Installation on Synology Virtual Machine Managager

It looks ok. There is not many clues on your terminal, and in the sshd (that is on ha side) the message:

Postponed publickey for admin from port 58386 ssh2 [preauth]
Connection closed by authenticating user admin port 58386 [preauth]

Is new to me.

I did try it myself and this works fine (iotop is a folder in my home directory):

fer@SynHome:~$ scp -r -P 22 iotop [email protected]:/ssl/
post-update.sample                                                            100%  189    18.6KB/s   00:00    
prepare-commit-msg.sample                                                     100% 1492   553.4KB/s   00:00    
pre-rebase.sample                                                             100% 4898   107.9KB/s   00:00    
pre-push.sample                                                               100% 1348   609.8KB/s   00:00  

Also, to test the connection:

fer@SynHome:~$ ssh [email protected]

| |  | |                          /\           (_)   | |            | |  
| |__| | ___  _ __ ___   ___     /  \   ___ ___ _ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ | |_ 
|  __  |/ _ \| '_ \ _ \ / _ \   / /\ \ / __/ __| / __| __/ _\ | '_ \| __|
| |  | | (_) | | | | | |  __/  / ____ \\__ \__ \ \__ \ || (_| | | | | |_ 
|_|  |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\___| /_/    \_\___/___/_|___/\__\__,_|_| |_|\__|

Welcome to the Home Assistant command line.

System information
  IPv4 addresses for enp0s3:
  IPv6 addresses for enp0s3: fe80::df13:b323:208a:5be5/64

  OS Version:               Home Assistant OS 5.13
  Home Assistant Core:      2021.4.6

  Home Assistant URL:       http://hassio.local:8123
  Observer URL:             http://hassio.local:4357
➜  ~ 

Perhaps you could test with:

scp -r -P 22 -v /volume1/SSL [email protected]:/ssl/

Thanks for the hint with a verbose output… I think this gives the insight why it’s not working. It’s because of too “weak” permission rights that are set to 0777 for some reason for the files incl.
To be honest, I’ve no clue to which permission level those shall be set instead.
Furhermore I did not set them to 0777.

chmod 600 ~admin/.ssh/*

I think we’re coming closer, but still not successful… :slight_smile:

What add-ons for ex.?

Question - If I have already been running Home Assistant OS on my Synology without guest tools support, what would be the best way to upgrade it to detect the guest tools without having to reinstall Home Assistant from scratch?

Update: Seems if I shutdown and restart via VMM it now detects it… weird.

The Virtual Machine pane of the Virtual Machine Manager doesn’t display the IP address of the VM. Is there a way to get this to work without logging into my router and getting the IP there? I also am not sure what the Guest Tools do and if I should install it somehow.

You should use the OVA I’ve created to get guest tools to show up.

Dear Fredrike,
I’ve been using Home Assistant on Synology on VMM since before your patched ova.
I see two options for existing users of this approach:

1: Wait until 5.13 will be released: will the guest agent ‘automagically’ start working, or should I do a fresh install at that moment?

2: Use your OVA (in the first post in this thread). As I understand it this means backing up my home assistant, doing a fresh install using your OVA. Upgrading that to the latest version of Home Assistant (I imagine that there could be problems if I skip this step). Then restoring my backup into this fresh install. Is that correct?

@fitim did you happen to contact Synology about this issue?


I don’t think upgrading to 6.0-RC2 (which is the first version with my patch) will cut it, as it is an OVA issue not a filesystem issue.
The only solution for you is to backup (create a snapshot), start a new VM with haos_ova-6.0.rc2.ova and restore your snapshot. Hopefully everything should work from there.

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Thanks a lot Fredrike. I had hoped it would work automagically but reinstalling is not a problem either.
I think I will wait for the production release rather than using this release candidate 2

If I understand correctly I should visit this page every once in a while and check where the ova link links to (currently 5.13) as soon as it links to 6.0 I should be good to go.

Thanks again!

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I’m missing a bluepy python library. Is it even possible to install it running HA in a VMM? If so - how?

Very bad news about the new DSM7 for synology, the release candidate was made available today and the notes state:

  1. USB devices (Wi-Fi dongle, Bluetooth dongle, 3G/4G dongle, USB DAC/speaker, and DTV dongle) are no longer supported. If your Synology NAS is currently connected via a wireless dongle, it will be disconnected after the update.

So those who for example use a z-wave or Zigbee USB stick (like me) will have some tough choices to make…

That is known breaking change. It was same for BETA version and listed there in release notes. As always, don’t jump on version 7.0 as soon as it is release and wait for updated drivers from community.

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I understand from your reaction there will be workarounds. That is good to hear. I assume these will not be ideal (e.g. extra steps that need to be taken, that might break whenever Synology provides updates)?

I have launched a feature request to ask them to keep supporting it. If enough people do so, who knows they might listen.

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At this point I can’t tell you that - but hopefully it will be something that will hold water between restarts, and biggest wish for me would be that it will survive updates.

Some workarounds currently require running terminal command each restart (that could be run via tasks too), but we have to wait and see.


Hopefully sooner than later. My Virtual Machine has been rock solid so far (thanks!), but I really want to use the new photo app now that Google Photos has killed themselves. Hopefully the ZWave/Zigbee sticks can be made to work with this… I think 90% of my stuff runs off that stick, sigh. Maybe I’ll have to buy a cheap synology to test and figure it out on before I upgrade my main system. lol.

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I don’t run zigbee( i have all my devices with esp8266), but i explored lidl store’s system a bit and if i’m not mistaken they have zigbee, too and a central receiving station, which is connected to a local network ( not usb), so maybe you should check out in this direction…


I can make sure that the Zwave/Zigbee works if you sponsor me with the sticks… :slight_smile:


The new version of docker 20.10.3-0552 has been released. Will hasio be updated later?

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