Hi @Ernst , thanks for that! But it seems that BLE Monitor only takes the weight and impedance but does not do the computation to create all the other sensors or attributes.
Anyway, did anyone created a nice Lovelace frontend (UI) ?
I have ideas where it could be green or red depending of values, inspired by the official app.
A template sensor will probably also be possible to do the split up.
The reason I didn’t include this, it because I think it would make more sense if there is an integration that does this calculations like BMI and extra attributes independently of the weight measurements. In that way, it is useful for every scale, not only MI Scales.
I need help getting rid if “Timmy”. Timmy was added as a user from an update. I removed him from the options but he is still in my entities. How do i remove this user since that was a default user.
Running the addon from home assistant supervised on hassos on raspberry pi.
@sbobergje you need to post an empty message to the Timmy topic with the retain flag set on.
Alternatively use an app like MQTT Explorer to delete the unwanted topic
Hello. Did anyone have experience weighing something that is not heavy. I had an idea to keep track of the weight of my dog (French Bulldog) weight 8-9kg does not record (
Is there any way this scale/setup would work with a persistent weight applied to the scale? Or would it need to be placed on it each time?
I’ve seen some on sale and am thinking of using the scales to keep track of the weight of some kegs of beer in the fridge, so i can use it to convert to how many beers there are left in each.
However, there is one problem when you restart the core. This causes the template sensors to lose their state and have to recreate it since they are not persistent. However, this only works for one person, the one who weighed himself last.
An example with the values from your template: First a person weighs himself with 70 kg. This is assigned to user1. Then a person weighs himself with 65 kg, this is assigned to user2. Now the core is restarted. Both sensors are unavailable at first. The last state of sensor.xiaomi_mi_scale_weight is 65, so this is correctly assigned to user2 again. User1 is assigned sensor.weight_name_user1 instead, which is unavailable. This will not be corrected until user1 weighs itself again.
Hello, at the beginning I was part in this direction then my wife and I we have a weight too close. So I went with this solution. In addition it keeps the data well after a restart.
Yes i saw that card earlier, but wanted something to show how far i was from the ideal value of some attributes. Althow the ideal is to store this value for long time anda make some kind of a chart with it.
with 4 load cell weight sensors, esp32 and esphome I have built a cheap scale which can be used with HA. you can use it for example with your bed so your weight is tracked while you are sleeping (or not).
Hi Ricardo,
first a big thank you cause it worked like shown and I like it.
FOR ALL BEGINNERS: you first will need harcs installed cause this offers an automated installation of the custom type bar-card (or you have to do it following the manual way via github)
Here is a list of terms a lot of you wanna translate from portuguese, luckily google does a good trick and the variables are declared in english, so for an easy localisation search for all the “name” items which are here portuguese.
Gordura = fat = Fett
Aqua = water = Wasser
Basal metabolism = basal metabolism = Grundumsatz
Visceral fat = visceral fat = Bauchfett
Músculo = muscles mass = Muskelmasse
Proteína = protein = Protein
Massa óssea = bone mass = Knochenmasse
Peso = weight = Gewicht
Finally you have to replace ricardo with your name at the last line with yours and then everywhere else with the name of your scale sensor. Easiest way to find out your scale’s sensor name is developer tools and then in the header of the table type ‘scale’ … and check the bodymiscale.* one cause that is the sensor’s name you have to put as replacement for this ‘bodymiscale.ricardo’
Only point I have an issue with is the following line
background: url(‘/local/img/miscale2.jpg’);
Usually “/local” means /$config path/www/ and therefore the scale should work if it finds in my /home-assistant/www/img path a file called miscale2.jpg, cause /config stays always for /$config path/www/
I can open my miscale2.jpg manualy just to see if it is a picture and not corrupted.
Therefore a huge thankyou to Ricardo for his achievement.
As I had said it “works” and that means a lot these days cause usually it takes a lot of time to see an idea and to implement it into your HA installation depending on which installation you have and how good the variables are named or not.
Ricardo, yours worked fine for me, but might be usefull to add a few comment lines for all the beginners like me (1 week into).
Can you please check this background image line
background: url(‘/local/img/miscale2.jpg’);
And beyond the background picture question I have another one: regarding font colour
We would like black font instead of white one but I could not find “white” in your script or font colour.