Integration in HA of two KNX routers


First of all, I want to congratulate you for all the work.

My question is the following: I have two KNX IP-TP routers that represent two different lines. The two routers are configured with ETS and work without any problem together with the equipment. My problem appeared when I wanted to configure them in my HA system. Using the tunneling mode, I can connect to each of them separately and activate the configured elements, but when I want to turn on a light, for example, which is on line 1 and I am connected to the router of line 2, it does not work. How can I do this?

I think I have to use the routing function, but I would like, if possible, to receive more details. What address should I put in ‘Individual address’? Address of one of the routers? Do I need a switch with management and multicast or can it be done in another way? Do I have to configure anything else in ETS? I searched quite a lot and I didn’t find anywhere a tutorial or an example of how I can solve the problem.

Thank you very much!

Why are there even 2 routers connecting these 2 lines? Why are these lines separated?

The HA KNX integration can only have one connection. This can be

  • tunnelling - to one of these lines (Unicast), or
  • routing - to be an individual device on the backbone (Multicast)

in both ways you’ll have to think about what GAs you want to reach for from HA and adjust your ETS project accordingly to have the routers filter tables enable that.

This is for routing only - and you can not use a routers IA, but use an unused one in your backbone line.

You don’t need any special switch. Multicast has to be working for the routers to work, so I guess that is not a problem.

Yes. What exactly depends on which way you would like to go - and why there is routing used in the first place.

Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately, this is the topology chosen for the project. We did not want more than 64 entities on each line. The model of the two routers is: The routers also have the Telegram routing function set to Group and Physical:routing (we tried all of the options). I set the address 0.0.1 for HA and when I diagnose from ETS I notice how multicast telegrams appear with appropriate GAs but none of them reach the equipment. It might be a problem with the routers I think. We do not necessarily have to use the routing function if it is not necessary. We only need a method so that we can reach all GAs in HA from this two lines.

Read about how Knx communication works across multiple lines. Keywords for search are “Filter table” and “ETS Dummy Device”.

The gist is: if there is no device interested in the destination address of a telegram at the other end of a coupler/router, the telegram will not be forwarded.

Thank you very much! That’s what I did and I succeeded! I created Dummy Devices so that the router I talk to through tunneling knows about the GAs located on the other router.

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Resurrecting this old thread as I have the same issue.

I have the following topology -
Line 1
1.1.0 (ABB router) and devices behind it 1.1.x
1.2.0 (ABB router) and devices behind it 1.2.x

There is IP backbone.

I just cannot get ETS to populate the filter table.
I have desected “Pass through line coupler” in each of the Group addrresses.

These are the steps I tried -
a) made a dummy device in 1.1.0. Then i added ALL group address which are to be seen by 1.1.x devices as links to this dummy device. the filter table is still blank. I have deselected “Pass through line coupler” in each of the group addresses.
I can connect (tunnel) to each of the devices by respective IPs and address each of the GA on that side. but multicast (224.x.x.12) doesnot work.

Please help.

Are these GAs assigned to any device on your 1.2.x line too?

What does that mean?

Yes - there are GAs assigned to dummy device.
In fact - I have linked ALL (If you zoom my ETS) 1,2,3,4,6 GA to dummy 1.1.1
5GA to dummy 1.2.100.

All addresses are linked with dummy. Still the filter table is not populated. I have solved it by clicking "pass through coupler) for all 1,2,3,4,5,6 GA - But my telegrams are crazy now.

This can not be seen on the image above :person_shrugging:
Again, are there any GAs that are linked to devices in both lines (dummy or real device)?

Yes - Its a working installation.

So let’s take an example.

Say you want to control 1/1/1 from HA.
1/1/1 is associated with a device on 1.1.x (eg. 1.1.9)

  • HA connects to 1.1.0 via tunnelling. That should work fine.
  • HA connects to 1.2.0 via tunnelling. Then you’d need to add 1/1/1 to a dummy on 1.2.x (or to the tunnel endpoint Associations tab of 1.2.0)
  • HA uses routing. Then you’d need to set HAs IA to something like 1.0.240 (1.0.x), add a dummy in ETS with that IA and assign 1/1/1 to this dummy.

This has actually become a KNX question (I asked in knx-user also).
Relevant to HA for any body who comes here on search - UPDATE YOUR ABB FIRMWARE.

I posted here as I though its HA which is playing - I could tunnel into each router but routing was not working. I updated ABB router - and now BOTH routers can be routed (earlier it was only one)

Coming to KNX question (My query is now purely ETS based - HA is all solved), my filter tables are still blank if I deselect “pass through coupler”

A few more screenshots - showing my topo.