Installing python-OpenZWave package on Windows 10


After testing several home automation solutions, I turn to Home Assistant.
(Previously i used Domoticz)

However, I don’t find how installing python-OpenZWave package on Windows (10 or others …). The procedures are great for the various Linux distributions, but the rest …

Can anyone help me in achieving this installation?



I’d like to +1 to this. Linux is great, but I 'd like to use windows 10 tablet as a host and central media center for a number of reasons, and HA currentle lacks instructions on setting\configuring zwave up on a windows machine. Is it even at all possible? Or am I stuck with WeMo on windows?

In the same boat; trying to set this up on my media hub and Z-Wave seems like a brick wall.


For those who are still interested how to install OpenZWave on Windows: