Never in a million years !, seems like(spite you all talks about various/multiple system/and websites) You don’t seems to realize the impact this would be on HA, communicating with multiple API’s, with multiple different " code/programming language etc etc etc.
IF anyone decide to build such a Multi Generic “Parent Control system” it would be in line with a humongous surveillance system.
Im totally baffled about the ideas here, as The Only Common Factor is “time-control/multiple different account-control/ multiple different API-access, to multiple different Devices” …if one can call these factors “Only”
I assume some of you are parents, so maybe you should reconsider, yours and your children current situation, and make the best “common” solution out of it.
As Nickrout mention, you might have an “unbareable situation”, cut the damn line ! , implement screen-time ( im sure you have fairly “pinned” eating times/ sleeping times )
So if you as a parent find that your children should only have total screen-time of i.e X Hours, talk with your children about it.
You can’t control their “screentime” if they are “out of the house” , using other wifis/3-5G, this can only be limited on that particular device/or the specific “destination” ( Not through HA ), Basically you are Limited to the time they are “home” Every Router has parental control , on atleast IP/mac/device level , and external urls ( some Router integration in Ha has this “feature” also, to a certain extend.
If find your Children needs to be “limited” talk with them about it, and simply cut the line, if you can’t agree, or they wont respect the house-rules, they have an option to affect ( If it’s something you talk with them about )
If it aint, You are the responsible person, for forcing rules upon them, which they might have hard to understand or/and in particular, G.A.S about, Im sure this is an even more unbearable situation
Cut of their devices after bed-time, even untill the are suppose to go to school ( what do they need to do before?, eating breakfast, doing their homework etc.etc. ),
And so on, You your self know, which time is “acceptable” and which are not ( there you have already a valid timespan to cut them from using ethernet/wifi , while home.
All talk about the individual place/apps etc., is just something in your mind, because this particular app/site offers this.
It’s ridicules to deside whether they should use the evening(specified time) with Youtube or gaming, You are not to decide which interests your different children should have.
But if you find it “too much” talk with them, and implement total screen-time, with in a timespan ( which is normally after school untill bed-time ( and weekends )
yeah ive seen this “discussion” in several Topics/FR, im still amazed that people think a generic-API , for all current sites/apps etc etc, and even tomorrows coming, could be a good thing to “Control” In HA, beside it shouldn’t solve their/yours “issues” , because you haven’t talked with your Children about, and apparently you can’t figure out to cut the line, if they don’t respect you advises or “house-rules”
There is at best , a total screen time in, 1,2,3 time span a day, from specific device, im sure little-bro, can’t use big-sis phone, or ipad etc, and if other Devices is beeing missused, block it, and “ban” the kid , if you find out who … IT’s called in “old-terms” Upbringing, nurture or education, or all, if you try to explain your reasons, for your decisions
Get a grip of the situation, instead of thinking an APP solves such