Does someone know of an integration of LED name tags/badges into Home Assistant?
Here is the code use to program them via USB: https://github.com/jnweiger/led-name-badge-ls32
I think they can be used eg. as a status display.
Does someone know of an integration of LED name tags/badges into Home Assistant?
Here is the code use to program them via USB: https://github.com/jnweiger/led-name-badge-ls32
I think they can be used eg. as a status display.
take a look here: DIY 8x32 RGB status display: "Awtrix"
and here: DIY 8x32 RGB status display with appdaemon "PixelIt"
My favorit is the pixelit, i am developing an addon which will make the integration to hass.io much easier than the appdaemon version.
Greetings from germany
Thank you for the answer! They are a little bit too big for me. I searched for a smaller one.
Any news about integrating NameTag LED 11x44 3.7V 200mAh - 93x30x6mm ?