Insteon configuration panel

So I Follow your example and I believe I have a scene set up now with three of my lights. How do I actually control it? Do I set up a scene a script or an automation? I ultimately want to be able to tell Alexa to turn “everything” on or turn “everything” off.

Thank you guys for your help

Microsoft Edge??

Slowly starting to gain a bit of confidence using home assistant in HA. 1 thing I haven’t been able to figure out is calling an Insteon scene with google? Now with the control panel I’m able to start identifying my scene (group numbers). How do I get google to call a scene?

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This is such a common question these days I am going to open a specific HOW TO thread on this one.


I think the awkwardness (regarding scenes) for us previous hub users is the condition / state aspect… like an “on” scene and an “off” scene. the helper groups are more what we think of as a scene… but with those you get the popcorn … like microwave popcorn that was nearly done but not quite and you’re waiting for those last few kernels to pop :stuck_out_tongue:

That is a Home Assistant scene not an Insteon scene. That is what seems to confuse everyone.

I created the scene inside the new insteon tab. Works fine when I call device on the developer tool. But how do I put it on its own dashboard button so I can control it with Alexa too?

Am I setting up a scene, automation, script, or something else?

Just installed HA core-2022.5.0 and the Insteon panel again no longer shows all of my devices…

I am so confused. I set up my scenes. They work perfect, and turn on/off at the same exact time when running either a script or automation. When I call the exact name in Alexa, it goes back to the popcorn effect one light at a time. How on earth is this possible?

@teharris1, I have a 2487S in 8 button mode, but it shows up as a 6 button. What subcategory do I need to use to get it to show up as an 8 button?

Use category: 0x02 and subcategory: 0x05 This is the only option for the on/off 8 button modules.

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I am not seeing column headings in any of the control panel pages. Is there an issue using this control panel in dark mode?


What browser are you using? I have that issue with Edge but not with chrome.

For those interested in understanding how to use Insteon scenes and HA scenes I created a post here to explain it:
HOW TO: Trigger an Insteon Scene using Alexa or Google Assistant - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (


I’m on chrome.

Grrr. I hate frontend development. I will look into this but perhaps there is someone on this thread that can trace why this may be happening.

Thank you for bringing it forward.

No problem. First rev kinks…

Any idea why I am not seeing my switches which I’ve elected HA to hide and present as lights??

odd- I get only in edge … in chrome I see the headers (and on the mobile app)

How do you choose an entity for add scene? My option is device on safari and Firefox.