Interface connection problem knx

interface connection problem knx
I cannot connect to the interface (THEBEN 9070981 IP-Schnittstelle KNX DIN-Schiene) for several days.
knkh works without problems.
help please how to solve this problem?

    host: ''
    port: 3671
    local_ip: ''
Logger: homeassistant.components.knx
Source: components/knx/
Integration: KNX (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 13:14:56 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 13:14:56

No KNX devices are configured. Please read

System Health
version: core-2021.3.2
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
python_version: 3.8.7
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.4.83-v8
arch: aarch64

Did you follow the link from the error message to the KNX breaking changes in the blog post and actually update your configuration as outlined there? I assume: no :slight_smile: .

I don’t quite understand what needs to be done

The error doesn’t indicate that there is no connection, but that you didn’t configure any devices.
Did it work before? Did you do an update of HA recently (possibly from a ~6 month older version)?

Have a look here how this is done here

Tldr: every knx device has to be configured under the knx: key, not in the top level light:, sensor: etc key with “- platform: knx” - these are deprecated.

I want to try ON / installed a week ago, installed 2 times on a new one, nothing works

Sorry, I don’t understand. What is “ON” and “knkh”?

Can you maybe post your full knx config so we may find the Problem.

i am new to home assistant, want to give it a try. but immediately ran into a problem.
tell me what to press and what data to give?

ON =HA / knkh =KNX (caramba-switcher he wrongly corrected)

Ok, I think I got it :joy:

You have to configure every knx device (group address) manually.

    host: ''
    - name: <...>
      state_address: 2/3/4
    - name: <...>
      state_address: 1/2/3
    - name:
# etc. 

see the documentation link I posted above.

There is no auto-discovery for knx.