Integration for NissanConnect Services

Not sure if it helps, but I noticed that in my configuration.yaml file, the battery sensor was named ‘leaf’, hence I couldn’t find it when searching for Ariya :rofl:

But it looks like it might not be the case for you…

we should see it in mqtt explorer ?
but i don’t see.

Correct, like I said I was lazy at first so I called the sensor inline with the topic so indeed Leaf_… for all other sensors I came to my senses :slight_smile: and gave it a meaningful name, although the topic is still called leaf_…

Can you show us the complete debug messages, especially the URL and the payload

what exactly do I need to change?

what I showed on the previous photo is not enough?
how to do ?
for information I have a nissan leaf not an ariya.

Ah you have a Leaf, OK that sorts it, the leaf is using a different version of the API you will have to change the node to call a different URL for the battery state.
You need to change the function node for the battery status in the NissanConnect-Status subflow to use V1 instead of V2 Url

Change the highlighted part to V1

it works. Thanks a lot.

I have another question. How to create a button to update the battery manually ?

You would need to create a “helper” button in HA, see documentation here. Then you add the entity to your card on the dashboard.

In Nodered you add a HA State event node

The node is configured like so

In this case my helper entity is called : Ariya_Update_Battery_And_Temperature

And of course link the node output to your input of the refresh nodes

Hi again, so the only part I’m still having trouble seeing up is the device tracker.

I have added the code from GitHub into my config file (and changed the VIN of course), and I can see the location data in MQTT explorer, but I keep receiving the following error in developer tools

I’m assuming that I don’t have something set correctly in my MQTT broker, but I’m far from an expert in that area…

Could you help?

your Configuration.yaml should look something like this :

Thanks again, I had it placed under the mqtt sensor. Moving it above on my config helped, no more errors now :slight_smile:

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I created input button.
in nodered the nodes are already configured.
I don’t see entity Ariya_Update_Battery_And_Temperature in the entities tab .
How to make a link between the button and the update request ?

I’ve found.
I’m a bit dumb.
Thank you very much for everything.

how many calls per day maximum can I make without draining the 12v battery?

Ok so another, possibly newbie question. How do I see the new device tracker in home assistant? I don’t see any entity has been generated, so I’m not sure how to make a map to show the location of my car… :slight_smile:

I have the same problem as you.

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if you updated the location it should already be visible on the default map, that’s a first thing to Check.
You can add a map card for the created entity

Of course, I assume that after you’ve added the sensors and changed the Configuration.yaml you have rebooted HA.

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@dam33420 the entity in your case is called : device_tracker.Leaf

It’s ok for me.
how many calls per day maximum can I make without draining the 12v battery?