Inverter Power Flow Card

I have rolled back to 3.4.3 and I can confirm the sensor works again :slight_smile:

I am using the S2-WIFI-ST, when scanning for open ports, it also doesn’t show any, however, open port was 502, instead of the well known 8899 as the DLS-LAN.

Seeing as both S3 and S2 are both alpha numeric serials, I would expect them to behave the same.

Ohh really , then I have to go with your modbus ASAP…
Will try install it now.

I just tried it , but I get an error when I try connect to it:


Could you please open an issue on the repo, and I will investigate.

Thank you so much.
I reported it here:

Hi !
Thank you for all nice job !!!
Can i resize you card to full screen for any
my devices ? ipad mini, ipad 4 ?
how to change size ?

Yes you can. Have a look at the following card options:


Please read the documentation how to use these in combination and make sure you have the correct dashboard layout selected.

:rocket: Exciting New Features

  • feat: update default essential icon to mdi:home-import-outline
  • feat: add dynamic_icon: attribute to load. The essential icon will change when there is 100% contribution from a single power source (battery, grid, solar). This is enabled by default
  • feat: add dynamic_colour: attribute to grid. All grid objects will be set to the no_grid_colour when there is no grid power. This is enabled by default. If disabled the no_grid_colour will only be used to set the colour of the grid icon when grid is disconnected.
  • feat: grid icon will change when exporting energy

Full Changelog: Comparing v4.4.3...v4.5.0 · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card · GitHub


Hello, please, how can you change the entire background of the card?
I tried ha-card and it doesn’t work.
Thanks for any idea.

  style: |
    ha-card {
      background-color: transparent;             
  style: |
    ha-card {
      --ha-card-background: red;
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Thank you very much. No frame like this :slight_smile:

  style: |
    ha-card {
      --ha-card-background: transparent;
      box-shadow: none;
      border: 0px;


you have a typo in box-shadow

  style: |
    ha-card {
      --ha-card-background: transparent;
      box-shadow: none;
      border: 0px;
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@slipx06 Sure, thank you. I will fix it.

I’m using this card and is great! Please, something that I have in my home is 2 inverters. Is there an option for that? thanks!!

No. You will either need two cards or you need to create template sensors

1 Like

Can you add the support to SRNE inverters?

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Please add a feature request on github

Please help me decide which icon to use for the essential load when supplied by PV

:rocket: Exciting New Features

  • feat: new incremental battery icon to show SOC more accurately. Note that the battery full_capacity and empty_capacity attributes are now obsolete and can be removed from your config. Closes #192

Full Changelog: Comparing v4.7.4...v4.8.0 · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card · GitHub