Installazione home assistant 2024.5

Buonasera non riesco a installare l’ultima versione di home assistant qualcuno può aiutarmi ?? Grazie ho la versione 2024.4.4 e sto cercando di passare alla versione 2024.5

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penso che c’e una problema con 2024.5…ho avuto lo stesso problema…io vi sugerisco di aspettare per la prossima versione.

אני לא חושב שהגרסה הבאה תשנה משהו. אבל האנשים שיודעים הכי הרבה לא מדברים איטלקית…

EDIT: I am afraid just waiting for the new version to fix it won’t help. But most people here do not speak Italian.

Do you get any error messages, is there something in the logs? Also look in home-assisant.log.1 as that holds the log previous boot.

Oku kuyahlekisa!

Eble ĝi pliboniĝos kun 2024.5.1

Godkväll, jag har inte installerat den ännu men väntar ett par releaser innan det blir dags.

Iets anders gebruiken dan Engels is niet toegestaan, maar deze post maakt me aan het lachen :slight_smile:

I have pretty limited italian, I was just trying to be helpful since I seemed to have the same issue. It seems like there is a solution, or at least one integration had been identified that is causing issues…

Hai il integration Dreame Vacuum? C’e una problema e il integration non funzione su 2024.5…Devi disattivare il integration prima di il upgrade. C’e un thread su Github…

Se non hai Dreame Vacuum, non so la problema. Spero che questo e utile!

AS has been previously noted this is an English language only forum. Please do not use anything other than English.