I tried creating a Virtualbox VM with HAOS using the provided vdi & instructions
Instructions I followed:
The machine was created successfully but I CANNOT get a successful first boot. There’s no VRDE session established or IP assigned but Virtualbox reports the machine is running. I currently have other VMs running on this system so it’s not a virtualbox configuration.
Please note that this is a headless installation on Ubuntu Server 22.04. I’m happy to migrate to 24.04 if there’s any known bugs but Ubuntu 22.04 is still supported.
$VBoxManage --version
Please let me know if there are any logs or other info that would be of use troubleshooting this issue.
Edit #1: Here’s my installation script. I deleted everything and remade it to make sure this was completely accurate (note: I removed working directory & VRDE password for sake of privacy, they are set in the script I ran):
# Download VM image
#unzip image
unzip "haos_ova-13.2.vmdk.zip"
#Setup values
# Create VM
VBoxManage createvm --name="${thisVM}" --basefolder="${baseVMfolder}" --groups="/${vmGroup}" --ostype="Linux26_64" --register
#Move disk to VM folder
mv haos_ova-13.2.vmdk $thisHddPath
VBoxManage storagectl "${thisVM}" --name "SATA Controller" --add sata --controller IntelAHCI
VBoxManage storageattach "${thisVM}" --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium "${thisHddPath}"
# Known changes
## Bridged networking
VBoxManage modifyvm "${thisVM}" --bridgeadapter1 enp5s0
## VRDE (remote desktop)
VBoxManage modifyvm "${thisVM}" --vrde on
VBoxManage modifyvm "${thisVM}" --vrdeport 3396
VBoxManage modifyvm ${thisVM} --vrdeproperty VNCPassword=**REDACTED**
## UEFI vs BIOS (stated in instructions on https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/alternative)
VBoxManage modifyvm "${thisVM}" --firmware=efi
## HD Audio (stated in instructions on https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/alternative)
VBoxManage modifyvm "${thisVM}" --audio-controller=hda
That’s why I included the information about other VMs running just fine, I don’t think it’s VirtualBox in general but likely a configuration with the specific VM. I probably won’t get a chance to clean up my commands to be a script until the weekend, but I’ll post the script when I do.
You are probably right that it is the configuration of the VM environment rather than HA, but what is wrong I do not know.
I avoid Windows hypervisors, because there are always fights with directly attached hardware configurations.
Looking at the manual the only mention I see (again from a quick search) is section 8.54 about modifying the signatures in the nvram file, which I think is the wrong path. https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch08.html