Installing Home Assistant OS using Proxmox 8

Thanks for the wonderful tutorial.

The only problem I struck was a constant crashing problem as I inadvertently over provisioned my storage. I only have a 64GB drive and gave 32GB to HA.

I shifted the storage folder to my Synology DS918 using CIFS storage and all has been going well for the last couple of days. I have allocated 120GB on the Synology and am using the extra space for backing up the HA virtual machine. I also backup HA to Google Drive for a belt and braces approach.

Thanks so much again.

I have a test machine that has a 32gb mSATA drive which I was able to install Proxmox and HA OS on, so you can make it work with smaller storage, I guess it just depends on the size of you database, number of backups etc.

Doesn’t overly worry me. It is all a work in progress and I’ll eventually change to my i3 NUC with a 1TB SSD. That should be enough :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Until then the Synology solution is working great.

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@garylovesbeer surely that’s not a good idea using storage on a remote device? Your performance for HA would probably be affected as your then reliant on the network speed which will not be as quick/low latency as a local storage

As I said above it is a temporary solution until I reconfigure another machine.

Noob here

I followed this tutorial step by step and the install keeps failing. I get the error [ERROR] 0@115 Unable to handle file extension ‘zip’. when I run the command to install HA on my proxmox server. I installed unzip but that hasn’t seemed to help. I am very new to this stuff so I don’t know what to try next.

UPDATE: If you are having this issue user mochman on github posted an easy solution. Error when installing `Unable to handle file extension 'zip'.` · Issue #113 · whiskerz007/proxmox_hassos_install · GitHub

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is it possible to customize this script to install an older release of hassos so I can troubleshoot breaking changes?

You can fork it and do with it what you like.

You can use the script from mochman’s forked repo until the fix is merged.

bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"

I’ve already updated the script in the OP with the changes

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hello, thank you for this script. I tried to install it and it worked. But i’m stuck on assingnig an ip to my VM.

I’m using proxmox on a sigle nic computer, and dhcp requests are not passing to the VM’s via vmbr0. But i have another linux vm with a static ip that is working great.

With HA OS i’m stuck in the ha console, trying with the “network update --ipv4-method static” commands and nothing works. it stays on “disabled”

could someone help me ?

Thank you.

Hi nbdriver,
I am no expert can try to set fixed IP address in home assistant. Go to “Supervisor - System - IP Address Change” Change the IP Address to Static.


is it safe to update to Proxmox 7 ?? With only a HA container?

I’d run the small checklist program named pve6to7 which is included in the latest Proxmox VE 6.4 packages. The program will provide hints and warnings about potential issues before, during and after the upgrade process. You can call it by executing: pve6to7 --full in the proxmox shell.

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Hi @kanga_who, I reinstalled my Proxmox and use this guide for the 2nd time now, so tnnx again!

I noticed Proxmox 7.0-1 is out now and it’s Debian 11. The guide works good with the buster repositories, but I think it should be upgraded to the bullseye repositories. I tried to change buster to bullseye, but that didn’t work… I don’t have much linux knowledge, so I have no idea what to do else.

Also the iso burning with BalenaEtcher didn’t work. I used Rufus and chose DD mode to write the iso to the usb drive. Not sure if everyone got this error with the new Proxmox, so it is good to try out.

Just for shits and giggles (mostly) I upgraded my Proxmox to use version 7 which also upgraded the base proxmox to Bullseye today and it all went smoothly and works perfectly.
As a masochist, I also created a new VM and installed HA supervised on Debian Bullseye as well and it works fine but unsupported (not unhealthy) as it’s Debian Bullseye - expected. But it’s working fine.

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Just got an HP T620 thin client and installed a fresh install of Proxmox 7.0-8
I install Home Assistant with the provided script. If i try to start the VM, the console tells me:
Waiting for the Home assistant CLI to be ready
Cannot connect to the docker…

After 20 minutes: it’s goes to emergency mode.

I tried Proxmox 7 and had issues. I’d suggest installing 6.4 for now.
I figured I’d let version 7 mature a little more before jumping on board.

I’m gonna try Proxmox 6.4. Thanks

Edit: Total new Proxnox 6.4 install. No difference. No network activity. Nothing…