Inverting rfxtrx cover (RFXCom AC114 projector screen)


I got an projector screen from around 2012 that I had working with Domoticz / RFXCom 433 (up,down,stop).
When using RFXmngr I got the following when using the remote control (data from one button):

Packettype    = BLINDS1
subtype       = A-OK AC114
Sequence nbr  = 0
id1-3         = 0F4BB5 decimal:1002421
Unit          = 1
Command       = Close
Signal level  = 7  -64dBm

I tried to get it working using 071a0000 + id + Unit, as described in the HA documentation, but with no luck.
I then used jpnevulator:

sudo jpnevulator --timing-print --tty /dev/ttyUSB0 --read

…and got one line for each button:

09 19 03 00 0F 4B B5 00 02 77
09 19 03 01 0F 4B B5 00 01 77
09 19 03 03 0F 4B B5 00 00 77

So tried to use that in my configuration.yaml:

 -  platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: False
        name: Projector screen

and it works!

The only problem I have is that when I press the “up” icon in HA the projector screen goes down and the “down” icon makes it go up, so it’s inverted.
I don’t know if this is an effect of me using the wrong device id or something else. It worked as it was supposed to in Domoticz.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Known issue, there is a temporary solution here: Rfxtrx covers now reversed in 0.78