I am a new user of Home Assistant, and I am desperately trying to install the integration that allows me to use my Becker shutters.
I have the usb-BECKER-ANTRIEBE_GmbH_CDC_RS232_v125_Centronic-if00.
I installed the extension “Becker cover support for Home Assistant” via HACS which prompts me after installation to configure my configuration.yaml file
Then in Advanced SSH & Web Terminal I ran the command:
pip install pyserial
Which returns me this result:
Looking in indexes:
Requirement already satisfied: pyserial in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages (3.5)
WARNING: Running pip as the ‘root’ user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behavior with the system package manager, possibly rendering your system unusable. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: 12. Virtual Environments and Packages — Python 3.13.1 documentation. Use the --root-user-action option if you know what you are doing and want to suppress this warning.
So I think it’s installed.
Then, I placed myself in the centronic-py-master directory via the command:
cd /config/custom_components/centronic-py-master
I pressed the button on the remote control and heard the confirmation click.
I ran the command several times:
./centronic-stick.py --send TRAIN --channel 1:1
which gives me the error:
zsh: permission denied: ./centronic-stick.py
I also tried typing in the developer mode action menu:
service: becker.pair
channel: 1
unit: 1
Which gives me the error:
Failed to execute action becker.pair. required key not provided @ data[‘channel’]. Got None