Installing Home Assistant Supervised on a Raspberry Pi using Debian 12

Presumably there is something different, which is why I made my post, asking if anyone else was having an issue with line being removed after host updates.

I donā€™t try your solution because Iā€™m running HA on an Orange PI 3B where the Debian image and configuration is different than on the Raspberry Pi-s. No /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt and so one.

Great guide, I had to change the order for systemd-resolved because I also ran into the issue with dns lookups no longer working after installing it. Otherwise I had no real problems with installing.

I would like to add that it is required to also install bluez when you want to have integration with bluetooth devices. Apparently that is not installed by default with debian on a pi 3.

The autoremove and fix-broken install steps should not be needed on a fresh installation of debian, for me they did not remove or fix anything.

Thank you for this guide. HA is running like a charm, much better than under Ubuntu 22.4. I like Ubuntu, even at the CLI only, but Debian appears to be the HA way, so be it! And truthfully Debian is aā€¦ smoother? faster? cleaner? experience overall, so I guess Iā€™m a new convert.

Ahh another day, another Linux distā€¦

Thanks for the great description. Two comments:

  • it would have been great to have a short info in the first post that headless install is possible, if one adds a root_authorized_key in the sysconfig.txt as described briefly here: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and errata and in some post above. I do not have a display and almost bought one extra for the install. The key worked well for me, to login with root over ssh.

  • I also ran into the name lookup issue so that the curl ... command would not work due to resolve issues. My nameserver is passed via dhcp and I donā€™t like the solution above to hard code it (that what dhcp is for, not to hardcode these things). So I instead edited /etc/nsswitch.conf like so:

    # hosts: files resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns myhostname
    hosts: files dns resolve myhostname

    which restored name resolution again. Maybe that is a better idea? Or will it produce other issues later?
    It would be great to add a solution to the resolve issue to the first post, as it is difficult to find it in the long thread and probably happens to everyone who is trying to follow the steps?

Thanks again for this and for helping everyone to get it working!

Tamsy, First thank you for all your patience and knowledge! After reading through the entire thread Iā€™m wondering if the primary issue with DNS install errors has been resolved (Dec 1st, 2023) between Bookworm and HA install packages or is following your guide still the best way to install HA-Supervised on Bookwork? Also, I havenā€™t read explicitly that the RPi4 Debian 12 version (containing more features than 12 standalone) is fully supported. Thoughts. I have HAOS running find but want to use the local screen for GUI weather, etc. so thought the HA-Supervised would be a good option. thanks,

Welcome to the forum, kellyjsanders86 :wave:t3:

My pleasure :slightly_smiling_face:

Exzerpt from the Debian 12 Release News:

The new systemd-resolved package will not be installed automatically on upgrades as it has been split into a separate package. If using the systemd-resolved system service, please install the new package manually after the upgrade, and note that until it has been installed, DNS resolution may no longer work as the service will not be present on the system.

Just make sure you have the systemd-resolved package installed by executing:

dpkg -s  systemd-resolved

The output should look similar to:

Version: 252.17-1~deb12u1
Replaces: resolvconf, systemd (<< 251.3-2~)
Provides: resolvconf

In case systemd-resolved is not installed simply run:

sudo apt-get install systemd-resolved

:exclamation: If the system complains about certain unfulfilled dependencies while installing systemd-resolved just hit ā€œyā€

Now restart the host:

sudo systemctl reboot

Note: Installing the systemd-resolved package will automatically give systemd-resolved control over /etc/resolv.conf . If you donā€™t want this, follow this post to regain control over /etc/resolv.conf.

However, if you strictly follow Jasonā€™s guide by the book there is little chance that you will run into any DNS issues though.

If you refer to Raspberry Pi OS with ā€œRPi4 Debian 12 versionā€ you will get an ā€œUnsupported/Unheathyā€ system.

Raspberry Pi OS is is not Debian but a derivative and as such it is not supported by Home Assistant Supervised and neither by this guide!

You must use Debian 12 from HERE to get a supported HA installation! As for the RPI4 4GB by the time of this writing only THIS is the correct image file to install.

It is unclear to me what you mean with the above statement.

The difference between HAOS and HA Supervised is the underlying OS:
With HAOS youā€™ll get a managed OS (based on Alpine Linux) while with HA Supervised you are responsible for the base OS (Debian 12) by yourself like i.e. taking care to regulary update the OS/packages and there like. Thus you need to have fundamental knowledge in managing a Linux system to keep your HA installation always secure and up-to-date.

If your HAOS installation is running just fine I see no reason to switch to HA Supervised!

