Integration with Orbit B-Hyve Irrigation System

@sebr Just wanted to say thank you for this integration. The bhyve.set_smart_watering_soil_moisture service was just what I was looking for. I’m not good at YAML, but managed to figure out a workable automation to adjust the Smart Zone soil moisture percentage to match readings from Misol soil moisture sensors.

Much appreciated :+1:


I ended up just completely removing and re-installing it from HACS and was able to get it working again. Since HA 2023.6 though I am getting these errors though they don’t seem to have any real affect on them?

So the battery levels ARE being reported…sort of. While they don’t show on my gauge card…it just show a level of ZERO, the history report DOES show battery levels (and they appear to be reasonably accurate).

These are from B-hyve XD-4 port units (model 24639) controlled by a WiFi hub. I’m not bright enough to figure out why this happens…but maybe someone else is? (Yes, it’s not a “supported” unit, but it does seem to work in other respects.)

Apologies for hijacking this thread but I figure you guys might be able to help - you certainly seem more helpful than the Orbit forum site.

I bought a HT32 with Gen 2 Wifi hub, as well as a separate HT25. Short version is - the app says the HT32 is connected to the wifi hub. I can’t work out how to get the HT25 connected to the hub. I can connect via bluetooth ok.

When I reset and re-set up the HT25, it does NOT give me an option to connect via wifi (like all the video tutes suggest). Additionally, and this may be unrelated, when I go into “Device Groups” in the app it’s just blank, I can’t add one. I can try to add the HT25 to a device group, but of course it says that there aren’t any device groups/

I was worried that the HT25 is some sort of bluetooth-only model, but I’ve read online that you can use the hub with it.

I also wonder if it’s because I’m using a Gen 2 wifi hub (BH1G2) but if this is seriously the reason, that’s ludicrous that a 2nd gen hub can’t connect to devices that the previous gen could.

Any help or suggestions are very welcome!

I don’t remember the hardware specifics but the hub/unit models do make a difference. I have the four hose unit and was trying to also use a 1 hose at another faucet and the v1 hub would not connect to the 4 but would the one. After digging into it, I learned I needed the v2 hub for the 4 unit, which I don’t think will work with the 1 hose unit. Since I got the 1 and v1 hub as a set, I returned them and got a new v2 hub. Pretty stupid but not I have a 4 zone setup.

My god what a blatant cash grab by orbit. Luckily I bought the Gen 1 faucet through Amazon so they gave me a 100% refund. To be fair to them they would just have the description on their site that orbit gives them.

A further update on this…if I connect to the XD-4 port units by Bluetooth…I’ll see a display on one of my gauges of the battery %. For a while. Then it returns to 0.

So it works on one, and zip on the other.

Just noticed my daily low battery report didn’t include all of my sprinklers as it normally does and like you the 4 port ones are showing percentages (sporadically).
The 2 port still shows 0.

So guess it’s progress.

I’m seeing my battery level jump up and down as well. I’m thinking I need to make a sensor that just reports the max for the day. All I really care about is if they get low enough I need to replace them which I’m told is once per year.

@bigscience I like how yours looks…but not sure how you get a sensor that doesn’t exist (ie max for the day)? How did you get the “number of days” picker in the top right? I only have the “standard” history choice:

You’re using the standard history view.
@bigscience uses the custom:history-explorer-card.
There you have these functionality and even more.

For everyone with battery reporting issues

Battery values are extracted from the device information from the bhyve API. The bhyve-home-assistant integration periodically (every 5 minutes) polls the b-hyve api to fetch an updated set of values. So it stands to reason that the response is returning either bogus data or in a format which is not being handled properly.

It would be helpful if you could upload your device diagnostics to the following github ticket where this is being tracked:

Do not upload these diagnostics to this thread.

@sebr Done! Thanks – it’s very puzzling!!

Here is what I just did:

- platform: statistics
  entity_id: sensor.back_yard_battery_level
  name: max_back_yard_battery_level
    hours: 24
  state_characteristic: value_max

Which is giving me this:


You can see that the current battery is 0% but it grabbed the max of 93%. I may need to adjust the hours in case it doesn’t update in a day and I get a 0%. Another potential issue is if for some reason the battery takes a dive in a day, I’d get the highest value but really, my only real concern is if the batteries totally died in the 4 months I use the system. No need to water plants all year in the PNW.

Hope this helps

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Thanks…looks like my sensor doesn’t pick up in the same way on the Statistics:

This is disappointing. May be due to the fact that mine is a Orbit 24639 and it’s not one of the units “recognized” according to @sebr in the notes. Bummer.

Nope, that’s the same one I have and it looks like you are getting values from your graph. Did you create the new sensor with the code I posted? What you are doing is making a new entity that gets the max of your real battery level.

- platform: statistics
  entity_id: sensor.back_yard_battery_level ### This is the sensor that jumps up and down
  name: max_back_yard_battery_level  ### This is the new entity you are creating
    hours: 24
  state_characteristic: value_max

Make sure you restart and give it a little time to catch it when it actually shows the value. Oh, also make sure you have it set up in your recorder if you’d put excludes in there.

Brilliant! Works a treat with a gauge as well:

Much appreciated! (I didn’t even know there WAS a Statistics integration…)

There is now. My gawd, this weather and climate changes. Our lawn is dead before June (Saint Helens, OR. on the Columbia River). When we arrived 23 years ago it rained occasionally in Summer. Not now. Our B-Hyve drip water systems are critical for keeping whats left of our garden stumbling along until winter when the lawn returns, just before it freezes and goes dormant only to die shortly later in late spring. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m from Sedona, Arizona. That’s why I came here. I’ve seen this movie. I know how it ends. :fire: :hot_face: :fire:

I was using this integration last year and took it offline over the winter. Well fast forward, I just got back around to re-installing the Devices and they are working great with the app, however the integration!
only show the diagnostics? I’m missing the control and configuration? Any ideas on how to fix this??

I recall having to create a zone to get a valve switch to show up. But it has been a while since I set mine up. Worth trying it…