Integration with Orbit B-Hyve Irrigation System

Same here - installed without issues on the first pass, and working great. Wish I could contribute, but at least we’ll need a way to buy you a cup of coffee - thanks!

56 AM


Hey, that’s what I was waiting for in order to complete my home integration.
Great work!!
It works.
Now the service for starting the irrigation and it will be all I need :slight_smile:

Thank you
PS: And yes. You earned at least a cup of coffee. We need the way to contribute

Great, I’m glad someone is finally working on this. I appreciate your efforts.

I tried it and the sensors seem to work fine.

Thanks again, good job.

Just installed, worked perfectly! Way to go!!!

Thanks! Trying this out today!

Good to see this is heading in the right direction; I’m sure existing owners are holding a few breaths over this. I still haven’t purchased yet, so I’ll probably just go with something better (rainmachine comes to mind). I mean, the orbit would save like $100us, but IMHO that is not worth having to ‘wait, hope, beg devs’ for an mqtt integration that kinda works, in a round about way. Keeping the API closed may keep the “works with orbit” competitors away though, and maybe that’s worth more to them than opening the gates to cash from hax like us (who usually do things to make a product even more competitive… think Asus routers for example). IDK, at the end of the day I hope some Orbit decision maker ends up reading this.

Hey team.
I’ve released version 0.1.0 of the Orbit BHyve integration. This includes the ability to add a switch entity to both show and change the state - i.e. turn on or off a zone.

Please let me know of your experiences.

Triggering a zone is hardcoded to run for 1 minute. I am looking for any suggestions for the right way to accept user input for device run time. Should it be a custom service? Expose an input_number entity per zone for runtime?

I’ve also submitted a PR to include the integration into HACS default repo, this should land soonish.


ps - some of you kindly offered to shout me a coffee! You can do that now. :coffee: :slight_smile:


Hi @sebr !

I just updated to version 0.1.0 and added BHYVE platform tag to the SWITCH file (and restarted) but I could not see anything related to it on ENTITIES list.


Hi @sebr .

That is the error I am getting on LOG:

Error while setting up platform bhyve
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 150, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/”, line 442, in wait_for
return fut.result()
File “/config/custom_components/bhyve/”, line 31, in async_setup_platform
BHyveSwitch(bhyve, device, zone, name, sensor_type[“icon”],)
File “/config/custom_components/bhyve/”, line 46, in init
super().init(bhyve, device, name, icon, DEVICE_CLASS_SWITCH)
File “/config/custom_components/bhyve/”, line 151, in init
File “/config/custom_components/bhyve/”, line 74, in _setup
“sprinkler_type”: zone[“sprinkler_type”],
KeyError: ‘sprinkler_type’


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This is now fixed in version 0.1.1

Hi @sebr!

Now I could add SWITCH to HA but I am getting error below when I try to change it ON or OFF.

"error on calling service switch/turn_on. object NoneType can’t be used in ‘await’ expression"


Can you please raise an issue with the log attached? I will take a look, but want to avoid spamming this thread. thx

Hi Sebr,
installed it yesterday and first I got the same error Jose got. After Updating to 0.1.1 it works perfectly!

I am not sure there is a hardcoded limitation of 1 minute. When I trigger the switch the “Preset Runtime” of the device is used (check within the app), which is 10 minutes here.
Thanks again for the good work!

@Joerg I updated it to 10min, which is the default b-hyve duration!

Ah, okay, that’s why.

Hi @sebr!

After Updating to 0.1.1 it works perfectly!

Thanks for the good work!


Hi, already updated.
Everything work but the entity names have been updated.
That confused a little because I expected an issue first. :slight_smile:

All what I would like to have now is to start the irrigation for a given time irgnoring the preset in the app.
Then everything would be ok for me.
But that is only nice to have, no priority :slight_smile:

Hi @Pirol_62!

For now, you can reach this through a Node-Red automation like mine below:

In my case valve only keep opened for 5 seconds (whenever I turn it on) and then I turn it off (closing water flow).

I hope this help you.


Oh yes, so simple.
I raise the apps default to 1 hour.
Then I can create my own programm.

thanks for the kick in the… :slight_smile:

PS: @sebr I do need nothing else now.
From my perspective, you can stop development :slight_smile:
Thanks for your engagement and great work!!

@sebr Thank you for your effort… I just installed version 1.1.2 and itis working. I still have the problem with the battery level that shows as unavailable. It is not a big deal… I just want to let you know…

Thank you and all the improvements and new features will be very welcome. :smile: