Interesting touch switch lanbon l8

I’m confused, in this tutorial, at 1:50 he says ‘find our blueprints and instal core functionality’, which i’ve done, then go to configuration >blueprints >HASPone core functionality> create automation
Then he says ‘this will always be the first blueprint you import’

I’ve done all that, but where his plate is auto discovered and found in the drop down menu, mine isn’t.

However, when I search my entities, I can find the following ones auto discovered and can add them to a dashboard:

There’s a warning about version compatibility between the firmware and and the custom component [that’s what’s installed using the blueprint, so that’ll be where that confusion of terminology arose - apologies again, very new to this!]

I’m using firmware 0.6.2 as advised above and blueprint 1.05.00 - is that correct?
I’m now getting this error message I haven’t seen before:

You are not using haspone, you are using openhasp.

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ok, epic fail yet again on my part :roll_eyes:

I did have HASPone core functionality installed, as per pic above, but, I’m assuming having openHASP at the same time caused a conflict? And me trying to do things in both!

I’m assuming it was openHASP that was giving me access to the entities? as they’re no longer available to me, as I’ve now been thru HA & deleted everything openHASP and HASPone, including openHASP.yaml and the !include reference to it in config.yaml

Have rebooted, then reinstalled just the HASPone core functionality.
I’ve rebooted the plate itself, but HASPone core functionality just doesn’t see it…

There’s obviously some core understanding I don’t have here, I’m a tech (sound and theatre) so not incapable, but coding etc is well out with my remit, I’m not in your league here.
So, I know I’m taking up your time , which I’m incredibly grateful for, all of you, but could you please talk to me like I’m a first year high school kid? :roll_eyes: I’m honestly going round in circles…

Thanks, yet again :slight_smile:

OK, I’ve started from scratch again, rolled back HA to an earlier point and am installing as per the instructions here:

installed the openHASP repository in HACS, the plates are flashed, wifi + mqtt are configured.
HA was updated today ( 2022.4.7), I’m using the latest repo from openHASP (0.6.5) and HASPone core functionality (0.05.00) and the latest firmware on the plates (0.6.2).

The plate is being detected in config>integrations but I’m getting an error when I try to configure it:

I’ve created a file openhasp.yaml and linked it from my configuration.yaml with
‘openhasp: !include openhasp’
Config checked and restarted.

My problem is I’m not sure what a stub is! I’ve done a lot of googling but I’m no wiser as to what to put in the yaml file.
I’ve tried adding: ‘plate_02_bath’ with and without colon, with/without indents, with/without openhasp: on the line above.
I’ve also copied in every bit of example code from the how-to, but with no luck (obviously I’ve changed their plate names to my own).

Everything I’ve tried has come back as invalid, could someone please advise what I need to add?
Thanks as always.

@nicnicol The stub means you need to add an openhasp section to the configuration.yaml file with an objects entry below each plate name. Like so:

      # ...
      # ...
      # ...

I don’t think this thread is the best place to troubleshoot the configuration of the custom component. Please join our Discord channel or use the openHASP thread.

Excellent thanks. Apologies I’ll join discord or the other thread and hopefully get up and running soon :slight_smile:

Hi do you happen to have Tuya firmware saved? for 3gang EU version.
I would be highly appreciated.

Apologies in advance as I have cross posted this on Discord & on the Github page as well. hoping someone here is able to assist with my newbie question on Lanbon L8 before I consider flashing custom firmware to it.

I have one relay of the Lanbon L8 (3 gang version) physically connected to a lightning circuit in my theatre room. Before I consider flashing it with custom firmware, I wanted to know if the custom firmware makes it possible to use the Lanbon in a complete detached mode - i.e seperate the switch on the HASwitchPlate firmware from the relay itself. I have a number of Shelley’s in my house which provide this option.

I would like to then use HomeAssistatant to control the relays via MQTT and use the remaining switches to trigger other scenes in my theatre room. Would be good to know before I consider flashing as I’m unable to change the wiring of the relay to the lightning circuit myself as it is not legal for me to carry out electrical works without a license.

