Integrating GE Concord alarm system

I already told you. Hopefully the developers will respond.

If indeed no code is needed on the superbus module in order to disarm the alarm system and its not just a case of misconfiguration, the alarm panel needs to be recoded so it performs more like the Manual Alarm Panel and you can configure the code within Home Assistant.

Ok. So you want the ability to input a code to arm/disarm the panel via the Hass api.

Maybe others using the Concord platform will comment on how they view it’s functionality.

Just checking the the code and this section in particular

def alarm_disarm(self, code=None):
“”“Send disarm command.”""

Edit this to read your panel code save it and see if it forces you to enter your panel code to disarm. This might solve your problem.

That wouldn’t work. What you are describing would be a fix if the code worked as intended and you wanted to NOT have to put in the code.
The problem, if there is one, is that the Concord232 Server is able to disarm without receiving a code, so not really a Home Assistant issue. I can use the Concord232 Client and disarm without a code as well.
I see 3 scenarios:

  1. Some kind of misconfiguration on my Concord Alarm Panel that allows the bus to disarm without a code.
  2. No code is by design necessary on the bus and the code works as intended. If that is the case, the HA Alarm Panel code should be changed so it is possible to ad a code thats defined in the HA config.
  3. There is a problem with the Concord232 Server Code.

Well according to this post other panels can be disarmed without a code. Lovelace: Alarm card

Not sure what level of coding experience you have but maybe you could clone the GitHub yourself and make the changes you feel are needed. The GitHub hasn’t had an update for over a year so you might be a while waiting on a response.

Yes, other panels have the option of specifying wether you want a code or not. It most likely wouldn’t be that hard to implement on the Home assistant side of things. My main problem is that I don’t know enough about how the SuperBus 2000 RS-232 module is supposed to behave. It doesn’t make much sense for me to go change the code on the HA side of things if its just my setup thats somehow misconfigured.
From what you are saying about the communication over the SuperBus being buggy, the best solution would probably be to keep the authentication within Home Assistant. I would be happy about that. I just would like some of the original programmers to chime in on what was intended etc.

Could you implement what you need via the Manual Alarm

There’s a feature here to force a code. I wonder could this be used.

I’m assuming you’re familiar with this document. I think it gives you all you need to know about the RS232 AM and protocol

I have programmed a new component that gives the option of defining a code(Optional) in configuration.yaml and also allows for setting a mode(Optional) (audible/silent) that gives the option of keeping the alarm panel silent when using ARM HOME. The new component wont break any existing implementations and current behavior will be the same if the additional options are not configured.

  - platform: concord232
    host: !secret alarmpanel_ip
    code: !secret alarmpanel_code
    mode: silent

Now I just have to figure out how to submit it :wink: Works great on my end.

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Silent arming would be an amazing option.

I also found the error causing the log error about the same sensor being added multiple times. I have submitted a pull request for both.

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0.91.3 released today fixes the bug adding the same sensor multiple times.
0.92 will ad the new features when it’s out.

Just updated to 91.3…no more multiple sensor errors…awesome work.

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Would you like to share that code here. I’d be interested to see what changes you made to the base code.

The changes to fix the bug or implementing the additional features?

If we are talking about the added features:

If you want the functionality to remain the way it is now, just don’t change your config and everything will stay the same.

The Bug fix was much simpler:

Both actually but you’ve done that. Thanks.

The added features have been accepted into Dev, so I’m guessing they will come out with 0.92

Nice to see a bit of work being done on this. It’s been a while since there’s been any enhancements.

Still no change made to the scan_intetval of 10 seconds. I’m still manually updating this with every upgrade.