Installation on Khadas Vim3

Hi All

I’m new here but been doing a fair bit of reading on this.
I’ve recently run out of the need to use my Khadas Vim3
And would love some guidance on what is the best option for me to do a HassIO install of this on it of Home Assistant?

Do i follow the HA Supervised option?

UPDATED Install process:

  1. I went to the Khadas website and used Krescue to install Ubuntu Bionic
  2. I then followed the installation instructions at the bottom of the page of :
  3. I also made sure i upgraded everything thing using the apt-get upgrade command
  4. Docker however wouldn’t install so i had to go to the docker site and followed this link
  5. then returned to the installation guide finishing with this command to install:
    curl -sL "" | bash -s -- -m qemuarm-64
  6. once complete and not having set the DNS entry for hassio.local i had to use IPaddress:8123 to open my HA home page in my browser.

Again thanks for the help everyone, i’m looking forward to adding all my smart devices.

That is what I would try. What is the architecture?

the Architecture is “Amlogic A311D” on the Vim3.

I’m getting an error when trying to install Docker.
Might need to check on the Khadas/Vim3 forums on why that’s happening.

Hard to say without the error message.

Okay, i got it installed on Ubuntu, with docker.
I just went to the Docker site and followed the install guide there.

Now i can’t seem to start HA. i.e. the webpage isn’t loading.

Is there something i need to do?

Okay it was a name issue. used IPaddress:8123 and i’m in

It would be helpful if you shared more details. You jumped from installing Docker to “can’t start HA”.


Ninja’d by your post. Looks like you solved it yourself. Yes, the URL is the host’s address followed by the port number (8123). If your local DNS is configured appropriately, you can use the host’s name instead of its address.

Thanks All for the quick replies.

I’ll update this for uses that might have a Khadas VIM3 and would like to use it for HA.

Hi, i am planning to but this SBC. I want to use this to connect to around 120 wifi devices. Will this be able to connect to all devices with troubles ?

Hi, I’m considering Vim3 for my Hass setup. Can you recommend it? I wanted to go for Odroid n2+ as it’s officially supported but hard/expensive to get in my geo. Khadas seems even more equipped for less money but does it work fine?

Hi All
Sorry for the late reply.
I shelved this because I got a little busy and didn’t have enough devices.
I’m picking this up again now.

Khadas Vim3 will be supported soon. :slight_smile:

Currently I am using HASS OS on my Khadas Vim1.

Link can be found here

Just wondering how you have been making out with the Vim3?

I have a Vim3L which I love and was thinking about a Vim3 to run home assistant on. Are you running a supervised installation?

Would love to hear your thoughts, these little SBC’s are awesome

Khadas vim3 was added to official support.
For vim3l idk, maybe we can add support for it.

My current installation is on khadas Vim1 and it’s running smooth.

Great News,

I think I am going to pickup a VIM3 anyway, I love tinkering with these SBC’s and from what I have read the VIM3 actually out performs the Odroid N2+

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Is there a specific installation method for the VIM3?

Can HAOS be directly installed to the eMMC storage or can you install Debian 11 & HA?

You can find the HASS OS Image here
Install is as per the documentation of Odroid N2

Yes, you can flash the OS on emmc,


  • Use Kresque from Khadas.
  • Flash Krescue on sd card, then copy the Hass-os image to the sd card dump partition.
  • Insert sd card and boot into kresque and flash the image to emmc.

Yes this is also possible but you will not get all the functions of HASS OS like supervisor etc.

Compare types of installation
Screenshot below:

Good Luck.

Thank you for all the info,

I will give this a try once my VIM3 arrives

With debian 11 you can install supervised so you are not quite correct there.

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Maybe I am not sure hence I shared the official documentation link and screenshot.
For me I was happy with hass os image as most of the things worked out of the box including zigbee adapter in usb.

Thanks for the correction.