I am not sure if you sent me the log file you meant to send but this log file starts at 2023-05-20 16:48:25
so there is no reference to 20:30
- 20:37
as a time stamp. Also, the reference to 2B.37.39
is not in the log file but I do see 2B.E7.39
so I assume that is the device that you used for the tests.
Also, can you confirm you are running version 2023.6.2 or higher?
Here is what I see in the logs. At 16:51:10 2B.E7.39 was turned on and 33.AB.59 was queried for its status:
2023-05-20 16:51:10.933 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.2be739] Topic: 2be739.1.on.all_link_broadcast data: {'cmd1': 17, 'cmd2': 0, 'target': 000001, 'user_data': None, 'hops_left': 3}
2023-05-20 16:51:10.935 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.2be739] Topic: handler.2be739.1.on.all_link_broadcast data: {'on_level': 255}
2023-05-20 16:51:10.936 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.2be739] Topic: state_2be739_dimmable_light_1 data: {'name': 'dimmable_light', 'address': '2be739', 'value': 255, 'group': 1}
2023-05-20 16:51:10.944 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.2be739] Topic: event_2be739_1_on_event data: {'name': 'on_event', 'address': '2be739', 'group': 1, 'button': 'dimmable_light'}
2023-05-20 16:51:10.959 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.33ab59] Topic: send.status_request.direct data: {'address': 33ab59, 'status_type': 2}
This is all as expected, however, you say
20:30 - I physically turn on 2b.37.39 at the switch. Nothing shows on in HA
So I am not sure if this means that for some reason HA did not see this change. I can say for sure the underlying Insteon library saw the change and responded accordingly. I don’t see anything unexpected here.
At 16:52:05
I see 2B.E7.39
turned off and 33.AB.59
queried for its status. This is also as expected. There are a few other on/off sequences that also appear to be as expected. All of these sequences started with a broadcast message, which is also as expected.
However, at 16:55:07
I see 2B.E7.39
turned on but the broadcast message is missing. The first message is an All-Link cleanup message. This is the same behavior we saw before that I thought I had fixed but it appears the fix is not working.
Let me look at this again because the fix I provided should have worked and I am not sure why it did not.