Installing Home Assistant Supervised on a Raspberry Pi using Debian 12

Found it thanks to your hint. Certainly well burried.

Somewhere up this thread I wrote instructions on how to upgrade from buster to bullseye the correct way. But it seems to be too late anyway.

I went from a RPI4 to a mini pc for my personal HA instance at home last April and installed bullseye as the base system to HA Supervised and all seems to be OK:

I suspect something went wrong the time you did that bullseye upgrade. Above is a fresh install on:

and all is well and healthy :grin:

PS. Have you checked whether you run the latest Agent-Version 1.3.0? Maybe it matters?

Moved to somewhere you wonā€™t find it in a million years.

System>repairs>3 dod menu top right System Information. No idea who thought that made sense

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Maybe those information were burried that deep (> 6 feet under) to ease support requests? :thinking: :zipper_mouth_face:

I actually followed your post to do the upgrade. The only grey area is how I originally installed supervised (in 2018/17). I may have ran the whole installation under root instead of my user as sudo. While Iā€™m not a linux expert, Iā€™ve heard that leads to issues. Thatā€™s my only guess at this point.

No I have not, Iā€™ll check when Iā€™m home tonight. If I can avoid reinstalling the OS, I will.

It certainly can. And unfortunately those are usually the hard to isolate issues.

Very understandable :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Installed following the guide, using 2022-09-06-raspios-bullseye-arm64-lite.img Raspios 64 in a RPi4 4Gb.
To avoid the unsupported message I need to add lsm=apparmor to /boot/cmdline.txt
and run sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service

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So you are running ha in a container and itā€™s showing as fully supported now?

It is possible to get it supportedā€¦ If that was your question.

System information

Version	core-2022.9.5
Installation Type	Home Assistant Supervised
Development	false
Supervisor	true
Docker	true
User	root
Virtual Environment	false
Python Version	3.10.5
Operating System Family	Linux
Operating System Version	5.15.61-v8+
CPU Architecture	aarch64

Home Assistant Supervisor

Host Operating System	Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Update Channel	stable
Supervisor Version	supervisor-2022.08.6
Agent Version	1.3.0
Docker Version	20.10.18
Disk Total	218.8 GB
Disk Used	27.1 GB
Healthy	true
Supported	true                     <<<< 
Supervisor API	ok
Version API	ok

cat /boot/cmdline.txt

console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=89a15c5a-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=false systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=false apparmor=1 security=apparmor rootwait

As long as you do not install any containers on your own (without using HA) there is no problem.

arch: aarch64
auto_update: true
channel: stable
debug: false
debug_block: false
diagnostics: false
healthy: true
logging: info
supported: true
timezone: Europe/Madrid
update_available: false
version: 2022.09.1
version_latest: 2022.09.1
wait_boot: 5

I know the intentions of limiting external docker containers but i prefer to install portainer and enable external access to it. This gives me direct access to docker without relying on supervisor and my system is marked as unsupported.

But, am i missing any gold level support with being unsupported or nice new features? I donā€™t know :slight_smile:

I find myself facing the same ā€œconnectivity checkā€ issue on both of my Home Assistant instances (Debian 11 on both; one is a laptop and the other is an RPI3).

I tried the suggested busctl command in the documentation but, after a reboot, it didnā€™t eliminate the issue.

I followed Tamsyā€™s suggestion to if check avahi-daemon is running but itā€™s not.

Have you had any success fixing the problem?

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maybe thisā€¦


Nope, was waiting for someone smarter than me in linux to solve it.

Iā€™ll try that when I get home tonight and update you. I have a feeling it will work as my setup is from 2017/18

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Sorry about that. I didnā€™t realize the supervised installer didnā€™t use to set the connectivity URI and doesnā€™t update NetworkManager.conf when re-run. Put in a PR to update that doc to include separate instructions for when the connectivity check is completely unavailable vs. just turned off.


Thank you!

I just tried it on the RPI3 and it eliminated the connectivity_check warning. FWIW, I increased the time period from 600 to 3600.

Now I need to eliminate the cgroup_version warning that is reported only on the RPI3 (not the laptop). I donā€™t recall setting the version manually so it appears I will need to perform the suggested fix which is to re-run the Supervisor installer. Are there any side-effects associated with re-running it on a working system?


Thank you for this great tutorial! Iā€™ve installed successfully a supervised Home Assistant with a RPI4, even if there were some errors. In the last step, the installation of homeassistant-supervies.deb it gave me a warning regarding the switch to cgroup v1:

[info] Install supervisor startup scripts
[info] Install AppArmor scripts
[info] Start Home Assistant Supervised
[info] Installing the 'ha' cli
[warn] Could not find /etc/default/grub or /boot/cmdline.txt failed to switch to cgroup v1
[info] Within a few minutes you will be able to reach Home Assistant at:
[info] http://homeassistant.local:8123 or using the IP address of your
[info] machine:

The Web interfae was even after half an hour not reachable, on the display attached to the RPI were some messages regarding AppArmor, like

audit: type=1400 audit(1663799912.587:9): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" info="same as current profile, skipping" profile="unconfined" name="hassio-supervisor" pid=1320 comm="apparmor_parser"

and similar, with other names.

As well several

vc4_hdmi fef00700.hdmi: ASoC: error at snd_soc_dai_startup on fef00700.hdmi: -19
vc4_hdmi fef05700.hdmi: ASoC: error at snd_soc_dai_startup on fef05700.hdmi: -19


However, after a ā€œrebootā€ via CTRL+ALT+ENTF the RPI booted and the Home Assistant Web interface got reachable, except the mentioned messages during boot without any problem.

Two questions regarding this installation, even if I get an ā€œunsupportedā€ version by it.

Do you have experience with Desktop environments or at least a window manager like i3 on Debian11 supervised Home Assistant? It would be wonderful to access the Home Assistant without a second computer.

Does this installation method work as well with full disk encryption? As there is a lot of privacy related data stored on the device this would be awesome. Or do I have to expect an unbootable device?

@kanga_who Would it be possible to add information about the cgroup issue into the guide?
If not directly into instructions, than at least to the ā€œSection 4ā€?

Fix is pretty simple and root cause is that the supervised installer clearly doesnā€™t support Debian 11 for RPi, as it is trying to switch to cgroup v1 by editing either /etc/default/grub or /boot/cmdline.txt none of which exists on Debian 11 for RPiā€¦

Correct instruction that should be added to the guide is:

sed -i.bak 's/$/ systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=false/' /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt

Without this in the guide there are hackish solutions in the discussion like this, which doesnā€™t solve the situation, only tricks the installer to not complain about not finding the files it wants to edit :frowning:

I have tried reporting it as a bug but that was already done before without much successā€¦

Edit: I went on and fixed it so it should not happen anymore. Just use the latest release.


Hi everyone. I followed the guide in the first post and everything worksā€¦ Except for logs.
None of the containers post any logs (supervisor, core, cli, dnsā€¦ , and the same goes for the addons).
From portainer I see <<No log line matching the ā€˜ā€™ filter>> , while in home assistant I can see only the logs from core. I tried installing an older version of supervised AND an older version of os-agent. Didnā€™t help.

Other containers works and post logs correctly.

Do you guys have any idea?