
Just realised something, since all of is based on resinOS, i would love just the hability to run docker containers (based on resinOS images, to run on raspberry).

I noticed you are using FROM %%BASE_IMAGE%% in the dockerfile example for adons. offers a LOT of other base images : it would be a shame to not be able to use them too !

Example : resin/raspberry-pi3-alpine-node

Not sure if we can still use this : to be able to write platform independant dockerfile.
FROM resin/%%RESIN_MACHINE_NAME%%-alpine-node
will download this :
but “This repository is obsolete.”

Also, one thing i did not understood : if i make a github repository, there is no point on having the dockerfile on dockerhub too ? (and no building process too, since that’s to generate multiple images for each platform, right ?)

Plus what does the homeassistant/docker-build-env do ? i mean there is no source available ?

Started up a new fresh install of After first upstart i was able to see the frontpage at hassio.local:8123
I went in to settings tab and there i saw some text below “Installed Addons”.
I did shutdown the pi to add the “authorized_keys” file to be able to SSH into the pi.

At second upstart there is nothing below “Installed Addons”.
How do i add addons?

And how do i change the timezone on the pi? there seem to be no raspi-config…

And docker logs hassio_supervisor gives me a:
Error: No such container: hassio_supervisor

The Path to configuration.yaml: that shows in “info”

Is a little confusing…
i found the files here when i ssh with winscp:

The SSH access to resinos is only for developers. You can install add-ons over the appstore.

On generic install, use docker logs hassio_supervisor and on resinos docker logs resin_supervisor

We use resin base image for our addons.

We only support this 4 add-ons arch types. A maintainer of a repository need to prebuild all add-ons to docker hub, in this case we make a arch support and need only 4 docker image to support all platform instead to build 30 machine based image. So you can use our build script

But at the end, you can use any stuff and push it to docker hub. With image setting inside config, we load it.

My “” Menu Button disappeared? Have i killed something?
docker ps shows all running.

Make sure you have hassio: component or discovery: component loaded.

Thanks, that was it. Tested some configuration where discovery was disabled.
Inserted hassio:

How small was too small?

8GB. Virtualbox VM for testing.

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On time to update, you have 2 homeassistant docker. If the new docker is okay, we Switch to new homeassistant docker and remove the old. But for 30sec you have 2 homeassistant docker present on your system.

@pvizeli Hello, you said here : Release Notes
“Local repository build now add-on local if no image is set”

Does it mean that using Docker Hub is not mandatory anymore ?
And that it will build the Dockerfile located in the add-on folder ? :

In case someone new to Docker encounters the same problem (took me half an hour before I asked stackoverflow):

If while using the build-script you get the error

denied: requested access to the resource is denied

doing a docker login on the shell and entering your credentials does the authentication that’s required to push to your repo.

Yes. If you but a add-on to local repository, it will build it on device if no image is set.

Yeah you need login on dockerhub. Please make a note to doc, that would be nice

I’ve tried using the SSH option in, generated a key with Putty, loaded the key in Putty but it keeps saying “Server refused our key”


Ok, I have the SSH server working on Port:22222
That was the user root, I kept trying Pi etc.

Same with Port 22 that’s also root.

Now to sort Samba :slight_smile:

Joining the train and installed it yesterday! Now I’m just waiting for the open Zwave control panel containers before I can migrate my environment and start testing it on the missy :slight_smile:

Running it on a virtual Ubuntu 17.04 machine.
I’m totaly new to the docker concept, and a complete linux newbie, so creating my own addons is a big step :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the solution so far! Realy hope this could be the next big thing, i really like the concept.


is it possible to use custom components? I have them in a custom_components folder but are not loading

I’m experiencing a weird issue where zwave entities do no use the friendly_name provided but just use the entity name bases friendly_name instead.

I experienced the same issue. eventually obtained a key on port 22222. ssh [[email protected]] -p 22222. What was the password?