Integrate "old fashioned" doorbell into HA with Xiaomi

Hello bouwew,

Finally made some time to go to the electronic store to get the 100 nF capacitor and soldered the capacitor between the two wires. The sensor was all ready working fine without the capacitor, but as you discriped I got a lot of “fake rings”. Hopefully these are now gone. Thanks for your advices.

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I’m really interested in the solution proposed in the original post, but am not familiar with the internal working of mechanical chimes. I’m thinking of buying a Byron 776 (which I believe to be compatible with my Ezviz DB1C video doorbell), but have no idea where I would mount the door sensor. I attach a photo of the Byron unit (a screen grab from Youtube) - I was wondering if anyone could offer any guidance on where the door sensor should be mounted?

Just try different position and watch your sensor in HA, you’ll see when it get triggered.

I’ve installed the door sensor as well, and it works perfectly.

Thanks for the idea and clear instructions posted above (even with my abysmal soldering technique)!

Hi everyone,
I saw this post, and wanted to do the same (starting to do some home automation at my new place…)
Got a Xiaomi door and window sensor but I don’t have a clue (tried to place it inside but didn’t work) where to place it in my doorbell…
Can anybody help me ?

You´d need to place it as close as possible to the central part (maybe on top of the white part) as once activated the magnetic induction needs to reach the sensor. in the end it depends on how much space you have inside, but a good way is to just try… hold it in one place and then have somone press the doobell and see if it works… if not…move and repeat…

I have a bell that runs on 12v and makes bird sounds over a speaker as long as the push button is pressed. Thinking that there might be a magnetic field, I tried to stick the contact sensor to the speaker. I’ve also tried sticking the vibration sensor to the speaker just in case vibration occurs. I didn’t get any results. Do you have a suggestion?

I came across this thread while searching for a way to integrate my ‘dumb’ doorbell into HA, until I can sort out a PoE video doorbell instead. I’ve got a battery powered chime which uses a 9v pp3 battery to activate the electromagnet and hit the chime plates.

I tried holding a spare Aqara door sensor near the electromagnet but couldn’t get it to register, so if I understand the previous posts here, instead of using the electromagnet to activate the door sensor, I can desolder and remove the ‘bar’ on the aqara board, which makes/breaks the circuit when a magnet is near it, and instead just solder 2 wires in its place, which go to the button? The doorbell button breaks this circuit normally, but when pushed, completes the circuit, as if a magnet was present originally, and this changes the status of the sensor in HA.

In order for the chime to still sound upon a button press, can these wires also join to the electromagnet terminals on the chime like normal? Would the 9v of the electromagnet be an issue for the aqara board in this scenario? I would rather keep the original chime as well as have HA notify me on the sensor status changing.