Interlogix Ultrasync

Euhm, weird. It should be copy paste and work…

Does this work:

type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.ultrasync_area1state
show_name: false
show_state: true
show_label: false
    - height: 106px
  - value: Ready
    color: green
    icon: mdi:shield-check
  - value: Not Ready
    color: green
    icon: mdi:shield-check
  - value: Armed Stay
    color: orange
    icon: mdi:shield-account
  - value: Exit Delay 1
    color: orange
    icon: mdi:shield-lock
        - animation: blink 2s ease infinite
  - value: Armed Away
    color: red
    icon: mdi:shield-home
  - value: Burglar Alarm
    color: red
    icon: mdi:shield-alert
        - animation: blink 2s ease infinite

Hey guys, just letting you know I pushed a new version to HACS adding XGen v8 support (this should open the UltraSync support to even more people).

Thanks Caron! With NX-596 is not compatible, just configured the integration and get a “Failed to connect” error. Tried to follow the steps to make a debug dump, but I get the following error:

hassio@hassio:~/ultrasync$ bin/ultrasync -c /home/hassio/ultrasync/config --debug-dump
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bin/ultrasync", line 56, in <module>
from ultrasync.cli import main
File "/home/hassio/ultrasync/ultrasync/", line 34, in <module>
from .main import UltraSync
File "/home/hassio/ultrasync/ultrasync/", line 40, in <module>
from .config import UltraSyncConfig
File "/home/hassio/ultrasync/ultrasync/", line 27, in <module>
from urllib.parse import urlparse
ImportError: No module named parse


Apple Watch configuration, to turn Alarm On or Off

Paste this in your configuration.yaml file, if you have a separate automations to the automations.yaml file

Once you have done this, choose a watch face and change one of the complications to HomeAssistant

    - name: Alarm Away
      background_color: "#00ff00"
        text: "Tune ON Alarm Panel"
        color: "#000000"
        icon: shield_account
        color: "#ffffff"
    - name: Alarm Disarm
      background_color: "#ff0000"
        text: "Tune OFF Alarm Panel"
        color: "#ffffff"
        icon: shield_account
        color: "#ffffff"        
  - alias: "Set Alarm in Away Mode"
    initial_state: true
      - platform: event
        event_type: ios.action_fired
          actionName: 'Alarm Away'
      - service: ultrasync.away
      - service: notify.mobile_app
          message: Alarm Panel
          title: Alarm Set in Away Mode by Apple Watch 
  - alias: "Disarm Alarm"
    initial_state: true
      - platform: event
        event_type: ios.action_fired
          actionName: 'Alarm Disarm'
      - service: ultrasync.disarm
      - service: notify.mobile_app
          message: Alarm Panel
          title: Alarm Disarmed by Apple Watch   

I just got a Comnav unit (NX-595E) installed. Unfortunately, with the latest firmware, the web port is only accessible if the security system is in programming mode. I haven’t seen any way to disable that yet.

Great piece of integration; really impressed and I also very much would like to use this in my home environment :slight_smile: I tried to set it up today but noticed that the ATS Advanced 1500A-IP unit which I have uses a slightly different way to connect using ‘UltraSync’. it is not username/password based but with a 24-position encryption key (all numeric values) and the pin-code as also used on the controller device to (dis)arm. Connections run on port 32000 via the local IP.
Would it be possible to create an alternative login scenario to also support these kind of Ultrasync devices? I’m happy to test any scripts if needed, can do some python but not a brilliant coder :slight_smile:


The readme indicates it will work with NX-595E Hills ComNav, xGen, xGen8 (such as NXG-8-Z-BO), Interlogix, and ZeroWire UltraSync solutions.

Has this been confirmed to work with the Ultrasync Modular Hub (Interlogix UM-5000-CPU)?
All these different names can be confusing!

Hey @l2g! Thanks again for putting this integration together, to this day its a key part to some of my favorite automations. Just a heads up that I am seeing the below warnings in logs recently.

  • Entity sensor.ultrasync_zone17state (<class ‘custom_components.ultrasync.sensor.UltraSyncSensor’>) implements device_state_attributes. Please report it to the custom component author.

What would be the easiest way of creating binary_sensors from these created sensors so that they can be seen and used in Alarmo? Thanks in advance!

I ended up using this template, but if anyone has a better way, feel free to share!