Yes you can. You should look at openhasp.

Good day, i finally got around flashing the L8-HD with 0.6.3 and cant get it to work.
It’s an EU version and i tried this pinout, as well as using group1 for pin12 per the docs

Any guidance is much appreciated

Follow these steps:

  • Set the Type to L8-HD (AU)
  • Reboot to save the new settings
  • Power off the Lanbon for at least 2 minutes
  • Try again

@fvanroie, thank you for your help.
I had to execute your instrucstions maybe 4 times and in the end it’s working. Whilst It’s an EU version, it only works with type to L8-HD (AU).

In the process of introducing the plate i think i stumbled upon a bug. You may recall you provided this bin with the mqtt restart fix; I’ve now installed on the other 24 plates I’ve got running and it’s working perfectly.

So I uploaded this same bin (full) on the dimmer plate (plate25) and no matter what i tried (restart the plate, restart HA, discovery command) the autodiscovery will not pick it up.
The only way to add it, was to install 0.6.3 and it immediately appeared.
See below plate picture.


Thank you again.

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Has anyone been able to use homekit version directly in HA using homekit controller?

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I have a L8 happily running openHASP but now that there is a LVGL component in ESPHome, I would much prefer to have it natively integrated in HA rather than via openHASP.

Has anyone successfully configured ESPHome display and touchscreen components for the L8?

You can more than likely do it manually, but openhasp gives you all the logic and stuff you’ll need to implement yourself in esphome. Plus, you’ll need to create all your interfaces yourself.

You do realize that esphome is a Hass add-on, just like openhasp. So either way, you’re using a 3rd party add-on to add functionality to hass, be it esphome or openhasp.

ESPHome is owned by the HA folks so more likely to be kept in close sync IMO. Seeing that I have to manually re-flash to go from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 rather than OTA is what is triggering this exploration. I’m running several other ESPHome devices and it would help minimize differences for ease of upgrades/maintenance.

I’ll report on my findings (if any).


OpenHASP is pretty tightly integrated with HA.

I got this far using the configuration parameters found on openHASP:

  clk_pin: GPIO19
  mosi_pin: GPIO23
  miso_pin: GPIO25

  sda: GPIO4
  scl: GPIO0

  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO26
    id: moodRed
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO32
    id: moodGreen
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO33
    id: moodBlue
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO12
    id: relay_1
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO14
    id: relay_2
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO27
    id: relay_3

  - platform: rgb
    name: "Mood Light"
    red: moodRed
    green: moodGreen
    blue: moodBlue

  - id: langbon_L8
    platform: st7789v
    model: Custom
    height: 320
    width: 240
    offset_height: 0
    offset_width: 0
    backlight_pin: GPIO5
    cs_pin: GPIO22
    dc_pin: GPIO21
    reset_pin: GPIO18
    auto_clear_enabled: false
    update_interval: never

If I leave out the display element, the device works fine and I can control the RGB moodlight.

But with the display element, it won’t boot. I connected the IDF monitor (using a different IDF project of mine) and here’s what I see:

[I][logger:171]: Log initialized
[C][safe_mode:079]: There have been 2 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts
[D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[I][app:029]: Running through setup()...
[D][spi:035]: Setting up SPI bus...
[I][i2c.arduino:218]: Performing I2C bus recovery
[C][light:021]: Setting up light 'Mood Light'...
[D][light:036]: 'Mood Light' Setting:
[D][light:041]:   Color mode: RGB
[D][light:085]:   Transition length: 1.0s
[C][st7789v:011]: Setting up SPI ST7789V...
[D][spi_device:362]: mode 0, data_rate 20000kHz
[E][display:017]: Could not allocate buffer for display!

I’ll file an issue agains ESPHome but I guess I’m sticking with openHASP!

Just a thought: Does the esp32 in that device offer psram and do you have it defined in your yaml?

Edit: The link in github claims your device has 8MB psram but the yaml you post with your issue does not contain the psram component!