Installation of Hassio on Synology NAS

Great that it works for you (I’m actually are having some trouble to migrate my docker ha to this version for instance doesn’t auto discovery and mqtt work as expected in the spk version).

If everything is working from the 20190628 version don’t touch the updates (there seems to be some magic going on that might break when updating).

The 20190628 version can be started, but the 20190701 startup failed.

Ok let me know if you need some details of my conf.
Addons working : Configurator, Log Viewer, MQTT Server & Web Client, Node-Red, Pi-hole, Plex Media Server, SSH Server, TasmoAdmin.
I have a zigbee2mqtt container that i kept as a “classic” docker container, not integrated in hassio.

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Thanks a lot, i found it ^^ When i did the installation, only an dialog appear to ask for the path to install the package, it said: “/volume1/” and i went with that default configuration.
Everything seems working from the 20190628 version, i wonder what new in updated version?

I rewrote the startup script to make it more resistant but I didn’t have ability to test it.

That is really great! Will try to do the same.

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You can add ADGUARD also as working add-on :wink:

I cant start the new package, also with the user home service disabled.

I added Adguard but had to remove it. Adguard , within its rules, isn’t able to forward the whole domain ( and subdomains to the local IP adress of my NAS (no loopback on my main router). So i did the trick within pihole & dnsmasq config included.
Maybe when i change the router i will come back to Adguard :slight_smile:

I dont have the problem with the blank hassio page. So i dont need the trick with the user config.
Strange that the kernell is the same but different results :wink:

That’s right you don’t need to change the user config. But, it seems like dies some-times. The updated hassio_x64-6.1_20190701-alpha.spk fixes that. Make sure that you remove all old docker images before installing the new version (I’ve not played with upgrade options but uninstall should remove the images so you start from scratch, perhaps an install/uninstall will fix it).

I get the entrypoint.js error with hassio_x64-6.1_20190701-alpha.spk installed :frowning:

I’m on DSM 6.2.2-24922 on a DS1815+

Try to restart only the home assistant docker.

Didn’t make any changes

It is bc the supervisor dies. Try uninstall and then reinstall.

i tried installing the 20190701-alpha.spk. installation works, able to access HA frontend. however hassio menu option doesn’t do anything and no response, blank page. seems to be the same entrypoint error while accessing hassio on local ip.

2019-07-04 00:20:26 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.http] Client error on api app/entrypoint.js request Cannot connect to host 172.30.32

.2:80 ssl:None [Operation timed out]

I may be wrong about why it works, but it appears others have had luck with unchecking “enable user home service”, Have you tried this? Has anyone tried this and still got the .js error?

It is a routing error, could you please ssh int your nas and type sudo route -vn.

That is not related to hassio on Synology.

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Below is the output

dearlk@delapic:/$ sudo route -vn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 eth0   UG    0      0        0 tun0 UH    0      0        0 tun0     U     0      0        0 docker0   U     0      0        0 eth0

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Try to stop and start hassio then, for some reason didn’t the route got added.

What route should be there? I’m getting the same error as @dearlk and unfortunately stopping/starting the containers doesn’t resolve the issue.

Thanks for building this!