Does anyone have a similar reading case, it disrupts my monthly and annual readings, but not the total. It turns out that the error comes from pv_string_01_voltage
I’m also getting wrong readings, that’s why I stopped using smart dongle and I’m connecting again to internal wifi AP. With internal AP I had never got any wrong readings.
In a my old configuration I had similar issue on an utility meter sensor based to template. This happened at HA restart.
I am not an expert but maybe it could be caused to the temporary unavailablity values of some sensor included into the template.
I don’t know why, but for a few days I can’t connect to the dongle anymore.
I do a “ncmli device wifi” and it shows me SUN2000-HV20C0028779 for some time. Then it wifi AP disappears, and maybe reappear.
When I try to connect “nmcli d wifi connect SUN2000-HV20C0028779 password xxx” it gives me “Error: Connection activation failed: (53) The Wi-Fi network could not be found.” or after 1 minute or so “Error: Connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required, but not provided.”
Any idea what’s going wrong here? It was working fine for the last 2 month since I got it. Dongle fw version seems to have auto-updated to v123
hi from yesterday have a 2 strings of panels .in data I receive for any string power in A and Voltage for string .how is easiest way to calculculate sensor which show kwh or wh for string in that moment .like to see in real time separate for every string
It is because you probably are using other sensors in configuration.yaml and sensor: include means that all you sensors will be in sensor.yaml file. If your sensors are in configuration files you can add it to sesnsor section:
Siema, potrzebuję pomocy, połączyłem się z HA i odczytuje dane, ale mam problem z dostosowaniem wyglądu, czy można się z Tobą jakoś inaczej skontaktować żeby nie denerwować użytkowników że nie piszę do angielsku? mój angielski jest bardzo słaby…