I have a floor heating system with electric valves from Magnum Heating MC-W that uses remote wifi thermostates and has a local webpage for control.
I’d like to find a way to integrate this more into my HA dashboard. I can setup a link to the webpage but am wondering if anybody is able to help me find an integration for this.
I’m not sure if it applies 1:1 on your thermostat, but there is a quite extensive topic on the Magnum Heating MRC (electric floor heating) thermostat:
The MRC thermostat turns out to be a Tuya thermostat. I have added the thermostat to the Tuya app on my phone (after resetting the Wi-Fi on the thermostat and removing it from the MAGNUM app). Afterwards, I was able to show (and control) the thermostat with the official Tuya integration in HA.
If your thermostat is also a Tuya thermostat (which wouldn’t surprise me), you could try integrating it via the (local)Tuya integrations in HA.