Integration with Car Net VW

@reinhard.ruemer Files are available here:


A question though. When I last played around with this like 6 months ago I ended up blocking car-net calls. It seems that there was a limit on the number of calls you could do to car-net in 24 hours. I remember that I got an error message in the volkswagen app stated something like “to many requests in a day” or something.
I now have the update interval on 360 minutes as even a 60 minute interval would be too much which makes the integration, not useless, but very limited.
Is this something that has changed? Which update interval do you use?

The „problem“ seems still to persist. I am currently trying to find a solution on an German e-Golf board… Will keep this thread up to date, if there’s anything new. It seems that VW doesn’t allow other clients besides web browsers and their own app.

Hi, just installed the volkswagencarnet add-on and i wanted to give your card a try.

Copied the picture files in to /config/www/picturename.png
Copied the text into the raw editor of lovelace.

I just get a corrupt card no pictures ahowing and the supposed icons are just orange triangles with ! in it. Several restarts with no effect.

Have i missed something?
Is there an issue that my car is a 2016 and i don’t have some of the options of lock(unlock doors etc).
I’m assuming the rest would work, I’m able to get data showing battery level and i can start climatization with a toggle switch in a separate card.

I heard that CarNet is restricting connections/polling to 15 times between each start/charge

I have no issues connecting to car net, have been updating every second minute for 8 hours with no issues.

Here’s my card config, should i change /local/ to my path, I’ve tried /config/www/, and almost every combo i can think of with no luck. Pictures are stored in /config/www/picturename.png

type: picture-elements
image: /local/passat.png
  - type: image
    entity: switch.CARID_climatisation
    image: /local/blank.png
      top: 39.5%
      left: 55%
      width: 43%
      'on': /local/passat_heat.png
  - type: image
    entity: binary_sensor.CARID_external_power
    image: /local/blank.png
      top: 62.8%
      left: 21.2%
      width: 43%
      'on': /local/passatcharging.png
  - type: image
    entity: binary_sensor.CARID_parking_light
    image: /local/blank.png
      top: 66.8%
      left: 37.2%
      width: 37%
      'on': /local/passat_light.png
  - type: image
    entity: lock.CARID_doors_locked
    image: /local/blank.png
      top: 42.3%
      left: 57%
      width: 2%
      locked: /local/blink.gif
  - type: state-icon
    entity: lock.CARID_doors_locked
      top: 87%
      left: 47%
  - type: state-icon
    entity: switch.CARID_climatisation
    hold_action: toggle
      top: 87%
      left: 58%
  - type: state-icon
    entity: switch.CARID_window_heater
    hold_action: toggle
      top: 87%
      left: 69%
  - type: state-icon
    entity: switch.CARID_charging
      top: 87%
      left: 80%
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.CARID_battery_level
      top: 96%
      left: 81%
  - type: state-icon
    entity: sensor.CARID_fuel_level
      top: 87%
      left: 91%
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.CARID_fuel_level
      top: 96%
      left: 92%

Have you updated “CARID” to reflect your real carid ?

    username: <username to volkswagen carnet>
    password: <password to volkswagen carnet>
        minutes: 2
        wvw1234567812356: 'Passat GTE'

I figured it out, it was as you mentioned the CARID and the VIN needed to be replaced.

Also my picture file was named Passat.png not passat.png. Once that was sorted it works super.

Note, there seems to be model year differences. For instance my 2017 Passat GTE doesn’t report fuel level for example, neither can it lock/unlock doors remotely.


Just got my new VW and activated CarNet in hassio.

Running hassio 0.93.2 and downloaded from Github today

I get an error 400 in the log, what have I done wrong?

Mon Jun 17 2019 14:00:30 GMT+0200 (centraleuropeisk sommartid)

Failure when communcating with the server: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:, url:

For anyone else Integration not working since VW updated their mobile app?

Same here, not working anymore. There’s some talk about it at other locations also:

Same here. Unsure why they updated the app, as there are no improvements and there’s more missing functionality now.

Ones question about this, where did you find the picture where your car is charging?. Did you do it with photoshop?. Because I don’t see in Car-Net this image… :slight_smile:

Don’t know about you guys, but my Car-Net been gone for a while. they’ve changed everything to “weConnect” now, and large changes to login structure.
Happily enough, people over on gtihub been working on this, but in a more generic matter.

Anyone able/willing to merge into HA ?

My Car-Net integration (from works relatively well (at least as good as the official VW app). There was a recent issue with the certificate that required a small workaround. But that seems to have been fixed by now.

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It’s not an individual picture, the pic of the car is still the same and then the cable is added on top as an overlay on the original picture, it’s just a cable and a open hatch, if you change the pic to your car the cable and hatch can hopefully be reused for your picture.

What was the workaround? I’m getting SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')])"))) when the component tries to call

VW obviously hasn’t managed to add a complete certificate chain, and I’m not sure if or when they’ll fix it.

What was the workaround?

The workaround is to append the certificate file that certifi uses, which is described in this thread:

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i had this running on my previous GTE. I now have a MY20, I added my previous config with new VIN. ThIS was on a fresh install of HA.

Did everything the same as previously, rebooted mi Pi, and now i don’t get a frontend. Currently not at home to try a brute restart too se if it works.

I can’t understand what would be the cause of it not rebooting properly, i made a snapshot just before so I’m all good to set it back.