Integrating Eectrolux Pure I9 Robotic Vacuum

I can operate my i9.2 using the cli but I couldn’t get the integration running.

The HA log only displays the following:

2021-03-19 23:32:58 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.vacuum] Setup of vacuum platform electrolux_purei9 is taking over 10 seconds.
2021-03-19 23:33:48 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.vacuum] Setup of platform electrolux_purei9 is taking longer than 60 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer.

Is there anyway I can view the debug log for more infomation?

Sorry, but how can I ping the vacuum from the host? I am running Hass OS supervisor on Proxmox.

I managed to integrate my i9.2 using switch.command along with the purei9-cli.

The config is simple like:

  - platform: command_line
        command_on: 'ssh -i /config/pi pi@PI_IP "cd /home/pi/purei9-cli && python3 local I9_IP PASSCODE start"'
        command_off: 'ssh -i /config/pi pi@PI_IP "cd /home/pi/purei9-cli && python3 local I9_IP PASSCODE home"'
        command_state: 'ssh -i /config/pi pi@PI_IP "cd /home/pi/purei9-cli && python3 local I9_IP PASSCODE status" | grep Cleaning'

This is good enough for me now. Thanks for all the information guys. :slight_smile:

Can’t make the integration work either. I have the ‘electrolux_purei9’ stuff in /config/custom_components -directory, the configuration.yaml has

  - platform: electrolux_purei9
    name: pureI
    email: !secret electrolux_user
    password: !secret electrolux_password
    ip_address: ""
  • I can ping the IP address from hass host
  • No pureI Entity or Device visible in hass

Hass core-2021.4.6
Supervisor supervisor-2021.04.0

Log error message:

Logger: homeassistant.components.vacuum
Source: helpers/
Integration: Vacuum (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:01:29 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:01:29

Setup of platform electrolux_purei9 is taking longer than 60 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer.

My issue was caused by current Electrolux app (Wellbeing) and distribution of localpw from pureI to Electrolux cloud, see: Unable to connect local vacuum because there is no localpw · Issue #6 · Phype/purei9_unofficial · GitHub

A little nicer with Template Vacuum - Home Assistant and ssh add-on with script hassio.addon_stdin over:

  alias: start_vacuum
  - service: hassio.addon_stdin
      addon: a0d7b954_ssh
      input: python3 -m purei9_unofficial cloud -c USERNAME:PASSWORD home
        -r IDHERE
  mode: single
  alias: home_vacuum
  - service: hassio.addon_stdin
      addon: a0d7b954_ssh
      input: python3 -m purei9_unofficial cloud -c USERNAME:PASSWORD home
        -r IDHERE
  mode: single
  alias: pause_vacuum
  - service: hassio.addon_stdin
      addon: a0d7b954_ssh
      input: python3 -m purei9_unofficial cloud -c USERNAME:PASSWORD home
        -r IDHERE
  mode: single


  - platform: template
          - service: script.turn_on
              entity_id: script.vacuum_start

          - service: script.turn_on
              entity_id: script.vacuum_home

          - service: script.turn_on
              entity_id: script.vacuum_pause
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I think I need a for dummies guide here on how to implement this. I got both these two components installed in my custom_components folder now so i can do it either way. Can somebody help me get going with this?

With the electrolux_purei9 folder in custom_components i get platform not found error?

Ok got Limeray’s component working by adding it as a custom repo in HACS and following the guide. Seems to be working good enough for now :grinning:

Hey! I am trying the same thing but feels like i am really stuck… could you help me out how you did?

edit: Got it working now! Thanks anyways. Seems to be working fine :smiley:
Does anyone know if it’s possible to control zones? Or is it only possible to make it “start” and “stop” ?

I added this adress as as a custom repository in HACS:

After that i could follow the instructions here. For now it works but i can see if it is possible to add some more functionality to the vacuum.

Thanks for your hard work @Limeray but I did not get the integration to work. Apparently, there’s an issue with a local password not being set on the robots which is a required ingredient for getting a local integration to work.

Instead, I created my own Pure i9 integration using the same library but using only cloud commands (as opposed to local). Using a cloud integration might not be ideal but it works for me. I hope this can help other people as well:

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Thank you @nikl.ekman! Installed your version and seems to be working.

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Installed and working great! Big thanks!

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Great work. I’ve linked you repository in my original awnser and my repository.

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Coolt, tyvärr är jag sjukligt ny på detta, har du någon for dummies guide? Måste jag ha HA cloud?
Skulle vara schysst att få in den , har en 9.2


Not sure if I got the gist of the question as my Swedish isn’t that fluent.
I have my HASS running on RasPi (the HASS OS distribution) at the moment on version 10.7

  1. Install HACS

  2. Open HACS from HASS UI, go to Integrations and search for Pure i9

  3. Install Pure i9

  4. Configure

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Thanks Petri
Will try that in a while, will keep you posted on how´s it going .

It wont show up :frowning:

@Emvees_FFS what is ‘It’? i.e. which step fails?
And if it is HACS and I wasn’t clear enough, of course HACS setup needs to be done

Yes i have hacs i got it in but it seems abit simple, dunno if im doing it wrong thou.

It’s not a “default” integration in HACS. You need to add as a custom repository in HACS.