Insteon configuration panel

@kenrok1 Unfortunately it is too good to be true if you really did reset the Hub. HA caches the devices so that is why you still see them.

What you did was remove all device links from the Hub but the devices still know about the Hub because they were not reset. So while the commands sent from the Hub to the device work you will have issues when the device is changed manually and HA seeing those changes. I strongly recommend relinking all of your devices. Sorry.

FYI, on Wednday of this week 2022.5.0 will be rolled out which will make it a lot easier to link devices to the modem (PLM or Hub)


Hi @teharris1,
I have installed HA Beta 2022.5.0b5 and now see the Insteon panel. The issue I have is…with the new HA feature to be able to hide a switch and have it create a light entity, which I have employed, I do not see the hidden switch entities in the new Insteon panel…

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fascinating - I understand what you’re saying with devices changed manually, but it seems like HA is getting the status (condition) updates from the device - except for those members in a legacy scene that are linked together. Example I have 2 light switches that are linked together -if I turn on one or the other both turn on and vice versa (where each is a controller and responder). and only the condition of the one that was physically operated is showing in the HA dashboard … but everything else appears to be working exactly as it should. I’ll wait until Wed and see what the change brings. Thanks!

on another note - trying to delete old links I can see how to change the in-use status but not remove… playing around with some other systems that appear to “delete” the link it looks like its ID remains but it changes the in-use to No and all the values to 0 including the target address to 00.00.00 - so i’ve been doing just that to clean up old links (changing the values in the insteon panel and then writing back to the device).

Yes, that is the method for removing links. Links are technically not deleted from a device, the are marked as unused. Then the next change to the ALDB may overwrite that record. But in_use = no is the same as deleting the record.

Regarding the visibility of the state changes at the device, when you look at your Modem’s ALDB do yo still see links there or is the list empty?

virtually empty - just that one device I relinked after the reset

Well, you definitely reset the hub. I am surprised that HA is seeing device changes made at the device.

@teharris1 … does the code still read insteon_devices.json? Perhaps that contains data?

It does read insteon_devices.json but that is just a caching mechanism so that we don’t need to reload all of the device info on each restart of HA. No Insteon device is supposed to recognize any message that comes from a device not in its All-Link Database. It is a security concern. If they did then you could simply listen for a neighbor’s Insteon traffic, figureout the addresses, add them to your modem, and have your modem control those devices. So the fact that this is working is a violation of the Insteon dev principles. Would not be the first time I saw SmartLabs violate their own design but it is surprising. I have a theory why this is happening but would want to look into it more.

I still suggest relinking all of your devices to your modem. I know it takes time but it will likely avoid other issue.

well the devices do have the address of the hub in their ALDB - just not the other way around
If I went to the device ALDB and removed the Hub address there wouldn’t be any means to communicate with it, even if the Hub still “knows” it. I confirmed this on that one device I linked by leaving it’s address on the hub (before the hub was reset), but deleting the hubs address from it. I did not factory reset the LampLinc dimmer, as I left a mini remote paired with it the whole time which continued to function.

I do still plan on following your relinking suggestion - in due time :wink:

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This is a little weird… After latest updates I now see Garage light switch, which is hidden & exposed as a light, but not fireplace or living room switch (hidden)/lights…

After a few updates this morning (several HACS integrations, an HA add-on and HA 2022.5.0b6) and a restart, the panel is now fully populated but does require a browser page reload (using Edge) every time I navigate to it. Firefox is fine.

Every time I open the panel in Edge:

After browser page reload:

Is this something that can be addressed in the code for the panel?

  • EDIT
    Nevermind! I restarted my PC for Windows updates and Edge also updated and now the panel loads correctly the first time.

@teharris1 Just echoing @kevin.aubertin question regarding KPL that is reconfigured from 6-button to 8-button. HA sees the KPL as 6-button regardless of the actual configuration. I know you’re busy with other stuff but are we going to see a fix to this issue any time soon? I really appreciate all the hard work you did to give us the control panel.

BTW, like many others, I am also new to HA. Didn’t even know HA existed until my Insteon Hub stopped working last month. I still use HouseLinc for local programming. Years ago, I quickly got tired of walking/running back-and-forth to push buttons to link and crosslink my 70+ devices. HouseLinc made that task and creating scenes very easy.

Welcome to Home Assistant! You are hooked now on the best home automation software there is!

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I am looking into making this easier for people to address but there is a workaround.

SmartLabs was not very consistent with their approach to this problem. Technically a 6 button and an 8 button device are physically the same and the only real difference is what the device broadcasts as its category (i.e. cat) and subcategory (i.e subcat).

You can use a device override to change the cat and subcat by going to Settings → Devices and Services → Insteon - Configure. There you will get the option to setup a device override. Follow the prompts. Here is the list of options that will work:

Dimmable devices
Model     Buttons  Cat    Subcat
--------  -------  ----   ------
2486DWH6  6        0x01   0x09
2486DWH6  6        0x01   0x1B
2334-232  6        0x01   0x42

2486DWH8  8        0x01   0x0C
2486DWH8  8        0x01   0x1C
2334-232  8        0x01   0x41

On/Off Devices
Model     Buttons  Cat    Subcat
--------  -------  ----   ------
2486SWH6  6        0x02   0x0F
2487S     6        0x02   0x1E
2487S     6        0x02   0x2C

2486SWH8  8        0x02   0x05

Once you create the device override HA will recreate the 6 or 8 button entities under the device correctly.

Is this the best forum to come to to find out when this will officially launch out of beta? Thanks for everything you’re working on.

Thanks much for the prompt response. I will surely try this workaround as soon as I get a chance this afternoon.

It launches today.



So Ive just installed the offical launch version, and I have the insteon tab, I clicked on it and everything there. I went to my overview and just made sure all my lights still worked because this is my first time updating HA. When I went back to the insteon tab it was empty. Any idea why this would be?

Update - Actually this could be a bug. I reloaded the HA page and it was back. But if I leave the page and go to overview its blank agian. Everytime I reload HA web address it returns though. Just wanted to let you know.