Integration Sencor Weather Station

Good morning Would it be possible to request the integration of Sencor Weather Station? Thank you

Which one? There are a bunch, using different technology

Hello Vladislav,
Welcome to the HA Forum.

There is a definite lack of info with your request.
Please read this over and update it so that you might get the response you are looking for. At this point it is unclear.

Sencor SWS 16600 WiFi SH. Or add Sencor as a manufacturer to the integration for various devices?

As a workaround, you might have a look at the WeeWX project which, at the least, allows you to intercept what the weather station sends to, e.g., weatherunderground and make that information available to HA.

Thank you for the answer. The weather station also supports the Tuya system, but the Tuya integration is not visible in this weather station. I also used the integration from another author, but this one is broken and not everything works correctly. It refuses the corrective update.