Inverter Power Flow Card

@slipx06 can you add an image for a Fronius Symo please?

Apart from the image are there any inverter specific status messages that your integration provides?

@slipx06 there are some error codes that can display but i don’t use them as well as some status codes but i cannot find what they mean.

Love how this is going.

I had a thought about the sun icon on the top of the PV readings.

There could be an option to use a value from “sun.sun” to determine if it was night, and replace it with a moon symbol.

A further thought might be to take a state from a weather sensor, and turn it into an icon. No idea how complex that is, but using an integration available worldwide like “” would be handy.

Is there a way to change the colour of the graphics between the inverter and the load? At the moment the load is split between colours (and looks great) but the liens are in the original green.

Thanks for your consideration.

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Thanks. It’s a nice idea. Will require reading of sun.sun but since that’s a built in sensor might work.

The colour for each of those elements, paths, rects, text can be changed but the linear gradient will not look good. I might look at changing the colour to the highest contributing power source i.e. If the load is being supplied by 60% solar power and 30% battery power and 10% grid power it would change the colour of all the related svg elements to the solar_colour and leave the essential icon as it is now.

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Generally when creating a new model type its more than just changing of the icon. It would be good if we can understand what these status codes mean and display them on the card under the inverter image

@slipx06 ok let me work on that list and send it over!

:rocket: Exciting New Features

  • feat: option to grey out solar elements when total solar power < 10 W. Use dynamic_colour: false to disable
  • feat: add offgrid shutdown soc for goodwe inverters. Use shutdown_soc_offgrid: closes #144
  • feat: add option to hide the current program capacity (soc), or for Goodwe inverters the shutdown soc and offgrid shutdown soc that is shown to the left of the current battery SOC. This is useful if you want to display 3 non_essential loads or prefer a cleaner card but want to retain system timer elements. Use hide_soc: true
  • feat: increase the card limit placed on the battery empty_capacity attribute from 30 to 40. If SOC <= to this value the empty battery image is shown.
  • docs: update Goodwe example
  • fix: squash some bugs

Full Changelog: Comparing v3.21.1...v3.22.0 · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card · GitHub

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Is it possible to add 1000 separator to total_pv_generation ( e.g. 1,366.8) ?


Good idea. Will add it to the next release


:rocket: Exciting New Features

  • feat: feat: new card style compact closes #156
  • localize: update french translation closes #157
  • localize: add localisation of ‘Grid’ on full card
  • fix: error message for empty_capacity
  • fix: total Solar generation displayed as MWh if using display_mode: 3

Full Changelog: Comparing v3.22.0...v4.0.0 · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card · GitHub

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This is a crazy freaking awesome stuff you’re doing here guys. I think I’ve lost half of my life not knowing HA existence. I’ve spent last 2 weeks reading, thinking and rethinking and I think my brain will explode at some point :slight_smile: I’m building a house right how and I’ve already bought (not knowing HA) 3x Deye 5kW 48v inverters, 6x 5kwh battery packs and solar for whole roof (east/west/south by utilizing all 6x mppts. 3x 5kW for 3phase 15kW setup instead of 12kW in one body because I need more than 3 strings in my setup and 3x5kw will give me more PV oversizing freedom. While my inverters are in new state and I can still resell they, can you please tell me if my 3x5kw system set in 3 phase mode will work with this magic HA integration you have created?
edit: exact model of my machines is SUN-5K-SG03LP1-EU

Hey @slipx06, sent you direct message with a link to a file that has the status codes


:rocket: Exciting New Features

  • feat: the card can now be configured using the visual editor. Thank you @Pho3niX90

Other Changes

Full Changelog: Comparing v4.3.1...v4.4.0 · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card · GitHub


That’s one small step for (a) man – one giant leap for mankind. :+1:

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Continuing the discussion from Sunsynk / Deye / Inverter Power Flow Card:

I just changed from my old power flow plus card.
Great work slipx06 it´s a very nice flow card!!!.

I have one big wish which is not really your work, but I hope you or some other could help me.

It´s regarding the solis-sensor from hultenvp.

Solis tech team changed my refresh rate from 5min to now 1min and solis-sensor from hultenvp I changed so it´s refresh every 1min.

It works with most sensor and they refresh every 1min, but sensor “Solis Total Consumption power” seems to still refresh every 5min.

This give me a huge problem as my “Solis Power Grid total power” is updating every 1min and then I get wrong battery status/charge since the load is on “Sensor.solis_total_consumption_power” is delayed.

Here you can see the problem:

To the left is Solis Power Grid total power and right is Solis Total Consumption power,
In Solis cloud app I checked that both these is updating every 1min.

Hope some here have a good idea on what I could , so it refresh every 1min.
I know the alternative is that I buy the Solis DLS-L LAN stick , but then I need to do modbus work and that seems to complicated for me, so I really really hope I can use hultenvp solis-sensor and get refresh every 1min :).

Looking forward for reply :).

How is the Solis Total Consumption power sensor configured. Can you share view from developer tools. Have you created a template sensor?

Which solis are you using? And which wifi stick?

I created the below integration to resolve out of sync registers, as well as more frequent updates.

Hultenvp uses the solis api, and you might be getting rate limited by their api.

Hi Pho3niX90,

Thanks for sharing I am very close to change to use modbus and get realtime data.

Problem is that I am using their datalogger : S3-WIFI-ST.
Think it have to be DLS-LAN stick before this will work with modbus or ?

Hi Slipx06,

I heard from another poster that it is a issue with hultenvp latest upgrade:

Posted by Viking2010:
I noticed the same issue when moving to the latest version of the integration a few days ago. Previously I was using v3.4.3 and it was taking my sensor data every 1 minute for the “Solis Total Consumption power”. It’s only after I’ve finally got round to upgrade to v3.5 that this issue has manifested itself. I’ve looked over the data files and can’t see that there’s been anything other than a few sensors added, so not sure what’s caused this. I have rolled back the integration to v3.4.3 as I’m not using the new sensors that were added, and can confirm that it has now started to update the “Solis Total Consumption power” sensor every 1 minute.

Actually, I have now found a change in the file. In v3.4.3 the “Solis Total Consumption power” (or in the file shown as GRID_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION_POWER is in the Inverter Detail section. In v3.5 this moved to the Plan Detail section. The plant detail section only updates every 5 mins, even if you have 1 min intervals set. This is the case on the website too I believe.

You can see what I mean in this image:

Not sure if there was a specific reason to move those to Plan Detail or not, but that I believe is why this is happening.