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Front Door"
        device_class: door
        value_template: "{{ 'off' if is_state('sensor.front_door', 'Ready') else 'on' }}"
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I’m so excited that I stumbled on this page. I worked for interlogix until their US shutdown in 2018. I’d love to help this along as much as I can though it seems you’re doing very well so far without any internal help.

I have a plethora of old equipment if anyone needs something to test with etc


Just wanted to apologize to everyone as i have not been a very good maintainer of this code. Life has gotten very busy. So I welcome any Pull requests people have.

At this time i haven’t updated my Home Assistant in a while; so I’m not getting the warnings you guys are. It seems they’ve changed the underlining structure of Home Assistant and there are deprecation warnings coming to my plugin. I can’ promise that i have the time to fix this, but hopefully someone will tackle this.

There are 2 core pieces of this tool for those who want to contribute:

  1. The core: The full integration from any PC to access your Security Panel. This works without Home Assistant and can be re-used for integrations into other systems if you wanted to.
    • This is where you go to add new features/functions to the integration
  2. The Home Assistant integration: Leverages the core defined above). The only thing that resides here is the bare minimum to patch/stitch together HA with the Core:
    • This is where those deprecation warnings are coming from.
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Hey everyone. Just a heads up I made a very simple change that was required for us to get the attributes back. As of the latest update on HACs my attributes are back to normal!


Hello Everyone,

First thanks for this great integration, I have been able to connect my nx8 easily into HA.

I have been migrating from Openhab to HomeAssistant quite successfully. Still, one feature I had before is access to the journal/log of the nx8. I have been using it to know which user was arming or desarming the alarm and get notification when someone else than me is disarming the alarm. Pretty useful I have to say.

Do you think there is a way to get access to such information ?

best regards


Hi @l2g ,

Thank you for the integration! really nice job.
What i cannot understand though (new to this stuff) is how you create a toggle for each entity, so that you can use the bypass service.

An example would be great!!!

Thank you in advance

The way you want to use it, isn’t supported.

The only you can do to with this integration is toggle the alarm on (both home and stay functions) or off.
You can also read the current state of a sensor (motion or no motion).

You can’t bypass any sensors with this integration.

Thank you @stefdewilde ,
However, the service is there in the integration (ha-ultrasync/custom_components/ultrasync at main ¡ caronc/ha-ultrasync ¡ GitHub) and i thought that it was working some how. Maybe what i want to do is not, but from what i can see, the service is there unless i am not getting something.

If so, any plans for this feature in a coming update?

Thank you

Hi, I just installed the ha-ultrasync and the layout card and it looks really nice. I only have one question (fow now at least):
The Stay function initiates the Delay of 15 seconds with the NX-595E Alarm System starting to beep before arming it. When I press the Stay function on the physical alarm panel itself it is immediately armed without beeping 15 seconds. Is it possible to adjust the code in such a way that my NX-595E does not use the Delay when pressing Stay button in Home Assistant?

Thank you for thinking along with me.

Hey Chris,

My alarm doesn’t use the beeping when I use the Stay Function. Maybe it’s something in the settings of your system itself?

When I arm with Stay it also has the delay function, but no beeping. Only when I arm it for Away it beeps.

Hi Stef, it’s really weird. There are three scenarios:

  1. When I press stay on the physical panel is doesn’t do a delay, just one long beep. When armed and I walk downstairs and the system detects me, the sirene doesn’t go off immediately and the systems beeps very long to allow me to disarm.
  2. When I use the UltraConnect App and select Stay, it gives me the same long beep, no delay and the system is armed immediately. When I walk downstairs the sirene immediately goes off (very annoying)
  3. When I use the Home Assistant version to press stay it uses a delay before arming. When walking downstairs the sirene doesn’t go off, but the system allows me to disarm while producing one long beep.

So is this configuration of the alarm system? My alarm guy didn’t understand scenario #2, so I guess that scenario #3 is also new for him.

Any clues?

The only thing I can say is that the system is kinda outdated. I’ve noticed some of this issues like your describe aswell.

By exampe: when I arm the house on Away with the physical panel I don’t get a notification. If I do it through the UltraSync App I get one. Through HA is also don’t get a notification.

Only on Stay I get notifcations from the app, otherwise I don’t. So my house is always on stay :wink:

I don’t bother to explain to my alarm guy. They don’t know anything about HA or Google Home.