- The command line is different.
- I thought you said you wanted to roll back to 0.90.2
Sorry for the confusion.
I was not getting the error on 90.2( I was getting just a blank page.)
Updated to 91.3 and everything was working. Overnight watchtower updated me to a new supervisor.
I tried the command as above and received: “Error: unknown flag: --options”
here is my log from docker
19-04-22 13:46:04 INFO (MainThread) [__main__] Run Hass.io
19-04-22 13:46:04 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.misc.dns] Start DNS port forwarding for host add-ons
19-04-22 13:46:04 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.supervisor] Update Supervisor to version 160
19-04-22 13:46:04 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor:latest tag 160.
19-04-22 13:46:04 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker.interface] Can't install homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor:latest:160 -> 400 Client Error: Bad Request ("no such image: homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor:latest:160: invalid reference format").
19-04-22 13:46:04 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.supervisor] Update of Hass.io fails!
19-04-22 13:46:04 ERROR (MainThread) [asyncio] Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished coro=<HassIO.start() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hassio/core.py:71> exception=SupervisorUpdateError()>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hassio/core.py", line 77, in start
elif await self.sys_supervisor.update():
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hassio/supervisor.py", line 115, in update
raise SupervisorUpdateError() from None
Thanks again.
Sorry mate, I run a bunch of VM’s for this stuff so I was able to just trash the VM completely and restore a backup from earlier in the day…
That looks like it will be my evening. I have a fresh snapshots. Thanks everyone for the assist. Have a great day!
For those who want to leverage the new Ingress feature so that they only need one open port on their router/firewall instead of having multiples, you can easily work out what the panel_iframe URL is for any add-on using Google Chrome developer tools.
- Click on the add-on in the Hass.io/Dashboard/Add-ons page
- In the first card, on the right hand side, click on the “Open web UI” button.
- Once you can see the add-on actively running in the web page, launch developer tools in Google Chrome.
- Using the element selector, highlight the iframe the add-on is running in.
- Click on the “Elements” tab, you will see a HTML tag
"<iframe src=/api/hassio_ingress/"
followed by a long string of alphanumerics. This is what you need to place in your panel_iframe URL. - Highlight the line from step 5 above, right click and select “Copy link address”.
- Paste the copied link into the URL option in your panel_iframe configuration.
- Check configuration and restart hass.io as per usual when you make a configuration change.
Thanks for this solution. Or you can use the panel_custom solution described here:
I do believe that string of characters changes periodically (part of an auth token?), When i tried that it worked for a day or two then stopped.
The custom panel definitely works; though it’s a moot point after 0.92.0
How do we use custom_panel now that 0.92 is out? I thought there would be mention of it in the release notes.
You don’t need to add custom panel in config any more. In the addon there is a toggle switch to add it to the side bar.
Thanks, didn’t notice it.
How can I close the side navigation bar if I use add-ons with Ingress? With the old iframe way I did it with the hamburger menu icon but it is missing now. It was a big help with Node-Red using for example.
Yeah the loss of screen real estate is significant when using NodeRed. I hope they address it with HA 0.93.
I found you can copy the address to the add-on you want to use, go back to the overview where you can collapse the sidebar, then paste the add-on address into the address bar and navigate there. You will have full screen. Not ideal flow but good enough until this can be resolved properly.
But at least it is working!
Thank you!
I may have found a solution to the 502 Bad Gateway for Firefox. Firefox is heavy handed at blocking trackers. If your privacy settings set to “Strict” it will throw a Bad Gateway error. Try setting your privacy settings to “Standard”.
if i’m not on local wifi have a blank page on …ddns.net:8123/a0d7b954_adguard
but work when on local lan. haven’t this issue when was with pihole+ingress.
where to check why can’t render admin page ?
view-source from pc/firefox
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Ingress resources do not show up on the sidebar for non-admin users.
Is there a configuration for this behavior? Is it expected?
(please move this to a standalone topic if necessary, I don’t think it’s a huge issue and I thought the forum was a better starting point than the github issues. I couldn’t find this question posed before though)
Would it be possible to make an add-on using ingress act like a web browser on your local network?
I had that exact same idea and have been trying to develop my own Ingress-enabled internal website access Add-on. Getting that 502-Bad Gateway error and found this thread when researching the error.
So now I found that nearly a year ago you asked if this was possible, and am wondering if such an add-on already exists (besides that zero-tier add-on)?
Thanks to anyone that can advise if such an add-on is available!
trying to integrate ingress with my addon, i have a server on port 4444, everything configured according to guide. but I get 404 Not Found when I try to open the web ui…
I am able to surf to my web server just fine from my browser
any ideas?