HAOS is headless, on supervised you can run a browser on the same machine on a screen. So you donā€™t need a second device for the UI. I think, thatā€™s, what he means and what a lot of users drives to choose supervisedā€¦


Excellent Info! Thanks.

Yes, this is what I was trying to explain. We travel on a boat fulltime and have little room to add extra computers, let alone monitor space.

Iā€™ve read about Proxmox and Docker as well but the advantage of a Supervised and Add-On library seems advantageous given all the other stuff Iā€™m maintaining on the boat. I guess the other option is to put into service my old Pi3 just for a lite OS and browser (just something else to maintain) tied to my 7" monitor.

Thanks again for the guidance and your willingness to support a very big ā€˜moving targetā€™ of code/feature changes!

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Hi HA experts. I switched from the Raspbian OS to this instruction. Everything works except for the I2C USP I have previously. I donā€™t see an instruction to enable I2C for Raspberry PI Debian. I tried following:

  1. raspi-config: I tried installing it. There are always errors like drparam is missing.
  2. I tried to add i2c-dev in the /etc/modules. I can see /dev/i2c* but always get IO failure when reading or writing to the address. I can confirm if I switch back to RaspOS the device is working as expected. So the wiring should be ok.
    So the question is how to enable I2C with this setup for HA? Thanks in advance for the help.

Hi all,
Awesome guide. All worked well except for this section:

apt install apparmor jq wget curl udisks2 libglib2.0-bin network-manager dbus lsb-release systemd-journal-remote systemd-resolved -y

For me to make it work on a RPI 4 I had to run it twice: 1. First like this
apt install apparmor jq wget curl udisks2 libglib2.0-bin dbus lsb-release

i.e. without Network Manager.

Do all the steps down to Section 3 where I get an error re. missing dependency. Then I run it for the second time:

apt install apparmor jq wget curl udisks2 libglib2.0-bin network-manager dbus lsb-release systemd-journal-remote systemd-resolved -y

and all worksā€¦

updated the host via apt full-upgrade today. rebooted.
afterwards Home Assistant settings tell me

installed newest Home Assistant update. reboot.
however i still get the cgroup error.

reran supervisor installation script as per error description. tells me i am already on the latest Home Assistant. but still, Cgroup version error

Any help would be much appreciated

You could try this above solution from @Tamsy

sudo sed -i.bak 's/$/ systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0/' /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt

@Tamsy does it again! :heart:
first of all thank you @kanga_who for your reply and all your work here.

second of all, yes, that seems to have worked

I have just added this to the Upgrade Guide. Thank you for pointing it out :+1:t3:


Just upgraded my system from debian 11 to debian 12 with the howto of @Tamsy
Upgrade went good, but i have a problem with getting the system healty.

i have it now healty with version 1.3.1 of the homeassistant-supervised pakage but i cant get it healty with the newest 1.5.0 version.
First i had this error when installing 1.5.0:

Setting up homeassistant-supervised (1.5.0) ...
[info] Restarting NetworkManager
[info] Set up systemd-journal-gatewayd socket file
[info] Enable systemd-journal-gatewayd
dpkg: error processing package homeassistant-supervised (--configure):
 installed homeassistant-supervised package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

i solved this by reinstalling journal remote:

 sudo apt install systemd-journal-remote --reinstall

after that i could install 1.5.0, but then i got an unpriveleged error and journal error.
the journal error i solved by again do the reinstall of journal-remote.
but i canā€™t solve the unpriveliged error, i i follow the link of the error you should reinstall homeassistant-supervised, but if i do that i get the message itā€™s already installed.

so i went for now back to version 1.3.1 so itā€™s healty but does somebody know how the solve the unpriveliged error with version 1.5.0?

So it looks like a know issue without an sollution:

I think for now i stay on version 1.3.1

I just read somewhere in the forum that the above error gets triggered since Debian 12 whenever there has been an update to the Supervisor. I encounter this too on generic x64 and arm64 devices on bookworm.

A simple host restart usually helps. Until the next supervisor update. There seem to be no real solution other than the reboot-workaround for the time being.

Edit: Yup, the reading you mentioned I ment.

For me the reboot didnā€™t help so downgraded tot the working 1.3.1 package which solves it.
I think the only thing that is not working with it is the network share.

Did anyone make this work on Raspberry Pi 5?
Installation works fine, but I can never reach the WebGUI.
docker logs hassio_supervisor
tells me: ā€œ#Canā€™t start Home Assistant!ā€

If not, what needs to be updated for that? Supervisor package itself?