’t control anything unless there is an automation… so where’s the automation?