Integration Solar inverter huawei 2000L

If I set it ut with two instances it works now.

But I seem to have a value problem if I add daily_yield from the both inverters. Today i get 17.9kWh (We have had a cloudy rainy day) BUT the Fusion app reports 14.78kWh. The input_power seems correct. Is there any manupilation with the numbers before presenting them in the app?

This has been discussed extensively in this topic. Iā€™ve summarized the insights I gained into a FAQ-entry and Wiki page.

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Have you already been successful with a wired RS485 connection? If yes, then any experience sharing would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

Finally, after countless attempts I was able to make the connection.
This time differently I used the beta version ā€œv1.0.0 alpha 4ā€ and went on the first try.

Now I will start filling out the energy card ā€¦


No, I consider this low priority because connecting over the inverter AP on port 6607 is working well for me. Donā€™t expect progress on this in the short term.

I know that other people are successfully using an ā€œRS485 to WiFiā€ dongle in combination with my integration. As this has proved to work, I expect that adding direct support for connecting to RS485_1 to be quite simple.

Everyone is more than welcome to contribute this feature to the integration and underlying library of course.

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When connecting directly to the inverter, the integration is working fine for me as well. Do you know what the shortest update interval for this scenario would be? Iā€™m asking, because I want to charge my EV only with the PV surplus and for this kind of purpose the data needs to be as realtime as possible. So an update interval of 30 seconds is too slow. However, I would expect shorter intervals to work just fine, when connecting directly to the inverter AP.

No, feel free to report back your experiences.

Ok. Can the update interval of the integration still be adjusted in via the following line?

UPDATE_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=30)

Hi Guys
I am new to Home Assistant and I absolutely love the system.

I think the best way would be to get that data from the Huawei API system.
In here it allows you to pull data and also do controlling commands trough the API.
All it requires is an API account (Free) and that the plant is connected to the internet trough either dongle or smartlogger. (Wifi if KTL-L1)

I work with this system for a living and would very much like to create this integrations if someone can help me with the coding. I know how the API works and I am also having account for this.

Kind regards

Hi, I set the connection via wifi on my RP4 and Inverter and it works, but I canā€™t ping
I have no dongle and Inverter in connect on my router as
In my case, is it impossible to connect to my huawei inverter? I try version 1.0 and 1.04 alpha
They installed it today

Hi everyone, first of all: Thank you wlcrs for all the work you are putting into this!

Iā€™m using a Pi 4 to connect to my inverter and constantly have dropouts in the connection. At the moment Iā€™m not even able to get the connection up again. Sometimes the connection is shown in the menu, but I donā€™t get a valid IP on wlan0. Any idea what could be the issue here? Pi and inverter are just about 1m away from each other. So I doubt this is a connectivity issueā€¦


Ciao alexdelli

I advise you as a test to install version 1.0, I also had connection problems before but once version 1.0 was installed it worked the first time with the parameters I used before ā€¦ so I suggest you try, maybe just do it first a nice backup.

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Hi Alex,

I try since 0.51ā€¦the Problem is that I canā€™t get the wifi connection (pi-inverter) to workā€¦ Such a shame Huawei closes the modbus-tcp via wired/FE connection.

Maybe I start digging into using the actual wired modbus connection from the inverter to the Piā€¦

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Oh no, sad news

I canā€™t understand, but Iā€™ll try again, after they give me account access to Fusion Solar

They close it, but you can enable it in huawei fusionsolar app or install firmware spc123 in dongle.

Thanks for the link

Please, could you share how you created and used those additional sensors?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Ligeza, did I get you right, you can enable ā€œwiredā€ modbus tcp in the fusion solar app? How is this possible?

Sorry, I thought wireless, I didnā€™t try if it works via LAN after enabling it in settings. I still have spc123 and I will stay on It as long as possible.