I got an projector screen from around 2012 that I had working with Domoticz / RFXCom 433 (up,down,stop).
When using RFXmngr I got the following when using the remote control (data from one button):
Packettype = BLINDS1
subtype = A-OK AC114
Sequence nbr = 0
id1-3 = 0F4BB5 decimal:1002421
Unit = 1
Command = Close
Signal level = 7 -64dBm
I tried to get it working using 071a0000 + id + Unit, as described in the HA documentation, but with no luck.
I then used jpnevulator:
sudo jpnevulator --timing-print --tty /dev/ttyUSB0 --read
…and got one line for each button:
09 19 03 00 0F 4B B5 00 02 77
09 19 03 01 0F 4B B5 00 01 77
09 19 03 03 0F 4B B5 00 00 77
So tried to use that in my configuration.yaml:
- platform: rfxtrx
automatic_add: False
name: Projector screen
and it works!
The only problem I have is that when I press the “up” icon in HA the projector screen goes down and the “down” icon makes it go up, so it’s inverted.
I don’t know if this is an effect of me using the wrong device id or something else. It worked as it was supposed to in Domoticz.
Does anyone have any thoughts?