Inverter Power Flow Card

Is it possible to change the 20% to 10% and that when the battery is discharged the flow in the direction of inverter goes with a minus?

edit: ok, I found that with the 10% Soc. Now only the right flow from the battery or to the battery is missing.

Hi there,

it is possible to add multiple batteries ?
many thanks

Try adjusting these two parameters

  show_absolute: true
  invert_power: true

Hi. Sorry not at the moment.

I dare to question…
Is it possible to have distinct inverters figured in the power flow?

I have one offgrid (grid assisted) inverter and one grid-tie.

bonjour, je viens vers vous car je viens d’essayer de l’installer par hacs mais je n’y arrive pas, j’arrive pas a trouver un tuto, merci beaucoup

Supporting multiple inverters and batteries is a common request, currently it is limited to displaying a single one of each due to screen/card space limitations, necessitating having to write up custom/derived sensors that show the totals of multiple inverters/batteries.

There is a ‘issue’ opened requesting multiple inverters/batteries being added to the card, on @slipx06’s GitHub repository for this card. As/if/when it is possible it is on the ‘nice to add’ list.


hi, does anyone have any idea why the flow chart looks like this when viewing on iPad. It is absolutely fine on the desktop

In version 2024.8.0 there are some new rules implemented to handle legacy browsers. If you are using a legacy browser, dynamic CSS and styles are no longer supported. This affects all custom cards. Unfortunately the card makes extensive use of this and it’s not feasible to update to accommodate legacy builds. The work around here is to either:

  • Stay on 2024.7.4
  • Upgrade your device/browser to a modern version
  • Change/spoof your user agent string

For reference the following are considered legacy browsers according to the new rules

Browser Legacy Current Modern New Modern
Android 60 63 115
Chrome 60 63 109
Edge 16 79 115
Firefox 52 67 115
iOS 10.3 13 15.6
Safari 11 13 16.6
Opera 47 50 101
Opera Mobile* - 80 80
Samsung 4 8.2 22

You can see more information about this issue discussed here

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On the Solis Hybrid Inverters battery charge power and battery discharge power are 2 different entities both with positive numbers.
Do you have any suggestions on how best to use this for the battery charge and discharge data.

@mre15 you will need to create a template sensor. Something like

  - sensor:
      - name: "Battery Power"
        unique_id: battery_power
        device_class: "power"
        unit_of_measurement: "W" 
        icon: mdi:battery
        state_class: measurement
        state: >
          {% set charge = states('sensor.battery_charge') | float %}
          {% set discharge = states('sensor.battery_discharge') | float %}
          {{ (discharge - charge) |float(0)|round(0) }}

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I can’t figure out why the number on the right is double the number on the left. I do have a 24V Victron MP2 Inverter. Is that a hint I am not understanding?

400w + 380w = 780w total load for the house. What your diagram is showing what you are taking from the grid + what is going through your inverter be it solar or battery or both.

At least that is my understanding.

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