Integration with Span?

The code to support the auth token has actually been in production for a long time, but nobody was using it. So the authentication process I described will work on your existing firmware, and then keep working whenever the update to make the proof-of-proximity authentication bypass have a shorter duration.

Needing to have the home assistant integration check the version of the panel firmware and then do different things is yucky. I can’t completely promise we won’t have another breaking change before we get the api stable, but we will certainly do our best to minimize them and communicate in advance if they are necessary.

I don’t know the answers to your questions about firmware roll out.


@tylas13 firmware updates are pushed out in phased groups, so they don’t all update at the exact same time. This is standard practice in the industry and minimizes the risk of regressions impacting our customers. Today, we don’t have any mechanism for panel owners to control when they receive updates, nor do we advertise our release schedule.

Echoing what Matt said, I see no reason version-checking would be necessary or desirable right now.


Doug - how is your number matching up with what the app is reporting. Mine’s …off - I haven’t figured out by what. - It’s incrementing proportionally, but…

Thought i was the only having this issue. I’ve even gone as far as to delete the data for the energy dashboard and recreated it from start.
Still the same issue with the numbers not matching…
showing that i have solar production at 2AM…
:confused: :confused: :confused:

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I was using the main panel consumption (Wh) sensor, because (at least on the surface) it looks to be collecting the right information - and have the right metadata, but - as far as I can tell whatever is being presented is WAY off from what HA expects. Rather than try to troubleshoot it as is - I went back top the current power sensor and used a helper to create a daily Reimann sum (left) sensor to accumulate the energy.

I’ve let the accumulation run all day and this is the comparison:

Old sensor:



Reimann Sum helper:


My expected daily usage is somewhere around 20kWh +/- 10% and it’s a quiet cool day, so this feels more correct. I’m going to switch out the utility meter to use the new accumulator this evening if it pans out…

I’d originally hoped to get a couple of weeks of data into the system before I started going over everything, but I can’t really get reliable data because it keeps glitching on me. So I can’t attest to the accuracy of the data…

But yeah, I have days on my report that show me using more energy than a small city.


Reimann Sum Left accumulators are the way to go.

You don’t have to do all of the sensors, as the power sensors for each individual breaker seem to be populating / calculated correctly - it’s just the ones that say ‘meter’ off the panel. I did one each for my main breaker on the main and sub panels and one for the feedthrough lug on the main panel - everything ‘jives’ now.

Something has to be ‘off’ in the calculation coming in from the integration - either it’s being fed wrong or not calculated correctly… I dont have the time or energy to dig into what’s ACTUALLY busted. But this works around the issue and lets my sankey chart work correctly now.

This Looks more like it.
Could please state which entities from the Span Panel, you used to to set this up
Thank you

All of the _power entities for each breaker. Except the mains. Workaround as described.

@NathanCu That ribbon chart looks amazing, did you put that together on Grafana?

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Nope - MindFreeze/ha-sankey-chart: A Home Assistant lovelace card to display a sankey chart. For example for power consumption (



Oh, this is great, thanks!

I’m getting this error on my SPAN integration, " Failed to set up: Server error ‘500 Internal Server Error’ for url ‘http://IP-Address/api/v1/circuits’ "
I have Removed the integration and open a closed the SPAN Panel door 3 times several times.

Any Idea on how to resolve it ?

What do you see if you open that URL in your browser? Does it show an error message?

i get this
{“detail”:“Not Found”}

@omegah3 Go to the Span integration screen in HA and hit the “Visit” under the Device Info tile. Make sure you hit the login - door counter should say “0” if it has been done. From there you should see the system screen with the “Emergency Reconnect” on the bottom tile.

Once that login page has been bypassed you should be able to get into the /api/v1/circuits page. You should see a rest data dump.

Tried everything, still did not work.
Could it be possible that Span still has my system locked on there end.
Reason being i had to do add 2 breakers for my Geothermal system over the weekend.
Just thinking wide !!!

Can you see the front page, the login screen?

If i go to the IP address of the panel i get this :

I logout and i get this

if i click on the circuit tab i get this

Hey Omegah3, this happened to me once in the lab and I think I know how to fix it. Can you DM me your serial-number or contact our Support team and tell them Colin sent you?