Integration with Orbit B-Hyve Irrigation System

Seems to be a username and password issue. If the integration doesn’t prompt for the password I get this error.

Doesn’t make any difference on mine: I can connect to B-hyve fine on web, on iOS app and via HA…but (stupid me!) I updated all my FW to v58 and now NONE of them report battery % anywhere. Not via Bluetooth or WiFi. There are some threads on the B-hyve forum (generally pretty useless as Orbit never seems to respond) about it as well.

Interesting I can control my hose valve no problem. It’s linked through the sprinkler controller (via bluetooth), instead of the typical dedicated wifi-bluetooth gateway.

That’s really strange. I just checked mine in Device Details in the android app and the info shows firmware 58 and a battery percentage of 25. My other devices are also on 58 and show the battery values. Haven’t browsed the orbit forum but will now. I did submit a ticket to the integration GitHub since my app does show the values but HA doesn’t.

Interesting. I wonder if the Android app grabs the info directly somehow and in the iOS app it depends on the firmware to provide it. (I’m using hose devices 24634 and a Gen 2 Hub, iOS with B-Hyve v3.0.28 and v58 fw on all devices). For sure HA won’t grab the entities.

Ah, I am on 3.0.29 Build 1120 as a beta tester for the Android app.
My wife has an iPhone so I’ll test on hers.

24634 (2) both on firmware 58
24632 on firmware 58
Gen 2 Hub on 0027

It’s odd cause I can see battery in the app but not in HA.

Also their servers have been having issues for weeks now with uptime. Another reminder as to why local-only is really the way.

Agree wholeheartedly!! And they’re as responsive as a brick wall.

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Well…this is strange: I just updated HA to 2023.6.1 so I don’t know if this is new behaviour or not.

When I look at the entity for battery level it shows “0” (because it reports as N/A per Sebr). But…and this surprised me as it seems to be new…if I look at the HISTORY for the entity…there is the battery level from 5 min ago (43% in one case, 89% in another). Can’t use it directly (well, I can’t…I’m too dumb for that!)…but someone might be able to write code to do that?

And iOS v3.0.29 of the B-have app now reads battery levels again…but they are very slightly different to those shown in HA history.

@sebr Just wanted to say thank you for this integration. The bhyve.set_smart_watering_soil_moisture service was just what I was looking for. I’m not good at YAML, but managed to figure out a workable automation to adjust the Smart Zone soil moisture percentage to match readings from Misol soil moisture sensors.

Much appreciated :+1:


I ended up just completely removing and re-installing it from HACS and was able to get it working again. Since HA 2023.6 though I am getting these errors though they don’t seem to have any real affect on them?

So the battery levels ARE being reported…sort of. While they don’t show on my gauge card…it just show a level of ZERO, the history report DOES show battery levels (and they appear to be reasonably accurate).

These are from B-hyve XD-4 port units (model 24639) controlled by a WiFi hub. I’m not bright enough to figure out why this happens…but maybe someone else is? (Yes, it’s not a “supported” unit, but it does seem to work in other respects.)

Apologies for hijacking this thread but I figure you guys might be able to help - you certainly seem more helpful than the Orbit forum site.

I bought a HT32 with Gen 2 Wifi hub, as well as a separate HT25. Short version is - the app says the HT32 is connected to the wifi hub. I can’t work out how to get the HT25 connected to the hub. I can connect via bluetooth ok.

When I reset and re-set up the HT25, it does NOT give me an option to connect via wifi (like all the video tutes suggest). Additionally, and this may be unrelated, when I go into “Device Groups” in the app it’s just blank, I can’t add one. I can try to add the HT25 to a device group, but of course it says that there aren’t any device groups/

I was worried that the HT25 is some sort of bluetooth-only model, but I’ve read online that you can use the hub with it.

I also wonder if it’s because I’m using a Gen 2 wifi hub (BH1G2) but if this is seriously the reason, that’s ludicrous that a 2nd gen hub can’t connect to devices that the previous gen could.

Any help or suggestions are very welcome!

I don’t remember the hardware specifics but the hub/unit models do make a difference. I have the four hose unit and was trying to also use a 1 hose at another faucet and the v1 hub would not connect to the 4 but would the one. After digging into it, I learned I needed the v2 hub for the 4 unit, which I don’t think will work with the 1 hose unit. Since I got the 1 and v1 hub as a set, I returned them and got a new v2 hub. Pretty stupid but not I have a 4 zone setup.

My god what a blatant cash grab by orbit. Luckily I bought the Gen 1 faucet through Amazon so they gave me a 100% refund. To be fair to them they would just have the description on their site that orbit gives them.

A further update on this…if I connect to the XD-4 port units by Bluetooth…I’ll see a display on one of my gauges of the battery %. For a while. Then it returns to 0.

So it works on one, and zip on the other.

Just noticed my daily low battery report didn’t include all of my sprinklers as it normally does and like you the 4 port ones are showing percentages (sporadically).
The 2 port still shows 0.

So guess it’s progress.

I’m seeing my battery level jump up and down as well. I’m thinking I need to make a sensor that just reports the max for the day. All I really care about is if they get low enough I need to replace them which I’m told is once per year.

@bigscience I like how yours looks…but not sure how you get a sensor that doesn’t exist (ie max for the day)? How did you get the “number of days” picker in the top right? I only have the “standard” history choice: