Integrating Magnum Floor Heating MC-W

Hi All,

I have a floor heating system with electric valves from Magnum Heating MC-W that uses remote wifi thermostates and has a local webpage for control.

I’d like to find a way to integrate this more into my HA dashboard. I can setup a link to the webpage but am wondering if anybody is able to help me find an integration for this.

Any help or ideas are appreciated.


I’m not sure if it applies 1:1 on your thermostat, but there is a quite extensive topic on the Magnum Heating MRC (electric floor heating) thermostat:

The MRC thermostat turns out to be a Tuya thermostat. I have added the thermostat to the Tuya app on my phone (after resetting the Wi-Fi on the thermostat and removing it from the MAGNUM app). Afterwards, I was able to show (and control) the thermostat with the official Tuya integration in HA.

If your thermostat is also a Tuya thermostat (which wouldn’t surprise me), you could try integrating it via the (local)Tuya integrations in HA.

Good luck!