Hello all,
I’m a long time HomeSeer user with a robust Insteon network in place and was recently looking at Home Assistant as a potential new automation option. I wanted to test a side-by-side installation of HS and HA and got up an running with an HA instance installed on the same windows 10 machine running HS.
I followed the steps in this video to setup HA in a VM using VirtualBox and was able to get this started and connected via the web interface. I was then trying to add the Insteon Integration when I hit a snag and was hoping someone may be able to help me.
I have an Insteon 2413U PLM connected directly to this windows machine and selected that as the ‘Select the Insteon modem type’ value when adding the integration, but then on the second modal screen where it asks for the USB Device Path I am lost. I am not quite sure what I should enter here but have tried several attempts and keep getting a connection error.
I can see the “Device Instance Path” in the host windows machine’s Device Settings -> Details page and tried that but no success. I am not sure I am correctly passing through the USB device from the Host to the VM either as my VM experience is light.
- Should the USB PLM be passed through as a USB or Serial device? The PLM looks to show up in the host machine on COM7 and as I do not see it listed in Virtual Box -> VM -> Settings -> USB -> as an available USB device I am not quite sure how to pass it through or if I should be looking in the Virtual Box -> VM -> Settings -> Serial Ports-> tab.
I greatly appreciate any help folks can lend. Let me know what I can share to help narrow this down.