Installation of HA on OMV with the KVM plugin with HA in a VM

I have openmediavault installed and working and I somehow managed to get KVM installed! Looking at the linux instructions for KMV there are two options: KVM (virt-manager) and
KVM (virt-install)? Not sure which of these two is the correct one to follow. When I try the virt-manager option I do not show a Select Import existing disk image option when I am in KVM VMs Create VM?

I don’t use OMV, so may not be much help, but maybe post an image of what you do see.

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Thanks Tommy. I did find a thread over on OMV but it is a bit old and vague on what all need to be done once you have KVM install which I do. I posted in that thread so hopefully someone will be able to help but I thought I would ask here to see if anyone has happened to have set this up recently with more updated instructions that I could follow. There is also this wiki link but it get a bit confusing on the Network Adapter setup and the Folder Shares. :cry:

I know a bit of linux to be dangerous but I was in IT decades ago so… well you get it. :older_man:t4:

The best I can tell from the wiki link you referenced:

  1. OVM has its own GUI for creating/managing VMs. Just so there is no confusion, virt-manager is another GUI and is the one that HA is referring to for creating/managing an HA VM.

  2. The OVM Wiki says that you can use virt-manager with OVM, but that virt-manager has to be installed and run from another machine (the Wiki says to install it on Windows PC) and have it connect remotely to your OVM.

For clarification, which GUI method are you trying to use?

I am using KVM which is a OMV plugin:

OK. That explains why you are not seeing the " Select Import existing disk image" because that comes from the virt-manager GUI. I won’t be able to help when it comes to using the OVM KVM plugin GUI.
If you are able to run virt-manager and connect to OVM, then you should be able to follow the HA installation instructions.

So if I understand what you are saying, I can try in use virt-manager GUI if I can get that installed in OVM? I don’t think OVM comes with its on virt-manager as that is why all the instruction online (including YouTube) show you how to install the KVM plugin.

According to the OVM Wiki (See here) you have to install virt-manager on a different machine (it mentions a Windows PC), which I take to mean it does not run on OVM.

  • You can connect to KVM from your PC with virt-manager through the local network. It can be useful if you need to make any changes to an already configured VM. It is not advisable to fully configure a VM from virt-manager.

Sound like it is only used after you configured the VM?

I’ll try not to go into too much detail, but according to the OVM Wiki, OVM KVM Plugin uses Libvirt which is a library that supports various hypervisor systems. The hypervisor that the OVM KVM Plugin Wiki says it uses is QEMU with KVM.

virt-manager is a VM manager that uses Libvirt for creating and managing VMs.
The OVM KVM GUI is also a VM manager that uses Libvirt for creating and managing VMs.
So both of these do the same thing.

Why would OVM advise users to sparingly use use virt-manager if at all? I can only speculate …
These GUIs try to make it easy for users and so they come up with their own default settings for a variety of parameters needed by Libvirt for a VM.
So my speculation is that OVM KVM Plugin thinks it has better default settings than virtual-manager. It could also be that using both would cause issues. Whether either of these is the reason or not, I don’t know.

All I can says is that I myself also use Libvirt with QEMU/KVM, and I also use virt-manager (as well as many others) to create and manage VMs including an HA VM and all is pretty good.

Well hopefully I will be able to figure out how to create the VM. I think once I get the VM setup I should be able to get HAos running in it. All the tutorials I follow show this long path:
When I setup my Shared Folders I cannot get those Absolute Paths and I think that is what I am missing. There is a step that is missing from the guides and the YouTube videos that I am not understanding.

I wonder if all I really need is the Samba NAS addon?

Hi there,

Have you made any progress setting up HA?

I would like to do the same thing.


I ended up just using HAos on my NUC with the Samba NAS addon. Still having some issues with my 5TB Seagate drive not playing well with the the Samba NAS addon with it not wanting to spin-down after the 15 minutes I have set on both the drive and the add-on and sometimes for no reason at all folders on the drive are not accessible until I restart the add-on but all in all seems to work for the most part. I am now messing around with Jellyfin and seeing how it runs compared to Plex.