Install Home Assistant, Mosquitto broker and Node-Red on android

First attempt was following the initial instructions but hit problems as in my first post, after a bit more reading I came across your post saying how -dev is no longer supported and giving the venv install which is when I get the error above.

Like this

python -m venv homeassistant 
source homeassistant/bin/activate 
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install  wheel
pip install homeassistant

Exactly that yes.
Can I check which version of python I have installed?

Yes. Check python with

python3 --version

And what is android version?

Ok so yes I do have python 3.9 installed.
Android is 7.1.1

Try fresh start. Remove homeassistant folder.

rm -rf homeassistant

Then repeat install commands.

Do I need to down grade python first as I still get the unable to create directory error?

There is no easy downgrade on termux. Only to compile from source.

Can I remove python and install the specific version required.

I don’t know why you get thet message. I have the same android version. Also didn’t you installed it once because you start homeassistant with hass?

No I never got it to start always an error with directory using the venv method or the same error as others using the original method

You get that error when run this command?

python -m venv homeassistant

Did a restart and tried again.
This time commands completed successfully untill I try to start Hass.
I then get "
2020-10-26 17:53:39 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=4 from 2020-10-26 16:42:17.595153)"
Followed by creating xxx, copying xxx, then The headers or library files could not be found for jpeg, a required dependency when compiling Pillow from source. and pages of error messages.
The whole things repeats a few times and then sits at a blank prompt.

Install pkg install libjpeg-turbo
Then run hass again.

After trying to start Hass I get
“2020-10-26 18:07:43 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=5 from 2020-10-26 17:53:39.330842)”
And then sitting at a blank prompt again.
Going to leave it for a while see if it’s just churning in the back ground.

Wait some time than go to localhost:8123 in your phone browser

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It worked, thank you so much for your help.
Quite sure I’ll be back with some more questions but will have an explore first.

Have setup my kasa devices and they are working just fine, so now to figure out how to add the Sonoff/ewelink integration and I’m a happy bunny.

It is custom component so just copy sonoff folder to custom_component folder. You can install has you can find how in this thrad, but it will break on update. So it’s better to install it as custom component.

pkg install git
mkdir sources
mkdir ~/.homeassistant/custom_components
cd sources
git clone
cp -R  HASS-sonoff-ewelink/sonoff ~/.homeassistant/custom_components/

Restart HA. Enjoy.

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Hi, thank you for everything you provided. Is it possible to install samba share ? I would like to access to .homeassistant folder from my desktop.