Inverter Power Flow Card

Hi all,
Can someone explain why are the solar daytime/total energy sensors and battery energy sensors not working? When clicked, the HA says such entities are unavailable.

  • sensor.powmr_inverter_pv_yield_daily
  • sensor.battery_charge_daily

Overview – Home Assistant - Google Chrome

Hi. No its not possible

The card is displaying whatever the sensor is providing. If its “not available” you may have an issue with your inverter integration


Good morning, is it possible to change just the invert icon with a customized one? I have already modified the sunsynk-power-flow-card.js file to increase the font size

Yes you can, but you will need to build your own version. All the code is in the GitHub repository and there are some high level instructions on setting up a build environment.

@slipx06 can you pls share with me the calculation for the amount of time left until a set SOC is reached?
This one:
I’d like to turn it into a sensor that I can use to set my discharge times/power

@sd_dracula there is an example here GitHub - slipx06/Sunsynk-Home-Assistant-Dash: Home Assistant Dashboard to display Inverter information. ESPHome configuration to collect inverter sensor data via modbus that will get you started.

I have setup a sensor to output the values On-grid or Off-grid to use with inverter_status_59

Is it possible to have the dot in red when it is on-grid?



would it be possible to extend the Battery Status to Victron Inverters as well?


The modes, that are possible for the Battery Status (sensor.victron_system_battery_state) is a string and could be the following states:
IDLE, CHARGING, DISCHARGING, etc. (for me it would be sufficient to have only the string displayed without translation.)

  • At the moment, my system is just running for a few hours, and I don’t have all states nor a documentation of all possible values - maybe someone can complete the list?

What inverter model are you using?

Hi. Please log a request on GitHub.


What’s Changed

:rocket: Exciting New Features

  • feat: display extra load information on compact card when additional loads = 3 and 4. Thanks @MiniBlister closes #472

  • feat: customise the grid icons. See import_icon:, export_icon:, and disconnected_icon: under grid section. Specify mdi or sensor that returns an mdi:icon closes #475 and closes #469

:bug: Patches & Bug Fixes

  • fix: position of grid provider name when Daily Grid Buy is hidden

Other Changes

Full Changelog: Comparing v4.41.2...v4.42.0 · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card · GitHub

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I use SRNE inverter & selected Goodwe in here.
Created custom sensor to output On-grid or Off-grid as it’s values

I feel seeing the current Timer’s target SOC is starting to clutter the layout.
How do i HIDE the part circled in powerflow card? I cant see a way to hide it.

Toggle the hide_soc attribute under the battery section


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v4.43.0 is released and allows you to set custom text for the “DAILY GRID BUY” and “DAILY GRID SELL” labels. See the label_daily_grid_buy: and label_daily_grid_sell: attributes in the Grid section


it is possible to add 4 more essential loads for lite card syle?
many thanks

At the moment that maximum is four

Hi there,

I’ve successfully configured the card, but something isn’t working correctly. I’ve a DEYE inverter and used SOLARMAN integration: when the inverter switches to the grid, the instant load consumption of my house drops to 85 W, whereas it was 1.3 kW just moments before when using the battery. Meanwhile, the instant grid consumption is about 1.2 kW.

Shouldn’t the instant load consumption and instant grid consumption both be 1.3 kW?

here it is the entities I’ve configured for LOAD and GRID:


  day_battery_charge_70: sensor.solarman_daily_battery_charge
  day_battery_discharge_71: sensor.solarman_daily_battery_discharge
  battery_voltage_183: sensor.solarman_battery_voltage
  battery_soc_184: sensor.solarman_battery_soc
  battery_power_190: sensor.solarman_battery_power
  battery_current_191: sensor.solarman_battery_current
  day_grid_import_76: sensor.solarman_daily_energy_bought
  day_load_energy_84: sensor.solarman_daily_load_consumption
  day_pv_energy_108: sensor.solarman_daily_production
  pv1_power_186: sensor.solarman_pv1_power
  pv1_voltage_109: sensor.solarman_pv1_voltage
  pv1_current_110: sensor.solarman_pv1_current
  total_pv_generation: sensor.solarman_total_production
  battery_temp_182: sensor.solarman_battery_temperature
  day_grid_export_77: sensor.solarman_daily_energy_sold
  grid_ct_power_total: sensor.solarman_total_grid_power
  energy_cost_buy: sensor.solarman_daily_energy_bought_cost
  load_power_L1: sensor.solarman_load_l1_power
  remaining_solar: sensor.energy_production_today_remaining
  battery_rated_capacity: '15667'
  grid_ct_power_172: sensor.solarman_internal_ct_l1_power
  inverter_power_175: sensor.solarman_inverter_l1_power
  essential_power: sensor.solarman_total_power
  battery_status: sensor.solarman_battery_status

Hi. Its reporting the information from your configured sensor for essesntial_power which is sensor.solarman_total_power. I think you should be using sensor.solarman_total_load_power. There is an example config here Example Card Configurations · slipx06/sunsynk-power-flow-card Wiki · GitHub